A sore throat has plagued many of us at one time or another and can have a considerable impact on everyday life. This annoying pain can be caused by colds, allergies or even voice strain. Finding a reliable remedy is crucial for many people at these moments.
Neo Angin is a popular remedy for sore throats in Germany and offers a variety of active ingredients that effectively relieve symptoms. The combination of a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect makes it a preferred choice for many sufferers. But what exactly is in these throat tablets and how do they work?
In this article you will learn everything you need to know about neo-angin®. We will look at the active ingredients, areas of use, dosing guidelines and important safety information to give you a comprehensive overview so you can make informed decisions for your health.
Neo-Angin Throat Tablets are a proven remedy for the treatment of inflammation in the throat. They aim to relieve unpleasant sore throats and the associated symptoms such as redness and swelling. These lozenges are suitable for adults and children from 6 years of age.
Directions for use:
- Dosage: 1 lozenge every 2-3 hours
- Maximum: 6 tablets daily
- Allow the lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth
Active ingredients:
- Amylmetacresol
- Dichlorobenzyl alcohol
- Levomenthol (cooling effect)
Neo-Angin throat tablets have an antiseptic effect and support the immune system against bacterial pathogens, while at the same time stabilizing the mucous membranes. They are particularly helpful for colds caused by sore throats and can help to improve hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. It is recommended not to continue use for longer than 3-4 days without medical advice. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen, consult a doctor.
It is always advisable to read the package leaflet and find out about possible allergic reactions or other adverse effects. Medicines should be kept out of the reach of children. If you have any questions about the product or a specific application, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist.
Active ingredients
The neo-angin® pastilles contain specifically selected active ingredients that help to relieve pain and combat inflammation in the mouth and throat. A key ingredient is benzydamine hydrochloride, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and thus actively combats acute sore throats. The ingredient 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol complements the formula with its antiseptic effect by fighting germs in the throat and helping to improve throat health.
It also contains neo-angin® also contains calcium pantothenate, which plays a supporting role in relieving sore throats. Not to be forgotten is the D-gluconic acid, zinc salt (2:1), which promotes the health of the mouth and throat and strengthens the immune system. The latest developments from neo-angin® also offer sugar-free variants pastilles, which are particularly suitable for diabetics, but still provide the effective active ingredients for pain relief and germ control.
Main components and their functions
neo-angin® is a widely used brand of throat tablets that are used in particular to relieve sore throats. The main ingredients of these throat tablets have specific functions that make them an effective solution for discomfort in the mouth and throat:
2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcoholThis active ingredient actively combats bacterial pathogens and also has antiviral properties. It makes a significant contribution to improving throat health.
Benzydamine hydrochlorideAs a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), this ingredient offers pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. This active ingredient is mainly found in the benzydamine products of the neo-angin® range.
Calcium pantothenateAlso known as vitamin B5, calcium pantothenate contributes to the healing of irritated mucous membranes in the mouth and throat.
D-gluconic acid zinc saltThis ingredient has a supportive role in healing and strengthens the immune system in particular.
The combination of these active ingredients makes neo-angin® an effective self-medication option for colds accompanied by a sore throat. These ingredients work synergistically to reduce inflammatory processes and maintain oral and throat health.

Additional ingredients and benefits
neo-angin® pastilles are an effective way to relieve sore throats and pharyngitis. In addition to the main antiseptic active ingredients 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and benzydamine hydrochloride, the pastilles contain additional ingredients that offer a wide range of benefits.
One of the most important additional ingredients is calcium pantothenate. This supports the health of the mucous membrane in the mouth and throat. This can be particularly important for complaints such as pharyngitis, as a strengthened mucous membrane helps to fight off infections better.
The pastilles also contain D-gluconic acid and zinc salt (2:1), which support the immune system and promote the healing of inflammatory processes in the throat area. This composition provides the body with a further building block to defend itself against bacterial pathogens.
In addition neo-angin® is available in different flavors, such as lemon flavor, to make taking the lozenge more pleasant. The availability of sugar-free variants makes neo-angin® particularly interesting for diabetics and supports oral health by specifically combating germs.
