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Blasen- und Nierengesundheit: Ihre besten Arzneimittel online

Bladder and kidney health: your best medicines online

The health of your bladder and kidneys is crucial for your general well-being. Many people are unaware of the importance of a functioning urinary system until they encounter health problems. These conditions can range from bladder infections to kidney stones and often have a significant impact on quality of life.

The urinary systemconsisting of bladder, kidneys and ureters, plays a fundamental role in detoxifying the body and regulating fluids. A sound knowledge of the anatomy and functioning of this system is the first step towards a better understanding of the most common diseases and their causes and symptoms.

In this article, we will discuss the various diseases, diagnostic procedures and treatment options for the Bladder and kidney health will be discussed. We will also provide valuable prevention tips and introduce products that can help maintain the health of these important organs.

Overview of the urinary system

The urinary system plays a fundamental role in the health of the human body. It comprises organs that are responsible for filtering waste products from the bloodstream and excreting them from the body, in particular the Bladder and kidneys. Medicines that we take are processed in the body and ultimately often excreted via the kidneys. kidneys into the urine. The rate at which drugs are excreted depends on both their water solubility and their protein binding. The pH value of the urine can be influenced by various factors such as diet, medication and kidney disease and therefore has an influence on the rate of excretion of certain medications. But not only the chemical composition of the urine is important; other factors such as urine flow and the blood supply to the kidneys are also important. kidneys also play important roles. Diseases that affect the kidney function such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and age-related changes can reduce the body's ability to excrete medication.

Anatomy of the urinary system

The urinary system consists of several important components, whereby the bladder plays a key role. It consists of the bladder body, the bladder neck and the bladder base and lies on the pelvic floor. Urine is collected in the bladder and controlled by two sphincter muscles - an inner and an outer one. These regulate the appropriate time for emptying the bladder. bladder. The external sphincter holds back urine when it is tense and allows emptying when it is relaxed. Diseases such as bladder weakness, cystitis or bladder stones can prevent the effective function of the bladder can impair effective bladder function. Pain and other symptoms such as fever or confusion after a kidney infection indicate problems in the urinary tract system.

Functions of Bladder and kidneys

The bladder and kidneys are essential for cleansing the blood of waste products. The kidneys filter several liters of blood per hour, remove minerals and medication and produce urine, which is then excreted in the bladder stored in the bladder. The storage of urine in the bladder continues until a certain volume is reached, which triggers the urge to urinate and ultimately leads to emptying. Various factors such as the flow of urine, the blood supply to the kidneys and the general condition of the kidneys influence how well medication can be excreted. Particularly in the case of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system, which in addition to the kidneys also the bladder and the prostate, serious health problems can occur that require medical treatment.

Functions of the bladder and kidneys

The bladder and kidneys are essential components of the human urinary system. Their main function is to filter the blood and remove waste products.

The kidneys work tirelessly to filter several liters of blood per hour. In doing so, they not only remove excess minerals, but also medicines. During this process, they produce urine, which is stored in the bladder is temporarily stored in the bladder.

In the bubble urine accumulates in the bladder until it reaches a volume that triggers the urge to urinate and leads to emptying.

The excretory capacity of the kidneys for drugs varies, influenced by factors such as urine flow, the blood supply to the kidneys and the general health of these organs.

Disruptions to this system, whether due to acute or chronic illness, can lead to serious health problems. These problems can, for example, affect the urinary organs, which include kidneys, bladder and the prostate.

Common diseases of the urinary system

The urinary system plays a crucial role in the regulation of fluid and mineral balance and is also responsible for the elimination of waste products from the body. It is sensitive and can be affected by a variety of conditions that interfere with proper function. The kidneysthe filtering stations of the blood, are central to these functions. They play an important role in controlling the water and electrolyte balance. Kidney inflammationfor example, can lead to impairment and are one of the most common causes of kidney failure. If detected and treated early, the risk of kidney failure can be minimized. Typical symptoms of kidney inflammation can include headaches, high blood pressure and changes in the urine, such as clouding or dark discoloration.

