Who doesn't know them: the unpleasant cold symptomsthat afflict millions of people every year? Colds, coughs and sore throats can not only affect everyday life, but also significantly reduce quality of life. Especially in the cold season colds are widespread, and the search for the best methods of relief is an important issue for many.
The variety of treatment options is vast, from over-the-counter medications that target symptoms to tried-and-true home remedies that have been passed down for generations. Some swear by combination therapies, while others prefer the gentle, natural ways. But which methods really help and how can a cold get rid of a cold quickly?
In this article, we give you a comprehensive overview of the best methods for relieving cold symptoms. We highlight the most important treatment approaches, share effective home remedies and give valuable tips on how to avoid secondary illnesses. Discover how you can support yourself and your loved ones in the best possible way during the cold season.
To alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of a cold like Colds, coughs and sore throats there are various measures and household remedies that can provide relief:
Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of water or tea helps to keep the mucous membranes moist. Hot water or tea in particular can also have a soothing effect.
Rest and sleep: Sufficient rest gives the immune system the opportunity to fight the infection more effectively. Good sleep supports the body's self-healing powers.
Medication: Painkillers such as ASA, ibuprofen or paracetamol can have a supportive effect in cases of high fever and pain. They reduce the fever and relieve the pain, but do not treat the cause of the fever. cold.
Throat: Gargling with salt water or drinking warm broth can soothe a scratchy throat.
Runny nose: Inhaling with boiling water, possibly with the addition of camomile or peppermint extracts, can help with a blocked nose.
Cough: Inhaling with steam or drinking hot liquids such as hot milk or tea with honey can loosen stuck mucus.
These tips and home remedies can be helpful in relieving the individual symptoms of a simple cold of a simple cold. However, medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist or worsen.
When it comes to the treatment of cold it is important to know that there is no specific medication that can be used directly against cold viruses viruses. Treatment is therefore mainly aimed at alleviating the symptoms. Here is a brief overview of medication for colds:
Pain relief, fever reduction
Common painkiller, also suitable for children
Pain relief, fever reduction
Alternative to paracetamolanti-inflammatory effect
pain relief
Not recommended for children under 12 years of age
Antibiotics are not recommended for colds as they are caused by viruses and antibiotics only help against bacterial infections. In addition, fever-reducing medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should only be used after consultation with a doctor to ensure tolerance.
In drugstores and pharmacies you can find many over-the-counter preparations against coldswhose effectiveness has often not been proven. It is therefore advisable to seek medical advice before using such products.
It should be noted that in the treatment of colds with medication and that in many cases self-healing takes place with supportive measures such as sufficient fluid intake and rest.

What really helps against colds?
One cold properly means giving the body the rest it needs to promote self-healing. Because a simple cold is usually the result of a viral infection, which cannot be treated with antibiotics as these are only effective against bacterial infections.
In order to prevent breathing with a cold mucolytic agents can be used to help liquefy stuck mucus. This makes it easier to cough up and clears the upper airways.
It is also important to drink plenty of fluids, ideally warm liquids such as tea. Adequate fluid intake supports mucus clearance and helps to flush out pathogens.
Inhaling steam is a proven method of soothing blocked nasal mucous membranes and opening up the airways. This improves hydration and supports the body's defense against pathogens.
Traditional home remedies such as chicken soup or vegetable broth moisturize the mucous membranes and can also help to loosen the mucus. In addition, natural first-aid preparations such as echinacea, pelargonium and watercress can stimulate the immune system, which can be particularly helpful at the start of a flu-like infection.
A balanced diet rich in vitamins and secondary plant substances as well as sufficient fresh air and exercise are also essential components for strengthening the immune system and for prevention during the cold season.
Common cold get rid of colds: the most important things in brief
Colds can be unpleasant, but there are effective ways to treat them. Medications that provide relief include expectorants, cough suppressants and decongestants. nasal sprays. These remedies can help to alleviate the individual symptoms of a cold in a targeted manner.
Home remedies and nutrition:
- Potato wrap
- Onion juice
- Chicken soup
- Adequate fluid intake (2-3 liters daily)
A good supply of fluids is crucial to flush the viruses out of the body and keep the mucous membranes moist. Home remedies such as potato compresses can help to alleviate symptoms and chicken soup is an old remedy to strengthen the immune system.