Thanks to the well-considered combination of ingredients neo-angin® pastilles not only provide quick relief from sore throats, but also help to promote general health in the mouth and throat.
Primary uses
Neo-angin® has been valued for decades for its effective help with various diseases of the mouth and throat. In particular, it is used to treat sore throats, pharyngitis and hoarseness. It also supports recovery from colds, angina and inflammation of the mouth and throat. The antiseptic effect of the ingredients efficiently combats pathogenic germs and alleviates the associated symptoms.
The use of the Neo-Angin pastilles is recommended for adults, adolescents and children from the age of six. It therefore offers Neo-angin® offers an adapted symptom relief solution for a wide age group. To ensure maximum efficacy, the products are available both as lozenges and as throat juices, making them easy and flexible to use.
Relief from sore throats
For over 50 years Neo-angin® has been recognized as a trusted remedy for sore throats. Sore throats are usually caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by viruses or bacteria. With a sophisticated combination of the active ingredients 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol and levomenthol, both bacterial and viral causes can be effectively tackled.
Use at regular intervals. Adults and children over the age of six can suck a lozenge every two to three hours. If there is no improvement after three days or if symptoms such as fever occur, medical advice should be sought.
Dosage guidelines
The correct dosage and use of neo-angin® products is crucial to achieve effective relief from sore throats and avoid side effects. Adults and children over 6 years of age should take 1 lozenge every 2-3 hours as recommended, with a maximum of 6 lozenges within 24 hours. One application of the neo-angin® pastilles should not be used for longer than 3-4 days without a doctor's recommendation. In the event of an overdose or persistent symptoms after 3-4 days, it is advisable to seek medical advice. It is also important not to take a double dose if you forget to take a dose, but to continue taking it as planned.
Recommended dosage for adults
The recommended dosage for adults is one lozenge neo-angin® every 2-3 hours, whereby no more than 6 lozenges should be consumed within a 24-hour period. Especially for more severe symptoms, adults can rely on the neo-angin® Benzydamin products, which are available in flavors such as lemon or honey-orange. It should be noted that neo-angin® products are suitable for adults and children aged 6 and over.
Recommended dosage for children
Children aged 3 years and over may take the neo-angin® junior sore throat lollipop up to a maximum of 3 times a day. For children aged 4 years and over, up to 6 neo-angin® junior throat tablets per day, with 2-3 hours between doses. The neo-angin® throat tablets are not suitable for children under 6 years of age. Care must be taken to ensure that children can suck them safely in order to avoid possible risks. Furthermore, the recommended dosage for children should be strictly adhered to.

Instructions for use
Neo-angin® throat tablets are a proven remedy for relieving symptoms associated with sore throats, pharyngitis, hoarseness, colds and other inflammations of the mouth and throat. These lozenges are suitable for adults, adolescents and children from the age of six.
Neo-Angin® pastilles are an effective option for relieving sore throats and discomfort in the mouth and throat. Here are important instructions on how to take them:
Dosage for adults and children aged 6 and overAllow one lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth every 2-3 hours. Observe the maximum quantity of 6 lozenges within 24 hours.
Duration of use: Without medical advice Neo-Angin® Pastilles should not be used for more than 3-4 days without medical advice.
Procedure in case of overdoseIf you have taken more than the recommended amount, consult a doctor or pharmacist immediately.
What to do if you forget to take itIf you have forgotten to take a dose, continue with the normal dosage. Do not take a double dose.
Stopping the intakeIf you want to stop taking your medicine early, discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist.
For more detailed information on side effects, allergic reactions or questions about the product, please contact a specialist. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.
For the treatment of sore throats with neo-angin® it is important to observe the recommended dosage and frequency of use. Adults and children aged 6 years and over may slowly dissolve one lozenge in the mouth every 2-3 hours. It is important to ensure that no more than 6 lozenges are taken within 24 hours.
The normal duration of use of neo-angin® pastilles should not exceed 3-4 days without medical consultation. In case of neo-angin® benzydamine lozenges, it is recommended to take one lozenge 3 times a day and should not be continued for more than 7 days without medical advice.
If a larger quantity neo-angin® sugar-free lozenges has been taken by mistake, a doctor or pharmacist should be contacted immediately. If a dose has been forgotten, do not take a double dose. Instead, continue taking the tablets as usual.
