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Understanding and treating headaches - a doctor explains

Headaches are a common health problem that can affect millions of people worldwide. Whether mild and annoying or severe and debilitating, they can have a significant impact on quality of life. It is crucial to recognize the different types and causes of headaches in order to find targeted treatment options.

From Tension headaches about migraine up to cluster headaches - these categories have different characteristics and triggers. Understanding these differences can help to choose the appropriate treatment methods and identify possible risk factors. It is also important to symptoms that could indicate serious illnesses.

In this article we will discuss the types of headachestheir causes and the most effective therapies. The aim is to give you a comprehensive overview of the different treatment options and preventative strategies to help relieve your symptoms.


Headaches are a widespread problem and can have a physical cause in around 10% of cases. These causes include, among others High blood pressure and heart or thyroid disease.

There are three common types of headaches: migraine, Cluster headaches and tension headaches.

Secondary headaches can be triggered by other illnesses such as head injuries or infections such as meningitis.

A headache diary can be helpful in identifying the causes and finding the best treatment.

Home remedies to relieve headaches include:

  • Cooling of the forehead
  • Sufficient drinking
  • Use of essential oils

These methods can often provide relief in a simple way. A visit to the doctor is advisable if the headache become more intense or frequent.


Headachealso known as cephalgia, are common neurological complaints that occur in the head area. They can appear as a symptom and subsequently also as a diagnosis.

A distinction is made between primary and secondary headaches. Primary headache are not caused by other diseases. Examples of this are Tension headaches and migraine. Secondary headaches on the other hand, are caused by other health problems, such as vascular disorders or craniocerebral trauma.

Types of headaches:

The treatment of headaches is often complex and involves various approaches. These include drug and non-drug methods as well as relaxation and psychotherapies.

Stress is an important factor that can migraine and tension headaches can be caused and exacerbated. Unfavorable stress management techniques contribute to the fact that headaches occur more frequently.

A multimodal therapeutic approach is important in order to headaches effectively treat and alleviate headaches.

Types of headaches

Headache are very common and affect people of all ages, including children. In Germany, around 54 million people suffer from them. There are over 200 different types of headache. The most important primary types are Tension headaches, migraine and cluster headaches. They differ in localization, intensity and accompanying symptoms. Migraine causes half-sided, pulsating pain with nauseawhile tension headaches often cause a dull ache throughout the head. Cluster headaches are severe, stabbing pains at the temple and often associated with tearing of the eyes.

Tension headaches

Tension headache are the most common form. It manifests itself as a pressing pain on both sides of the head, often described as a band around the head. A distinction is made between episodic (less than 15 days a month) and chronic (15 or more days a month) Headaches. These pain are usually mild to moderate and are not caused by Physical activity aggravated by physical activity. Nausea or vomiting rarely occur. The duration varies from half an hour to several days. Possible triggers are muscular tension, stress, alcohol and lack of sleep.


Migraine occurs as a half-sided, pulsating headache, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. The attacks can last from 4 to 72 hours and are characterized by Physical activity be intensified by physical activity. Common triggers are hunger, stress, hormonal fluctuations and sleep problems. Around 30% of migraine patients experience aura phenomena, which can lead to visual disturbances or speech problems. Migraine is more common in women, often in connection with the menstrual cycle.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are severe, penetrating painwhich usually affects one side of the head, especially around the eye. The pain attacks last 30 minutes to 3 hours and often occur at the same time of day. Accompanying symptoms can include a runny nose, watery eyes or swollen eyelids. These headache are rarer than migraine and tension headaches. Possible triggers are alcohol, cigarette smoke and flickering light. Cluster headaches can occur in phases and be followed by long periods without pain.

Causes of headaches

Headache are a common condition that affects many people. They can be triggered by various factors and conditions. Healthy lifestyle habits, such as sufficient sleep and sufficient hydrationcan often help, headaches prevent headaches.