Kidney stones are also a common disease of the kidneys. urinary system. They result from oversaturation of the urine with certain substances and can cause considerable pain. Other factors that can impair kidney function are chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, as well as repeated kidney infections.

Bladder infections (cystitis)

Inflammation of the bladdermedically known as cystitis occurs when bacteria enter the bladder via the urethra. Women are affected more frequently than men. Typical symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating, a constant urge to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen and altered urine, which can be cloudy or even bloody.

Causes of Bladder infections are often bacterial infections, but also factors such as a too cool bladder regiona weakened immune system or mechanical irritation caused by an indwelling catheter, for example. To alleviate the symptoms and remove bacteria, home remedies such as bladder teas, heat applications and an increased fluid intake of around three liters per day can help.

The treatment of a cystitis is usually initiated by the family doctor or urologist and may include prescribed medication as well as over-the-counter medicines that have a preventative effect against urinary tract infections. Herbal medicines such as Canephron N coated tablets can also be part of the supportive treatment. A medical consultation is always important for professional therapy.

Brief overview of the symptoms:

  • Burning when urinating
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Cloudy or bloody urine

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits of salts and minerals that form inside the kidneys. kidneys can form within the kidneys. They result from a supersaturation of the urine with stone-forming substances, which can lead to severe pain and cramp-like symptoms.

Special medication can be used to make the formation of kidney stones more difficult. These lower the pH value of the urine and increase the acidity, which reduces the risk of new stone formation. Preventive medication is particularly recommended for patients at risk who have already had kidney stones.

In addition to drug therapy, it is equally important to take preventive measures:

  • Plenty of fluid intake
  • weight reduction
  • Avoid excessive meat and salt consumption
  • Regular physical activity

Herbal medicines can also play a supporting role. They are particularly helpful for smaller kidney stones and kidney gravel and can alleviate the symptoms.

It should be noted that professional medical advice is essential when choosing a medication or herbal remedy. Efficacy and safety depend on individual factors such as the patient's general state of health.

Prostate diseases

Prostate problems affect many men throughout their lives and can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Bacterial infections are a common cause of prostatitis. Typical symptoms include pain when urinating and a strong, often sudden urge to urinate.

Those affected can also suffer from an enlarged prostate, a condition that is particularly troublesome for older men. The associated symptoms range from the urge to urinate at night to incontinence. Fortunately, there are numerous medications available that can help to alleviate and treat prostate problems. In particular, preparations that pumpkin seed, nettle extracts and sabal thick extract have shown their effectiveness.

It is very important to take proactive measures and not to ignore prostate problems. Early treatment and supportive therapy can often prevent exacerbations.

Helpful medicines for prostate problems:




Drug A

Pumpkin seed extract

Relief from inflammation

Drug B

Nettle extract

Support for urinary flow

Drug C

Sabal thick extract

Reduction of urinary urgency

Those who recognize and treat prostate problems at an early stage can usually maintain a high quality of life.

Causes and symptoms

Bladder and kidney problems are common health problems that can affect people of all ages. They can be caused by various factors and manifest themselves through a range of symptoms that can significantly reduce the quality of life of those affected.

Causes of Bladder infections

Bladder infectionsalso known as cystitisis a common complaint, the main cause of which are bacteria that enter the urinary tract and spread there. Various factors can increase the risk of cystitis increase. A weakened immune system may weaken the body's own defenses and thus increase the risk of infection. Urinary obstructions, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate, can also be a cause, as they create an environment in which bacteria can colonize more easily.

Mechanical stimuli, such as prolonged use of catheters, can damage the sensitive tissue of the prostate. urinary tract and make them more susceptible to inflammation. Typical symptoms of cystitis are a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and a frequent and urgent need to urinate. Discolored and cloudy urine, accompanied by fever and chills, can also indicate an infection. With recurring urinary tract infections preventive treatment approaches and the use of over-the-counter medication can help to avoid further infections.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Kidney stones are solid deposits of salts and minerals that form in the kidneys. kidneys can form in the kidneys. Small kidney stones often cause no symptoms and remain undetected. However, if they increase in size, they can cause symptoms that should not be overlooked.