Dosage overview:
- Frequency of use: Every 2-3 hours
- Maximum daily dose: 6 pastilles
- Recommended use: Up to 3-4 days (normal) / Maximum 7 days (benzydamine variant)
Always consult a doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or are unsure.
Contraindications and precautions
The use of neo-angin® pastilles may be contraindicated in certain groups of people or in special situations and requires particular caution. It should be noted that neo-angin® pastilles are not suitable for children under 6 years of age. Peppermint oil and levomenthol can cause severe respiratory disorders, including laryngospasm, particularly in infants and children up to 2 years of age.
People who are allergic to the colorant cochineal red A (E 124) should neo-angin® pastilles with particular caution or alternatively use products without this colorant to avoid allergic reactions.
It is also known that frequent and prolonged consumption of pastilles containing sugar can increase the risk of dental problems such as tooth decay. People with diabetes should also be aware that neo-angin® pastille contains 1.14 g glucose and 1.42 g sucrose, which corresponds to approximately 0.22 bread units and can affect blood sugar control.
In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to take medicines such as neo-angin® throat tablets and sprays without prior consultation with a doctor or pharmacist, as there is insufficient data on safety in these specific phases of life.
Allergies and hypersensitivities
When using Neo-Angin throat tablets to relieve discomfort in the mouth and throat, special attention must be paid to potential allergic reactions. In particular, the colorant cochineal red A (E 124), which is present in some products, can trigger allergic reactions in certain people. It is important not to use the lozenges if there is a known hypersensitivity to the active ingredients 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, 6-pentyl-m-cresol or the other ingredients of the lozenges.
The ingredients peppermint oil and menthol, which are contained in Neo-Angin can also cause breathing problems or provoke an attack in people with bronchial asthma. Caution is advised with infants and children under 2 years of age, as the use of these substances can cause severe respiratory problems. The package leaflet should therefore always be read and a doctor or pharmacist consulted if there is any uncertainty. It is necessary, Neo-Angin pastilles should be kept out of the reach of children and, if allergic reactions occur, use should be stopped immediately and medical advice sought.
Interactions with other medicines
If you neo-angin® pastilles for the treatment of sore throats, it is important to be aware of possible interactions with other medications. Before taking neo-angin® you should therefore always inform your doctor or pharmacist of all the medicines you are currently taking. This applies to both prescription and non-prescription medicines.
Interactions could lead to undesirable effects, so careful coordination is essential. Even if the information provided on neo-angin® no specific interactions are listed, caution is always advised.
In addition to being aware of interactions, you should also tell your healthcare professional about any medicines you have recently taken in order to minimize the risk of side effects. An open dialog is crucial to ensure the safe and effective use of neo-angin® can be guaranteed.
Points to note:
- Type of medication (prescription/non-prescription)
- Medication currently being taken
- Recently completed medications
- Open communication with healthcare professionals
This approach helps protect health and promote healing of sore throats through proper use of neo-angin® correctly.
Considerations for pregnant and breastfeeding women
The use of neo-angin® products for sore throats is often controversially discussed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, in the absence of sufficient data on safety and efficacy, it is recommended to refrain from use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the need for treatment with neo-angin® it is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor or pharmacist beforehand. As no studies on the use of neo-angin® throat tablets or other products of the brand during these sensitive phases, they should be avoided by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. The caution results from insufficient experience with use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Safety profile during pregnancy with the use of Neo-Angin
The use of Neo-Angina medication for the treatment of throat complaints, requires particular caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are currently insufficient study results on the tolerability of Neo-Angin throat tablets for pregnant women, which leads to a general recommendation against the use of these products during this particular period.
Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid Neo-Angin and similar products, as there are no safety studies and therefore no risk profile. It is therefore of crucial importance, in the case of pregnancy or during breastfeeding, to consult a doctor before using Neo-Angin before using Neo-Angin.
The uncertainty is further exacerbated by the lack of animal studies on reproductive toxicology, which would not be able to confirm the safety of the Neo-Angin products in pregnancy. Due to the lack of experience with the use of these products during breastfeeding, their use is also not recommended in this phase.
