Colds are a common ailment that often afflicts us during the cold season. They manifest themselves through symptoms such as coughing, a cold and hoarseness, which can significantly affect our everyday lives.
With the right medication, the symptoms can usually be alleviated quickly, but the choice of available remedies is overwhelming. It is therefore important to know which medications are effective against specific cold symptoms and when a visit to the doctor is necessary.
In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of coldstheir symptoms and suitable medication. We will also discuss preventive measures and the correct use of cold medication will be explained.
Cold remedies help to alleviate symptoms such as cough, colds and sore throat relieve sore throats. They also support the healing process. The available medicines include
Inhaling essential oils such as eucalyptus and drinking plenty of fluids accelerate recovery in the case of colds.
Popular combinations of active ingredients
Some medicines, such as Grippostad Ccombine Paracetamol, vitamin C and caffeine. This mixture can relieve pain and restore energy.
Active ingredient
Relieves headaches and aching limbs
Vitamin C
Strengthens the immune system
Increases alertness
It is advisable, cold symptoms individually in order to specifically address the symptoms. Especially in combination preparations some ingredients may be unnecessary.
Cold remedies provide quick relief and should be selected according to the symptoms. Consult with High fever or persistent symptoms, consult a doctor to rule out a bacterial infection.
Colds are common infections of the upper respiratory tract caused by various viruses. Adults fall ill on average 2 to 4 times a year, while children are affected 6 to 8 times. The symptoms include Runny nose, cough and head- and sore throat. They usually subside on their own within 1 to 2 weeks.
Important facts:
Ineffectiveness of antibiotics: Antibiotics do not help with cold viruses, but only with bacterial infections. They should only be used for complications.
Symptomatic treatment: It is advisable to treat the symptoms individually. Antipyretic medication or herbal remedies can be helpful here.
Natural measures: Drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough rest and fresh air promote a speedy recovery and strengthen the body's defenses.
Recommended measures:
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Take regular breaks
- Enjoy fresh air
These measures can reduce the symptoms of cold can usually be alleviated. Remember not to overload your body so that the cold to subside more quickly.
Symptoms of a cold
One cold often manifests itself through a number of typical signs. These include runny nose, sore throathoarseness, headaches, aching limbs and cough. The symptoms usually improve on their own after just a few days, even without treatment. Colds are caused by viruses and primarily affect the upper respiratory tract. In some cases colds can also be associated with mild fever occur. With the real Flu on the other hand, the symptoms are often more severe and occur simultaneously.

Sore throat is usually caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes in the throat. To alleviate the symptoms Sore throat tablets, lozenges as well as sprays and gargle solutions. These remedies often also help with swallowing difficulties. Warm drinks can also provide pleasant relief. Combination preparationswhich contain several cold symptoms at once are also worth a try.
Cough is another common symptom. Non-prescription medicines are suitable for treatment cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan. For mucus cough mucolytics, such as expectorants or mucolytics, are recommended. Active ingredients such as guaifenesin help to liquefy the mucus in the lower airways, making it easier to cough up. Known cough suppressants are acetylcysteine, ambroxol and bromhexine, which are often available in the form of effervescent tablets or drops.

Colds can lead to inflamed mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses and, in the worst case, trigger sinusitis. Decongestant nasal drops such as xylometazoline can provide relief. However, they should not be used for longer than seven days in order to prevent damage to the nasal mucosa. Inhalations with warm steam or herbal medicines such as GeloMyrtol® forte also help to loosen stuck mucus.
Fever occurs more frequently with influenza, but can also occur with common cold can also occur with a cold. Slightly increased fever does not need to be treated immediately. Methods such as calf compresses can be helpful to gently lower the body temperature. If necessary, antipyretic medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). These drugs are also effective against headaches, facial pain and aching limbs. ASA should be avoided in children under the age of twelve, as it can increase the risk of Reye's syndrome.