Symptoms of kidney stones include:

  • Renal colic: Severe, wave-like pain that can come and go.
  • Pain when urinating: This can be a burning sensation or a strong urge to urinate.
  • Frequent need to urinate.
  • Blood in the urine: The urine may appear pink, red or brown.
  • Nausea and vomiting: These symptoms may occur in conjunction with the pain.
  • In some cases, fever and chills may also be signs of infection.

Small kidney stones can often be dissolved by increasing fluid intake and physical activity. However, if severe pain or complications such as a blockage of the urinary tract occur, medical treatment is required. In these cases, pain and cramps can be caused by crystallized components in the urine that are supersaturated with stone-forming substances.


A urinalysis is a standard medical procedure used to examine the urine. This analysis provides important information about the condition of the urinary tract and kidneyswhich play a crucial role in our body. They filter degradation products, minerals and medication from the blood.

Factors influencing urine excretion:

Possible kidney diseases and their symptoms:



Renal pelvic inflammation

Fever, flank pain, malaise

Kidney stones

Infections, complications

Kidney inflammation

Headache, dark urine

Urinalysis can help to determine the acidity of the urine, which in turn can influence the rate of excretion of drugs. It is also useful for detecting the first signs of kidney inflammation which is essential for the prevention of kidney failure. Due to the importance of these findings, it is crucial to carry out a urinalysis if there are signs such as frequent urination or pain when urinating. Early detection and treatment of kidney disease can prevent serious complications and safeguard long-term health.

Imaging procedures (ultrasound, CT scan)

Imaging technologies such as ultrasound and X-ray play an important role in the diagnosis and monitoring of Bladder and kidney diseases. Ultrasound is often used as the first line of investigation to determine the location and size of kidney stones. This non-invasive procedure helps to make a quick assessment and is safe for patients.

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a common treatment for kidney stones. The success of this method is assessed using ultrasound or X-ray imaging. These imaging procedures enable doctors to precisely track the stone and its possible destruction.

In more complicated cases, subsequent x-rays provide detailed images to monitor the stones in the ureter, allowing the effectiveness of the treatment to be assessed. Imaging procedures are therefore essential for the efficient planning of further therapeutic steps and ensure targeted treatment.

Imaging technologies at a glance:

  • Ultrasound:
  • Assessing the size and position of stones
  • Support in the diagnosis of diseases
  • Safe and non-invasive
  • X-ray images:
  • Monitoring after ESWL
  • Detailed imaging of ureteral stones
  • Planning of further therapeutic steps

Choosing the right imaging is crucial for the successful management of urological diseases.


Cystoscopy is an essential diagnostic procedure in urology that provides deep insight into the condition of the urogenital system. bladder and the draining urinary tract is made possible. This procedure is particularly important if patients complain of symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation when urinating.

Smooth functioning of our Bladder and kidneys is vital, as the kidneys filter the blood and produce urine, which is then excreted via the urinary tract is discharged via the urinary tract. If there is a suspicion of kidney infections urine tests and urine cultures provide decisive clues for determining possible diseases.

It is interesting to note that symptoms of kidney infection are often difficult to recognize in older adults and are sometimes only indicated by confusion or fever. Careful analysis and diagnosis are therefore important.

Imaging procedures also contribute to this, Urinary tract diseases and detect possible structural anomalies or other causes of symptoms.

Importance of cystoscopy

  • Identification of problems in bladder/urinary tract
  • Use for symptoms such as frequent urination/burning when urinating
  • Role in the diagnosis of kidney infections
  • Recognition of subtle symptoms in older adults
  • Detection of structural abnormalities through imaging techniques

Treatment options

The treatment options for Bladder and kidney diseases vary depending on the diagnosis and can range from naturopathic approaches to specialized medical procedures. Herbal preparations such as goldenrod, nettle and cranberry are traditionally used to strengthen the bladder health and for the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis. They can also be used to support the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the bladder. urinary tract have a supportive effect.

More modern therapies such as shock wave therapy or endoscopic procedures such as uretero-renoscopy are used to treat kidney stones. The latter often has higher success rates in the removal of stones.