It is important that medicines such as Neo-Angin should only be taken after detailed consultation with a doctor or pharmacist and self-administration should be avoided, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Safety profile during breastfeeding
When using neo-angin throat tablets during breastfeeding should be used with caution. There is insufficient research on the effects of these lozenges on pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and their children. For this reason, mothers in this sensitive phase of life should generally avoid neo-angin products in order to avoid any health risks.
Drug safety for pregnant and breastfeeding women:
- Insufficient data on the use of neo-angin.
- Recommended exclusion of the use of neo-angin products.
- Need for medical advice before use.
It is important to seek the advice of a doctor or pharmacist if treatment is necessary during breastfeeding. They can make a well-founded decision on the application and possible alternatives. If necessary, any side effects or interactions with other medications should be discussed in advance to ensure the safety of mother and child. Careful handling of medication during this time is essential.
Please always keep medicines childproof and out of the reach of children and always follow the instructions of your healthcare provider.
Common side effects
Neo-Angin is a medicine that is often used to treat sore throats and colds in the mouth and throat. Despite its effectiveness, some people may experience side effects, although these are usually rare.
The most common side effects of Neo-Angin are:
- Stomach complaints
- irritation of the mucous membranes
- Hypersensitivity reactions
It should be emphasized that these side effects are very rare and do not occur in every user. However, if such adverse effects do occur, they can have a considerable adverse effect on the person concerned.
If you Neo-Angin and observe one or more of these side effects, which are also not listed in the instructions for use, it is important to report this to your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to provide appropriate advice and support and, if necessary, recommend an alternative treatment.
Please refer to the following table for a clear overview of the side effects of Neo-Angin:
Side effects
Stomach complaints
Very rare
Irritation of mucous membranes
Hypersensitivity reactions
Very rare
Proper storage and use, as well as adherence to the recommended dosage, are crucial to minimize the risk of side effects. Keep Neo-Angin out of the reach of children at all times and follow the instructions on the package leaflet.
Serious side effects and when you should seek help
Neo-Angin pastilles are widely used to treat sore throats, but there are some precautions that should be taken to avoid adverse effects:
Allergic reactions: The colorant cochineal red A (E 124) it contains can rarely trigger allergic reactions. People who are prone to hypersensitivity should talk to their doctor before taking it.
Danger to dental health: With frequent and prolonged use Neo-Angin can be harmful to the teeth and contribute to the development of tooth decay. It is important to rinse your mouth after taking it to minimize the risk.
Restrictions for children: Neo-Angin pastilles should not be used by children under 6 years of age. There is a risk of laryngospasm in infants and young children up to 2 years of age.
Consult a doctor: If the symptoms do not subside or even worsen after 3-4 days of use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Stomach complaints and irritation of the mucous membranes: Very rarely, these symptoms may occur and should be reported to a doctor or pharmacist if they are significantly detrimental.
In case of such serious side effects or uncertainty, it is always advisable to seek professional medical advice.

Product variations
Neo-angin® offers a wide range of products for the relief of sore throats, characterized by different dosage forms, flavours and additives. Customers can choose between throat tablets and throat lozenges for adults as well as products developed specifically for children.
Neo-angin® sugar-free is an effective lozenge for the treatment of sore throats, pharyngitis, hoarseness and mild colds. This variant of the neo-angin throat tablets has been specially developed for diabetics, as it contains the sugar substitute maltitol instead of conventional sugar ingredients. This makes the neo-angin pastilles sugar-free and therefore well tolerated by people with diabetes.
The active ingredients in the sugar-free pastilles are specifically selected to effectively combat bacterial pathogens in the mouth and throat and relieve pain. By sucking the lozenge slowly, the active ingredient can be distributed evenly in the mouth, so that an optimum effect is achieved.
In addition to the health benefits neo-angin® sugar-free also has a pleasant taste. The lozenges are available in two different pack sizes, 24 and 48 per pack, allowing users to choose the number of tablets to suit their needs.
Pack sizes:
It is important that the neo-angin sugar-free pastilles are used in accordance with the instructions and that the package leaflet is read carefully. If you have any questions about the product or if symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted.
Source: istockphoto milanvirijevic
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