Inhalation and hygiene:
- Regular inhalation
- Gargling with salt water
These practices can help to clear the upper respiratory tract and often lead to a faster recovery. If there are signs of a high fever or if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek medical advice in order to avoid more complicated courses of the disease, such as a real cold. flu or bacterial infections.
Quick help with a cold: Medication from the pharmacy
When a cold has caught you out, there are various medicines from the pharmacy that can give you quick relief. Here's what you need to know to make the right choice:
- Expectorant medicines: these help with upper respiratory tract problems and coughs as they help loosen stuck mucus.
- Decongestants nasal spraysThey provide relief from a blocked nose and promote breathing.
- Painkillers: remedies such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can help to reduce high fever as well as headaches and aching limbs.
- Combination preparations: Products such as BoxaGrippal® contain both decongestant and analgesic components and are suitable for treating several symptoms at the same time.
Most cold medicines are available without a prescription, but should be used with caution and according to the instructions on the package leaflet. Please note that these medicines are not usually reimbursed by health insurance.
It is important that you consult your doctor if the cold symptoms are severe or last longer than usual, as bacterial infections may also occur that require different treatment.
For the respiratory tract
When it comes to the relief of cold symptoms inhalations can play an important role, especially for the respiratory tract. Hot steam enriched with saline solution or essential oils such as chamomile, mint or eucalyptus makes breathing easier and moisturizes the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. However, caution is advised as essential oils can trigger allergies. They can be used by inhalation or applied to the skin, but should be used with caution and not excessively.
For those looking for a gentle alternative to commercial nasal sprays, homemade saline nasal drops can be helpful. A mixture of 1 g of table salt in 100 ml of water can be homemade and provides a safe solution for a blocked nose.
For dry coughs, home remedies such as hot milk with honey are a wonderful option. Over-the-counter cough syrups can also provide relief. It is important to listen to your body and choose methods that bring personal relief and promote respiratory health.
For a blocked nosewhich often occurs as part of a flu-like infection, there are various ways to treat and alleviate the symptoms.
Decongestants: Active ingredients such as pseudoephedrine hydrochloride can help to clear the airways. They have a decongestant effect and therefore make breathing easier.
Saline solution: To relieve the symptoms of colds a saline solution in the form of nasal drops can be helpful. This helps to decongest the nasal mucous membranes and moisten the nose.
Nasal drops or sprays: These should only be used in the short term, as long-term use can lead to the mucous membranes becoming habituated. If prolonged use is necessary, this should only be done in consultation with a doctor.
Cleaning the nose: A twisted paper handkerchief can be used to gently clean the nose. It is important that the secretions are not pushed up into the nasal passages in order to avoid inflammation.
If you suffer from a blocked nose, you should make sure you moisturize your nose regularly and temporarily use decongestants if the symptoms are severe. nasal sprays in order to feel relief.
colds can be accompanied by fever as well as headaches and aching limbs, which have a major impact on everyday life. Various medications are available to alleviate these symptoms. Ibuprofen is an active ingredient that not only relieves pain, but also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help to combat the overall symptoms of a cold symptoms of a cold.
For children paracetamol is often recommended for children, as it is considered safe and effective for the treatment of fever, headache and aching limbs. In addition, combination preparations such as BoxaGrippal, which contain both analgesic and decongestant active ingredients, offer effective treatment for acute rhinosinusitis symptoms.
However, it is extremely important not to exceed the maximum dosage of painkillers in order to avoid potential health risks. When handling these medications, the package leaflet should always be observed and a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted if there is any uncertainty.
Area of effect
Pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic
Antipyretic, analgesic (preferred for children)
Pain-relieving, decongestant for the nasal mucous membranes
Recognize the signs of a cold early to achieve the best possible relief with these treatment methods.
Combination medicines against several cold symptoms
Combination medicines such as BoxaGrippal are an effective option for combating various symptoms of a flu-like infection. These medicines are available without a prescription and provide comprehensive relief through the combination of decongestant and analgesic active ingredients. The typical symptoms they are used for include headaches, sore throats and aching limbs, which are often associated with rhinosinusitis.