Headache are a common symptom of a cold. Painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) offer relief. Effervescent ASA tablets are also a popular form of treatment. In special cold syrups can Paracetamol can often be combined with dextromethorphan to better manage the symptoms. However, these painkillers do not shorten the duration of the illness.
One coldalso known as a flu-like infection, is usually harmless and subsides in about a week. In contrast, the real flu (influenza) often comes on suddenly and is more serious.
Cold vs. flu:
Symptom |
Cold |
Flu |
Rarely high
Over 39 degrees, frequent
Less frequent
Strongly pronounced
Very strong
Course of the disease
Gradual onset
Sudden onset
Flu patients often suffer from high feversevere headache and exhaustion, which can cause weeks of bedriddenness. Symptoms of a cold occur one after the other, while flu symptoms appear at the same time.
Every Austrian falls ill at least once per season with a cold or flu. Multiple infections are not uncommon in adults. It is important to distinguish between the two illnesses, as they differ greatly in terms of severity and intensity of symptoms.
When is it advisable to see a doctor?
When should you cold see a doctor? Here are some signs when it is advisable to see a doctor:
High feverIf the temperature is above 39°C, there could be serious health problems. A doctor should be consulted.
Changed nasal mucus: Green nasal mucus or severe sore throat for several days, especially with fevermay indicate a bacterial infection.
EaracheSevere earache or hearing problems could indicate a middle ear infection and require medical examination.
Headache and blocked nose: Stubborn nasal congestion and severe headaches headache in the forehead area should be clarified by a doctor.
Worsening of the symptomsIf symptoms do not subside or worsen, it is important to contact a doctor to avoid complications.
Quick relief of symptoms will strengthen recovery. Pay attention to these signs in good time to minimize health risks.
Preventive measures for prevention
A cold requires a few simple but effective measures. One vitamin-rich diet strengthens the body's own defenses. Foods such as fruit and vegetables provide important vitamins and antioxidants. This contributes to the prevention of colds colds. Regular hand washing reduces the number of pathogens on your hands and reduces the risk of infection.
When cough Using a tissue or the crook of your arm when coughing or sneezing helps to minimize the spread of germs. Herbal medicines can be used at the first signs of a cold. cold can be used right from the first signs of a cold. They strengthen the immune system and can reduce the risk of catching a cold. cold developing.
Without medication
One cold often heals without any medication. There are no remedies that can fight the cold viruses directly. Treatment is aimed at alleviating the symptoms. Home remedies often help to alleviate the symptoms. Many people find them beneficial.
Some helpful measures include getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of fluids. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes is also advisable. Herbal medicines can boost the body's own defenses and should be taken at the first signs of a cold should be considered.
With aids and household remedies
For the treatment of cold symptoms various remedies are available. Antipyretic medication and remedies for cough can alleviate the symptoms. Lozenges often help with sore throat. Decongestant nasal sprays in combination with mucolytics are useful for headaches and nasal congestion. They reduce the pressure in the sinuses.
Home remedies such as honey or cold baths are readily available and popular. Inhalations with warm steam loosen the mucus in the nose and relieve cold symptoms. Liquid dosage forms of medicines are recommended during a cold recommended during a cold. The body needs more fluid to fight the symptoms better. Here is a brief overview:
Warm drink
Soothing the throat
Cold bath
Relaxation and circulation stimulation
Pot of hot water
Mucus solution in the nose
Antipyretic medication
Tablets or juice
Reduction of fever and pain
Directly into the mouth
Relief from sore throat
With the right measures and home remedies, you can relieve a cold effectively get a cold under control.
Overview of over-the-counter medicines
There are many over-the-counter medicines for colds. These include cough medicinesprays and pastilles for sore throats and decongestant nasal sprays. Most products are available over the counter and do not require a prescription, but are not usually reimbursed by health insurance.
Active ingredients of antihistamines
Antihistamines not only help against allergies, but also against runny noses. Popular active ingredients are diphenhydramine, doxylamine succinate, chlorpheniramine and triprolidine. These can cause drowsiness and are therefore contained in night medications. They are often combined with decongestants to treat nasal problems comprehensively. It is advisable to consult a pharmacist to find the best medication.