SGLT-2 inhibitors are innovative options for patients with chronic diabetes. renal insufficiency. They help to prevent the loss of function of the kidneys and are even effective in patients without diabetes mellitus. Antihypertensive drugs such as ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists also play an important role in nephrology, as they help to slow down the progression of diabetes. kidney diseases slow down the progression of kidney disease without kidneys additional strain on the kidneys.

In the field of medicinal teas nettle teacactus capsules and pumpkin seed oil capsules to strengthen the kidneys and provide valuable services, especially for diseases such as pyelonephritis. In addition to medical therapy, they offer natural support and can promote the well-being of patients.

Non-prescription medicines

For the supportive treatment of Bladder and kidney problems coated tablets and over-the-counter medicines play an important role. Natural ingredients such as cranberries, vitamin C and D-mannose can be used to relieve symptoms such as the frequent urge to urinate or pain when urinating. Proanthocyanidins (PAC), which are extracted from cranberries, also offer support.

To strengthen the kidney function and to alleviate inflammatory diseases, herbal medicines such as medicinal teas, cactus capsules or pumpkin seed oil capsules can help. Diuretic medicines, called diuretics, promote the excretion of salt and water, but are not suitable for detoxifying the kidneys intended to detoxify the kidneys.

In progressive renal insufficiency, phosphate binders are used to control phosphate levels in the body. Finally, products aimed at improving pH levels can prevent the formation of kidney and bladder stones by reducing the crystallization of minerals.

In the following table you will find an overview of helpful medicines and their areas of application:



Area of application

Lingonberry tablets

Vitamin C, PAC

Supportive for uncomplicated cystitis



Increase in salt and water excretion

Phosphate binders


Control of phosphate levels in renal insufficiency

pH improver


Prevention of kidney and bladder stones

Prescription medication

In the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and the bladder drug therapy plays an important role. Many of the prescribed medications are aimed at improving the kidney function and to effectively alleviate symptoms such as pain when urinating or cramp-like pain.

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonistsThese two classes of drugs are essential in the treatment of kidney diseases. They burden the kidneys and also have a blood pressure-lowering effect. ACE inhibitors can also be prescribed for patients with normal blood pressure values, as their kidney-protective effect is independent of blood pressure.

Immunosuppressants: For inflammatory diseases of the kidneyssuch as glomerulonephritis, immunosuppressants are often prescribed. These include drugs such as cortisone, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab, which suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation.

Treatment of renal anemiaRenal anemia caused by renal insufficiencycan be treated with erythropoietin (Epo). This hormone promotes the formation of red blood cells.

It may be necessary, combine several drugs with different mechanisms of actionto reduce blood pressure to a target value of 130/80 mmHg, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus or other diseases that affect the blood pressure. renal function function.

These medications are usually prescribed after careful consideration by a doctor and their effects and possible side effects should be monitored regularly.

Drug class

Mode of action

ACE inhibitor

Blood pressure lowering, kidney protecting

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists

Blood pressure lowering, sparing kidneys


Reduction of inflammatory processes in the kidneys kidneys


Promotes the formation of red blood cells

Food supplement

On the topic Bladder and kidney problems herbal medicines play an important role in supportive treatment. Preparations with goldenrod and stinging nettle are traditionally used to bladder health and to prevent uncomplicated cystitis. 

Products with pumpkin extract are often used to help with prostate problems. They can help to regulate the frequent urge to urinate. Capsules with D-mannose Plus offer a natural alternative to antibiotics and are effective in the fight against urinary tract infections.