BoxaGrippal is available in different forms such as juices and tablets, which allows flexible adaptation to individual patient needs. Active ingredients such as ibuprofen and paracetamol within these preparations can reduce pain and help with high fever. However, they are effective against symptoms such as coughing and colds less effective.
However, it is important to bear in mind the increased risk of side effects due to the different active ingredients contained compared to monopreparations. Patients should always read the package leaflet and consult a doctor or pharmacist if they are unsure about the appropriate medication for their specific symptoms.
Helpful home remedies and tips against the cold and their symptoms
One cold can be distressing, but there are proven home remedies and practices that can help alleviate the symptoms:
RestRest is fundamental to the healing process. Allowing the body to recharge its batteries and recover is crucial.
Home remedies:
Potato compressThese can provide warmth and thus have a soothing effect.
Onion juiceA well-known remedy for coughs.
Chicken soupChicken soup is not only nutritious, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Fluid intakeTwo to three liters of fluid a day help to keep the mucous membranes moist and liquefy the mucus. The following can be particularly helpful:
Cold teasSage, camomile or elderflower teas to soothe the throat and loosen mucus.
Hot drinks: They promote well-being and can cold symptoms alleviate cold symptoms.
Healing bathsBaths with herbs or essential oils can clear the airways and relieve muscular tension at the same time.
By combining these methods, you can help your body to combat the cold and speed up your recovery.
Home remedies against colds7 tips from grandma
Grandma's wisdom is still a real treasure when it comes to treating a cold. cold to treat a cold. Some of the tried and tested home remedies have their origins in centuries-old traditions and are still often recommended to aid recovery. Here are seven tips that can help to alleviate the annoying symptoms of a cold. cold in a natural way.
3. hot water vapor
Inhaling hot water vapor has been shown to be effective in many cases to open up the airways during a cold. cold moisturize the airways during a cold. It strengthens the mucous membranes' resistance to pathogens and promotes blood circulation, which helps to transport more of the body's own defense cells to the mucous membrane. Especially when essential oils such as chamomile oil are added, mucus production can be regulated and facilitated. In addition, adding thyme, camomile or eucalyptus can have a decongestant and germicidal effect when inhaled, which can improve the cold symptoms can significantly improve cold symptoms.
4. nasal douche with salt water
Known as a nasal douche or nasal rinse, a solution of salt water effectively helps to clear the mucus in the nose. colds liquefy and remove mucus. This tried and tested household remedy can provide relief from upper respiratory tract infections. The rinse not only moisturizes the mucous membranes, but also cleanses them of pathogens. However, it is important to use it correctly: Nasal rinses should not be used for longer than a week so as not to irritate the nasal mucosa. They should also be used with caution in the case of severely inflamed sinuses, as the rinsing fluid may not drain properly.
5. cold bath
A pleasantly warm bath can help with the onset of a cold can work wonders. A water temperature of around 38 degrees Celsius promotes blood circulation and relaxation of the entire body. If essential oils such as lavender or spruce are added, their anti-inflammatory properties can also help to clear the airways. Ideally, the duration of such a cold bath should be 15 to 20 minutes. However, it should be noted that cold baths should be avoided if you have a high temperature so as not to put too much strain on your circulation.
6 Gargling for a sore throat
A simple gargle can provide quick relief from a sore throat. Sage preparations in particular are known to help with a sore throat. Even though gargling moisturizes the superficial mucous membranes, the fact remains that this home remedy is less effective against deeper inflammation. Nevertheless, gargling onion juice is a useful alternative due to its anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. A saline solution of half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water can be used several times a day and helps to fight pathogens in the throat.
7. chicken soup
Last but not least, traditional chicken soup should not be missed. For generations it has been used as a natural remedy against colds. The warm liquid makes it easier to swallow, soothes a sore throat and provides essential nutrients that strengthen the immune system. In addition, studies show that the soup's anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation and swelling. The ingredients in chicken soup, including the vitamins and protein building blocks such as cysteine and carnosine, provide valuable support in the recovery from mild colds.

What to do with coldto avoid secondary illnesses?
With a coldalso known as the flu, it is essential to start treatment in good time to speed up the healing process and avoid potential secondary illnesses such as a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract or pneumonia. Here are some measures you can take:
Rest and sleep: the body needs energy to fight the infection. So make sure you get enough rest and sleep to strengthen your immune system.