Effects of decongestants
Decongestants such as xylometazoline and oxymetazoline act on the swollen nasal mucous membranes. Pseudoephedrine in medicines such as Aspirin® Complex can decongest the nose for up to six hours. These help to clear sinuses and relieve pressure pain in the face. Use should be limited to a maximum of 7 days to avoid habituation.
Combination preparations such as Pretuval® offer numerous advantages for respiratory tract infections. They contain several active ingredients that act simultaneously against different symptoms. This makes them easier for patients to take. They alleviate typical symptoms such as headaches, aching limbs and colds, fever and dry cough. So you can cold more manageable. Combination preparations are particularly useful if you have several complaints at the same time. They enable the targeted treatment of several symptoms with just one dose.
Another advantage is the combination of different active ingredients in one product, as with Grippostad C. This is ideal for effective symptomatic treatment. But be careful: read the package leaflet carefully. It provides information about possible interactions and helps to avoid overdosing.
Grippostad® C is a good example of an effective combination preparation. It combines four carefully coordinated active ingredients. These work together against cold symptoms such as coldheadaches and aching limbs, cough and fever. The synergistic effect means that you achieve a greater effect with fewer active ingredients.
Grippostad® C has been specially formulated to cold symptoms at the same time, rather than focusing on just one active ingredient. This makes it an effective choice for flu-like infections.

Important questions about the use of cold medication
Cold remedies are useful to relieve symptoms such as cough, coldsheadaches and aching limbs. However, they do not speed up the healing process. In addition to taking such medication, it is important to get enough rest, sleep well and drink plenty of fluids. Herbal medicines such as Esberitox can strengthen the immune system and colds prevent colds. Painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are good for headaches and aching limbs. Despite many preparations, direct prevention against colds remains difficult. However, a healthy immune system through diet and stress reduction can reduce susceptibility.
Tolerance in certain groups of people
Most herbal medicines are well tolerated. Nevertheless, it is important when taking ibuprofen or paracetamol consult a doctor to avoid interactions. Antipyretic drugs are not suitable for everyone, especially in the case of high fever. Nasal sprays should not be used for longer than seven days to avoid habituation effects. It is advisable to always consider individual susceptibility and seek medical advice if necessary.
Dosage and duration of use
The recommended daily dose of medication must not be exceeded. Paracetamol should not be taken for longer than ten days without medical advice. Children under three years of age should Paracetamol only if recommended by a doctor. Nasal sprays should be used for a maximum of one week in order to persistent rhinitis to avoid permanent rhinitis. Preparations containing xylometazoline, tramazoline or oxymetazoline are only suitable for children under the age of six on medical advice.
Possible side effects
When taking Aspirin® Complex side effects may occur. The ingredients acetylsalicylic acid and pseudoephedrine each have their own possible side effects. Patients should read the package leaflet carefully. If side effects occur that are not listed, a doctor or pharmacist should be contacted. In case of overdose of Aspirin® Complex it is important to seek medical help immediately.
Overall, it is important to seek medical advice if you suspect a flu or other cold symptoms always seek medical advice.
Conclusion: Effective treatment of colds
One cold effectively requires the right combination of medication and home remedies. Esberitox forte tablets strengthen the immune system with herbal active ingredients and are suitable for adolescents from the age of 12 and adults. Grippostad C hard capsules relieve pain and fever thanks to paracetamol and vitamin C.
For mucous respiratory tracts ACC acute 600mg can help to make coughing easier and reduce the irritation caused by coughing. Inhaling with essential oils or saline solutions has a supportive effect by cleansing the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and promoting blood circulation.
To speed up the healing process Cold remedies should be combined with sufficient sleep, plenty of fluids and a balanced diet.
Tips to support recovery:
- Adequate sleep
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Healthy diet
- Inhalation with essential oils
The right combination of these measures can reduce the duration and intensity of a cold significantly. Always make sure to adapt your medication to your needs and consult a doctor if you have any doubtful symptoms.
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