Teas and capsules are available to strengthen the excretory organs. bladder and kidney health are specialized. Saw palmetto can also be found as an ingredient in dietary supplements, which can have a supportive effect on symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

Selection of helpful herbal medicines:


Possible effects


Support of the bladder functionPrevention of inflammation

Stinging nettle

Strengthening the bladder health, supportive for inflammatory diseases


Prevention of Urinary tract infections

Pumpkin extract

Regulation of the urge to urinate, help with prostate problems

D-Mannose Plus

Alternative to antibiotics, effective against urinary tract infections

Saw palmetto

Relief for symptoms of an enlarged prostate

It is important that these herbal preparations are used individually and often in consultation with a doctor or pharmacist in order to provide optimum health support.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent urinary tract infections and maintain the health of the bladder and kidneys preventive measures are of central importance. This includes conscious hydration behavior: Experts recommend taking in around three liters of fluid every day. This amount helps the body to flush out bacteria effectively. In addition, a balanced diet and the consumption of plenty of water, tea and juices should be encouraged. These simple steps can make a significant contribution to reducing the risk of urinary tract infections and reduce the bladder health and maintain bladder health.

In addition, home remedies such as bladder teas and the application of heat can help to relieve discomfort and support the bladder function be helpful. Besides cranberry products and bearberry extract, there are a number of medicines that can be used to prevent inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract can have a preventive effect. To reduce the pressure on bladder and pelvic floor, it is also advisable to lose excess weight so that the bladder health can be improved.

Tips on fluid intake and nutrition

Adequate fluid intake, especially in the form of water and unsweetened teas, should be part of your daily habits. It supports urinary excretion and helps to remove unwanted germs from the body. Doctors also recommend a low-salt diet as well as medication that supports urinary excretion in order to maintain the function of kidneys and bladder to promote kidney and bladder function. Teas that are specifically aimed at maintaining the health of these organs, such as nettle teacan be obtained both in bag form and as powdered tea infusions. If there are signs of bladder or kidney problems prompt treatment is important, as are preventive measures to avoid serious illnesses.

Hygiene practices

Early treatment of bladder and kidney diseases is essential to prevent complications such as kidney failure. In addition, it is important to optimize fluid intake to increase urinary excretion and flush out pathogenic germs that can cause infections. Herbal products such as special bladder and kidney teas or extracts from cranberry and pumpkin can have a supportive effect. The kidneys are vital filter organs that process a considerable amount of fluid every day and are responsible for removing waste products from the blood. To maintain a good bladder health it is also advisable to incorporate suitable herbal products into your daily routine.

Lifestyle changes

The bladder and the kidney play a crucial role in the body's excretory system, so it is important to look out for signs of disease and treat them accordingly. In men in particular, an enlarged prostate can make urination difficult and is a common health problem. Medication can provide relief. A healthy bladder function is important to prevent common diseases of the bladder and can be improved through targeted lifestyle adjustments, such as a varied diet and sufficient fluid intake. These not only support the bladderbut also the kidney function.

A conscious lifestyle, combined with regular healthy habits, plays an important role in the prevention of Bladder and kidney diseases.

Care products for the health of bladder and kidney

For the support and prevention of bladder and kidney problems a variety of medicines are available. These medicines complement gentle measures and help to maintain the well-being of these essential organs. Among the recommended products are urinary excretion-supporting medicines that are used specifically to increase fluid excretion. This process can alleviate discomfort and promote the body's natural mechanism for eliminating harmful substances.

In addition to physical rest, increased fluid intake also plays a decisive role. In particular, drinking water and unsweetened tea supports the bladder and kidneys in their work. In addition, special kidney and bladder teassuch as the recommended nettle teahave a diuretic effect and promote the excretion of germs, which bladder infections which can cause bladder infections. These products are available both as tea bags and as finely ground powder for tea infusions and therefore offer flexible application options.

Special care products

Medicines that affect the health of bladder and kidneys are crucial for effectively treating and preventing diseases of these organs. These products help to regulate pH levels and thereby reduce the formation of kidney and bladder stones. This involves increasing fluid intake - a key aspect of preventing and curing Urinary tract infections and kidney disease.

Herbal medicines play an important role in supportive treatment. Natural remedies such as nettle teacactus capsules and pumpkin seed oil-capsules are popular for strengthening the kidneys and providing relief from pyelonephritis.

Medicinal plants such as horsetail and birch leaves can be useful for smaller kidney stones and kidney stones. These promote diuresis and thus support the excretion of kidney stone particles. By lowering the pH value in the urine, the urinary environment is made more acidic, which in turn prevents the formation of stones.