Primary causes

Primary Headache are independent clinical pictures. The most common types include

  • migraineAffects many people and is particularly common in women. Often hormonal changes, such as the menstrual cycleplay a role.
  • Tension headachesThis type accounts for 90% of primary headaches and is often caused by stress or muscle tension.
  • Cluster headacheA rarer form that is more common in men. Clusterheadache are very intense and occur in episodes.

In total, there are over 300 different types of headache, most of which are of primary origin.

Secondary causes

Secondary Headache occur as a symptom of another illness. They account for around 10% of headache cases.

Common causes are

  • DiseasesThese include meningitis, strokes and colds.
  • MedicationExcessive use of painkillers can headaches cause or worsen headaches.
  • Visual problemsPoor vision can headaches can cause headaches.
  • Physical illnessesInfections, such as middle ear infections or suppurated sinuses, can pain can radiate into the head.
  • Food factorsExcessive alcohol consumption can headaches can cause headaches.

Warning signals for secondary headaches are extremely severe or new headache. These should be medically examined.

Symptoms Recognize

Headache are widespread. Around 54 million people in Germany are affected. Every one of us has experienced had a headache experienced. But the causes and types can vary. With migraine occur on one side, throbbing headaches occur. These are often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and noise. Tension headaches are dull and usually affect the whole head. They are usually less intense than migraine. Cluster headaches are very severe and rare. With headachesthat do not get better despite painkillers, a doctor should be consulted. Especially if they occur for the first time after the age of 40.

Warning signs of serious illnesses

There are warning signs that can indicate serious illnesses. These include sudden changes in the intensity or duration of headaches. Neurological symptoms such as paralysis or sensory disturbances are also a cause for concern. A very sudden, severe headache is called a thunderclap headache. This requires immediate medical clarification. If headache with fever or a stiff neck, caution is advised. Speech and visual disturbances or a loss of coordination should also be taken seriously. The first occurrence of headaches after the age of 50, a doctor should be consulted urgently.

Accompanying symptoms of headaches

Headache can be accompanied by various symptoms. Frequently occur nauseanausea and vomiting, especially with migraine. Some people also suffer from a strong sensitivity to light and noise. This can have a considerable impact on everyday life. Visual disturbances, such as flickering in front of the eyesalso occur. Depression can occur in connection with chronic headaches occur. They often intensify the pain symptoms. By analyzing the location, type and duration of the headache and the accompanying symptoms, the doctor can draw conclusions about the causes.

In summary, it is important to seek medical advice if you experience unusual or new headache symptoms. In this way, possible serious illnesses can be detected and treated at an early stage.

Diagnosis and assessment

Headaches are a common problem and can have many causes. The diagnosis is often based on the description of the symptoms and normal neurological examination findings. In addition to the medical history and physical examination, imaging procedures such as MRI are important if a serious problem is suspected. Such procedures help to identify the cause of the headaches more precisely. In some cases, a spinal puncture may also be necessary. If headaches are new, severe or altered, a neurologist should examine them immediately.

Medical examination methods

The medical examination begins with a detailed discussion. The doctor will ask about the type and duration of the headache. A physical examination follows, during which pulse, blood pressure and reflexes are checked. Imaging procedures such as MRI come into play if serious illnesses are suspected. Typical headaches such as migraine often do not require extensive tests unless the results are unusual. Further tests such as EEG or blood tests are necessary to clarify certain suspected cases. The doctor decides on an individual basis which methods are most suitable.

Patient history

The medical history is an important step in the diagnosis of headaches. The doctor needs information about the course of the painits intensity and accompanying symptoms. It is also important to ask about past treatments and their success. A family tree can be useful, especially for diseases such as migraine. During the consultation, the doctor will ask about possible triggers and changes. A headache diary can be very useful here. It gives the doctor an insight into the frequency and type of headaches.

A headache diary should contain

  • Date and time of attacks
  • Duration and intensity of the pain
  • Possible triggers (e.g. stress, certain foods)
  • Accompanying symptoms (e.g. nauseasensitivity to light)

This information helps the doctor to get a comprehensive picture of the headache disorder and to make an appropriate treatment suggest a suitable treatment.

