Product details & mandatory information
Floradix with iron in detail
The total dose should not be exceeded without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.How to use?
Take the medicine. It is best taken chilled. Shake before use.
Duration of use?
The duration of use depends on the nature of the symptoms and/or the course of the illness. It should therefore be determined in consultation with your doctor.
A variety of overdose symptoms can occur, including nausea, bloody vomiting, stomach problems, diarrhoea, drowsiness and circulatory collapse. Small children are particularly at risk. If you suspect an overdose, contact a doctor immediately.
Have you forgotten to take it?
Continue taking the medicine as normal (i.e. not double the amount) at the next prescribed time.
As a general rule: Pay particular attention to conscientious dosing, especially with infants, small children and older people. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautionary measures.
A dosage prescribed by a doctor may differ from the information in the package leaflet. Since the doctor will adjust it individually, you should therefore use the medicine according to his instructions.
Storage before opening
The medicine must be stored away from heat.
Storage after opening or preparation
The medicine may be used for a maximum of 4 weeks after opening/preparation!
The medicinal product must be stored in the refrigerator after opening/preparation!
Store upright, what are the reasons against use?
- Hypersensitivity to the ingredients
- Anaemia with iron utilisation disorders, e.g:
- Sideroachrestic anaemia
- thalassaemia
- lead anaemia
- Haemochromatosis (iron overload)
- Haemolytic anaemia (anaemia due to shortened lifespan of the red blood cells)
Under certain circumstances - talk to your doctor or pharmacist:
- Gastritis
- Ulcers in the digestive tract
- Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn's disease
Which age group should be considered?
- Children under 6 years of age: The medicine should not normally be used in this age group.
What about pregnancy and breastfeeding?
- Pregnancy: Consult your doctor. Various considerations play a role in whether and how the medicine can be used during pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding: Consult your doctor or pharmacist. They will check your particular situation and advise you accordingly as to whether and how you can continue breastfeeding.
If you have been prescribed the medicine despite a contraindication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit may be greater than the risk associated with use in the case of a contraindication.what adverse effects can occur?
- Gastrointestinal complaints, such as
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- diarrhoea
- constipation
- Black discolouration of the stool, which is harmless
- Discolouration of the teeth, which can be avoided by good oral hygiene
If you notice any discomfort or change during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
The information provided here is based primarily on side effects that occur in at least one in 1,000 patients treated.
- Urine may become discoloured.
- Caution in case of allergy to iron hydroxide sucrose!
- Caution in case of allergy to ascorbic acid (vitamin C)!
- Take care if you are allergic to spices such as aniseed, mugwort, dill, fennel, carrot, coriander, caraway, paprika, parsley, celery and tomatoes!
- Be careful if you are allergic to composite plants (Latin name = composites), e.g. arnica, marigold, yarrow, coneflower and camomile!
- Caution in case of allergy to yeast!
- Caution in case of hypersensitivity to any of the active or other ingredients!
- Caution in case of intolerance to fructose (fruit sugar). If you have to follow a diabetes diet, you should take the sugar content into account.
- Take care if you are intolerant to glucose and fructose. If you have to follow a diabetic diet, you should take the sugar content into account.
- There may be medicines with which interactions occur. You should therefore generally inform your doctor or pharmacist of any other medicines you are already taking before starting treatment with a new medicine. This also applies to medicines that you buy yourself, use only occasionally or have been using for some time.
- Coffee, cola drinks, mate tea as well as green and black tea should be avoided during treatment with the medicine.
- Milk and dairy products (quark, yoghurt, cheese), mineral water, calcium-enriched drinks and mineral supplements should be avoided within 2 hours before and 4 hours after taking the medicine.
How does the ingredient in the medicine work?
Iron is a vital trace element and is involved in many metabolic processes in the body. Iron is important for the formation of red blood cells, for example.
Use in
- Iron deficiency, for prevention, e.g. during pregnancy and breastfeedingDosage
General dosage recommendation:15 ml2 times dailyChildren aged 6-10 yearsmorning and evening, before a meal (approx. 30 minutes)15 ml3 times dailyChildren aged 10 years and over and adultsmorning, noon and evening, before a meal (approx. 30 minutes)Alternatively:22.5 ml2 times dailyChildren aged 10 years and over and adultsmorning and evening, before a meal (approx. 30 minutes)Dosage guide: A measuring container is enclosed with the medicine to ensure correct dosage.Advantages & features
- Floradix with iron in liquid form
- It is best taken chilled
- Coordinate the duration of use individually with your doctor
Important notes
For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
The seller reserves the right to carry out a pharmaceutical check by our pharmacists on the quantity of the medicine ordered. This may result in reductions in your order for this product. The invoice amount will then be adjusted automatically.
The reason for this is our pharmaceutical duty of care.
15 ml syrup contains: | |
Iron(II)-D-gluconate-x-water | 105.5-116.09 mg |
(equivalent to) iron(II) ion | 12.26 mg |
Ascorbic acid (HST) | + |
Hibiscus fruit calyx extract; extractant: water (HST) | + |
Fennel extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Carrot extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Couch grass rhizome extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Yarrow extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Angelica root extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Horsetail herb extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Ribwort plantain extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Juniper berry extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Chicory root extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Bitter orange peel extract; Extractant: water (HST) | + |
Yeast autolysate (HST) | + |
Grape juice concentrate (HST) | + |
Cherry fruit juice concentrate (HST) | + |
Pear juice concentrate (HST) | + |
Blackberry juice concentrate (HST) | + |
Blackcurrant juice concentrate (HST) | + |
Bee honey (HST) | + |
Rose hip thick extract; extractant: water (HST) | + |
Fructose syrup 70% (HST) | + |
orange flavouring (HST) | + |
Water, purified (HST) | + |