Special care products for Bladder and kidneys:


Area of application

Nettle tea

Strengthening the kidneys

Cactus capsules

Urinary tract infections

Pumpkin seed oil capsules

Renal pelvic inflammation


Excretion of kidney gravel

Birch leaves

Diuretic, kidney stones

The correct selection and use of these specialty products can help to maintain a healthy kidney and bladder function and reduce inflammation and pain.

Recommendations for supplements

To strengthen the bladder health various herbal preparations can be used. Among the recommended remedies are

Furthermore, products with pumpkin extracts and saw palmetto, which are particularly beneficial for the health of the bladder in particular. Increased fluid intake through water and unsweetened teas is also recommended, as it can stimulate urine production and flush out infectious germs.

For acute symptoms such as burning when urinating or cramp-like pain, specific medicines such as Canephron N coated tablets or Canephron Uno are of crucial importance. These herbal medicines can have a pain-relieving effect and support healing.

Please note that all supplements and medicines should be taken in consultation with a doctor to ensure effective and safe treatment.

Chronic kidney disease - The challenges

Chronic kidney diseasesincluding chronic pyelonephritis, pose a variety of challenges for patients and treating physicians. People with diabetes or a weakened immune system are particularly at risk as their ability to fight off infections is impaired. Chronic pyelonephritis, which is often caused by urinary tract abnormalities such as obstructions or persistent kidney stones, can have serious consequences. The symptoms of chills, fever and lower back pain often occur suddenly and are similar to those of cystitisincluding painful urination. A further complication is the possible introduction of bacteria into the bloodstream, which can lead to inflammation of other organs and the kidney function can impair kidney function. In older people in particular, the decreasing Kidney function can lead to challenges in the metabolism of medicines, as an 85-year-old person can only excrete medicines about half as efficiently as a 35-year-old.

Stages of chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney diseases (CKD) develops in several stages that are associated with declining kidney function. kidneys function. The stages are mainly classified according to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR):


GFR in ml/min/1.73 m²

State of the renal function


≥ 90

Normal Renal functionbut signs of kidney damage present



Slight restriction of kidney function



Moderate restriction of renal function



Severe restriction of kidney function


< 15 or dialysis

Kidney failure

Chronic pyelonephritis can lead to a deterioration of the kidney function. kidney function which can lead to progression through these stages. Risk factors such as diabetes mellitus or a weakened immune system can lead to an increased risk of such disease progression. The symptoms that occur with kidney infection such as chills, fever and back pain may indicate an advanced stage of the disease. In addition, urinary tract obstructions or large, stubborn kidney stones can promote the development of chronic pyelonephritis. Early detection and treatment are therefore crucial in order to slow down progression and prevent the development of chronic pyelonephritis. kidney function function for as long as possible.

Approaches to treatment

The treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder can involve different drug approaches. ACE inhibitors fulfill an important role not only in the control of high blood pressure, but also as a kidney-protective measure regardless of blood pressure levels. They are used for the prevention and management of chronic kidney disease disease.

For inflammatory diseases of the kidneyglomerulonephritis, drug therapy may include the use of immunosuppressants such as cortisone or rituximab. These drugs aim to dampen the overactive immune response.

Another important component of treatment for kidney-related anemia is the administration of erythropoietin (Epo), a kidney hormone that promotes the production of red blood cells.

Depending on the cause Kidney inflammation dietary adjustments such as a low-salt diet or a change in medication are recommended.

Non-prescription and herbal medicines such as Canephron N and Echinacin play a supportive role in the prevention and treatment of recurrent colds. Urinary tract infections.

Here is a brief overview of the treatment options:




High blood pressure/kidney protection

ACE inhibitor

Blood pressure control and kidney protection

Kidney inflammation


Reduction of the immune response

Renal anemia

Erythropoietin (Epo)

Stimulation of blood cell production

Urinary tract infections

Herbal medicines

Support for prevention and treatment

These medicines are part of the therapeutic spectrum and should always be taken in consultation with a doctor to ensure an individual response to medicines.

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