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Medicines blog

Author: Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck, DESA
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine

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  • Grippostad C lindert deine Erkältungssymptome

    Grippostad C relieves your cold symptoms

    Overview of Grippostad C Grippostad C is a well-known medication that is used to relieve cold symptoms. It is available over the counter in pharmacies and has proven to be an effective treatment option for colds. The effect of Grippostad...

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  • Ketozolin - Bekämpft den Hautpilz, löst die Schuppen

    Ketozolin - Fights skin fungus, loosens dandruff

    Brief overview of seborrhoeic dermatitis and seborrhoeic eczema Seborrhoeic dermatitis and seborrhoeic eczema are two skin diseases that are closely linked. Both conditions are caused by excessive sebum production and excess yeast in the sebum. They occur particularly frequently on...

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  • Die verschiedenen Formen der Arzneimittelverabreichung

    The different forms of drug administration

    Definition of drug administration Drug administration refers to the process of administering drugs to patients to treat illnesses or alleviate symptoms. It is an important aspect of healthcare as the correct administration of medication can have a major impact on...

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  • Eisenmangel behandeln mit Ferro Sanol Duodenal

    Treating iron deficiency with Ferro Sanol Duodenal

    Overview of Ferro Sanol Duodenal Ferro Sanol Duodenal is a medicine for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency. It contains the active ingredient iron(II) sulphate, which compensates for iron deficiency in the body. By taking Ferro Sanol Duodenal compensates...

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  • Wie sollen Medikamente geschluckt werden?

    How should medication be swallowed?

    Importance of the correct intake of medication The correct intake of medication is of great importance in order to achieve optimum results. If you medication according to the doctor's instructions or the package leaflet, this can lead to better effectiveness. It...

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  • Sinupret ist das meistverkaufte Erkältungspräparat in Deutschland

    Sinupret is the best-selling cold remedy in Germany

    Brief overview of Sinupret and its benefits Sinupret is the best-selling cold remedy in Germany and is used as a dietary supplement. It contains a herbal combination of active ingredients from gentian root, verbena herb, cowslip blossom, elderflower and garden...

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Author Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck

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