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Medical blog

Author: Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck, DESA
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine

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  • Wie Kurkuma Krebs bekämpfen kann - wir berichten

    How turmeric can fight cancer - we report

    Explaining how turmeric has been used in traditional medicine for centuries Turmerica spice that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, has a long history as a remedy. It is extracted from the root of a plant and has...

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  • Lisa will mit dem Rauchen aufhören. Was kann sie tun?

    Lisa wants to stop smoking. What can she do?

    Understanding the addiction  The smoking cessation is an important step for people who want to stop smoking. To successfully overcome this challenge, it is important to understand the addiction to nicotine and the impact it has on the body and...

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  • Was genau sind Schüßlersalze und wie wirken sie?

    What exactly are Schuessler salts and how do they work?

    Brief explanation of the Schuessler salts The Schuessler saltsalso known as mineral salt therapy, are based on the ideas and research of the German physician Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler. He developed biochemistry according to Dr. Schuessler, in which certain minerals in...

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  • Warum die Babynahrung von HIPP so beliebt und gesund ist

    Why HIPP baby food is so popular and healthy

    Brief overview of the baby food brand HIPP HIPP is a renowned baby food brand known for its high-quality products. The range includes various types of baby food such as formula, paps and jars. As the self-proclaimed number 1 organic...

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  • Wissensartikel: Paraffinöl und seine Verwendung

    Knowledge article: Kerosene oil and its use

    Kerosene oilalso known as Paraffinum perliquidumis a colorless and odorless oil obtained from the refining of crude oil. It consists mainly of saturated hydrocarbons and is characterized by its high purity. Kerosene oil is used in various areas due to...

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  • Was ist Shilajit? Auch bekannt als Verjüngungsmittel

    What is shilajit? Also known as a rejuvenator

    Definition of shilajit Shilajit is a substance that has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine. It is a sticky, resinous material found in the mountains of the Himalayas and other mountainous regions. Shilajit is formed from the decay...

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  • Grüner Tee und Koffein - der Faktencheck

    Green tea and caffeine - the fact check

    Definition of caffeine and its stimulating effect Caffeine is a natural substance that is mainly found in coffee, tea and some soft drinks. It is an alkaloid that belongs to the xanthine group. Caffeine has a strong stimulating effect on...

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Author Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck

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