Treatment options

Headaches can be treated in different ways. A distinction is made between the treatment of acute attacks and prevention. Acute attacks are usually treated with painkillers such as ibuprofen or special migraine-medications such as triptans. Preventive therapies can include various approaches. It is important to also treat accompanying symptoms such as nausea or sensitivity to light.

Drug therapy

For acute headaches often come Painkillers are often used. These include Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid (ASS), naproxen and paracetamol. Combination preparations with caffeine can also help. For the prevention of tension headaches tricyclic drugs are often antidepressants are often prescribed. Cluster headaches can be treated with verapamil or lithium. When taking painkillers, care should be taken not to take them more than three days in a row and not more than ten days a month.




Acute relief


Migraine treatment


Cluster headache prophylaxis

Non-drug approaches Non-drug approaches are equally important. They can be used for any type of headaches be useful. Sometimes a break from medication is recommended. This can be more headaches but may help in the long term. The exact approach should depend on the type of headache and its severity. Accompanying symptoms such as nausea provide indications of necessary measures. These therapies could relaxation techniques or physiotherapy include. In addition to medication, these approaches can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

List of possible non-drug approaches:

It is important to combine both drug and non-drug methods to achieve the best result and improve quality of life.

Preventive measures

Headaches can have a major impact on daily life. Preventive treatment is important, especially if they occur frequently. One approach is to take a break from acute medication. During this time, the headaches may increase briefly, but most sufferers feel better afterwards. A headache diary can also be helpful. It makes it easier for the doctor to diagnose and find the right treatment. In addition to medication, there are also non-drug options. These can help to reduce the number of headache attacks. These include simple home remedies such as drinking plenty of water and the use of cool compresses on the forehead and neck.

Risk factors for headaches

There are several factors that increase the risk of headaches headaches. Stress is one of the most common triggers. Unfavorable stress managementsuch as excessive brooding, can increase the frequency. Insufficient fluid intake and lack of sleep also play a role. Hormone fluctuations, especially in women during the menstrual cyclecan migraine can trigger migraines. The consumption of alcohol and nicotine can also increase susceptibility to headaches increase. This is often combined with other unhealthy lifestyle habits. Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders are often associated with headaches associated with headaches.

Strategies for prevention

To headaches there are a few strategies that can help:

  • Regular sleep: Make sure your sleeping times are consistent.
  • Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids, such as water or tea.
  • Exercise: Regular activity in the fresh air, for example hiking or cyclinghas a preventive effect.
  • Relaxation techniques: Methods such as autogenic Training can reduce stress.
  • Headache diary: Make a note of triggers and patterns to develop targeted prevention strategies.

All of these measures can help to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

Important information for older people

HeadachesHeadaches that begin after the age of 50 can indicate other illnesses. Diseases such as giant cell arteritis, brain tumors and subdural hematomas occur more frequently in older people. Therefore, new headaches should be carefully investigated. Older patients often have additional health problems that can make it difficult to take pain medication. With migraine or cluster headaches doctors must be careful, especially if the patient suffers from angina pectoris or high blood pressure. In addition, close monitoring is necessary if drowsy medications are used.

Adjustments to the treatment

It is crucial to inform patients about their headaches and its causes. This encourages active participation in therapy. For acute attacks painkillers such as ibuprofen or triptans are used. Accompanying symptoms such as nausea should also be treated. For the prevention of tension headaches tricyclic antidepressants can help. Cluster headaches can be treated with verapamillithium or cortisone.

Relaxation methods also offer relief. Autogenic training, Progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback help to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. A complex treatment approach that medicinesrelaxation methods and behavioral therapy has proven to be very effective in severe cases.

Special risks in old age

After the age of 50, newly occurring headaches often indicate other diseases. These include giant cell arteritis and brain tumors. Older people often have concomitant illnesses that have a particular influence on the choice of medication. When taking medication, there is a risk of side effects such as drowsiness, which requires strict control. The course of secondary headaches is also largely determined by the underlying disease. This makes treatment more complex.

Source: istockphoto Kateryna Onyshchuk

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