Sufficient fluid intake: Drink plenty of fluids, preferably hot water or tea. This hydrates the body and makes it easier to remove stuck mucus.
Healthy diet: A balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and phytochemicals can support the immune system. Make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Expectorants: Preparations that liquefy the mucus make breathing easier and promote a speedy recovery.
Drug treatment: Use medication to relieve symptoms, but be careful not to use it for too long to prevent complications.
To prevent secondary illnesses, it is advisable to consult a doctor if symptoms persist or if you have a high temperature, which could indicate a more serious infection.
Vitamin C is often used as a miracle cure for colds but what do current scientific findings say? Although vitamin C plays an important role in supporting the immune system, studies show that its additional intake in the case of an existing cold does not usually help to alleviate the symptoms. A review study, which is considered reliable, confirms that vitamin C reduces the duration of cold symptoms if it is consumed regularly and preventively.
In contrast, the intake of vitamin C at the beginning of a cold no demonstrable effect on the severity or duration of the illness. Vitamin D supplementswhich are often mentioned in the same breath as vitamin C do not appear to offer any protection against acute respiratory symptoms either. However, a preventive intake of vitamin D could be beneficial in the case of an existing deficiency.
Effect with existing cold
Preventive intake
Vitamin C
No improvement in symptoms
Can shorten duration
Vitamin D
No effect
Could prevent deficiency
The right balance of a balanced diet and adequate fluid intake therefore remains the best way to strengthen the immune system and stay healthy all year round.
How to infect yourself with a cold catch a cold?
The cold, a widespread disease of the upper respiratory tract, is usually caused by viruses. Infection often occurs through direct contact with infected persons or via droplets that are released when sneezing or coughing, for example. These droplets can land on objects and the viruses can be transmitted via the hands to the mucous membranes of the face, such as the mouth, nose or eyes.
The basis for avoiding infection is therefore regular and thorough hand washing or the use of disinfectants. This is particularly important as cold viruses can remain infectious on surfaces for some time. The risk of infection is particularly high in enclosed spaces where people come together in close proximity.
During a cold the body should also be protected. Sport and other strenuous activities weaken the immune system and can delay recovery and increase the risk of infection for others. Characteristic for the common cold are symptoms such as Cough, sore throat and runny nosewhich usually subside after a week.
When should I see a doctor?
With a coldalso known as a flu-like infection, there is often no need to see a doctor, as many people can alleviate the symptoms on their own. However, there are certain signs that indicate the need for a medical consultation.
When to see a doctor?
Worsening of the symptomsIf the symptoms do not improve after a few days or even get worse.
Specific symptomsGreen nasal mucus for several days, persistent severe sore throat, or severe earache.
Risk groups: People with chronic illnesses or a weak immune system should be warned if cold symptoms should consult a doctor immediately.
The diagnosis is usually made by taking a medical history and performing a physical examination. Laboratory tests are rarely necessary.
Important note: If, in addition to the cold symptoms or if a severe cough occurs, especially a chronic cough, a visit to the doctor is also recommended.
The following always applies: if you are unsure, it is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications.
How long does a cold?
A cold is a common illness that lasts an average of eight to ten days. The intensity of the symptoms usually subsides after three to seven days, but you should be prepared for the fact that full recovery can take up to two weeks.
The cough is particularly persistent and can persist even after the other symptoms have subsided. Cold symptoms can last up to three weeks. Although most cold symptoms are harmless and limited to the upper respiratory tract, caution is advised. Should a cold is spread, sudden symptoms such as high fever, severe headaches or a violent cough may indicate an exacerbation.
Here is a brief summary of the duration of a cold:
Total duration
Approx. 8-10 days
Beginning of improvement
After approx. 3-7 days
Complete healing
Up to 2 weeks
Can last up to 3 weeks after a cold last
It is important during a cold to listen to your body and give it the rest it needs to avoid complications.
A coldcommonly known as the common cold, is a widespread, mostly harmless infection that affects our upper respiratory tract. Various viruses are responsible for this condition, which can trigger a range of typical symptoms. These include, among others Cough, sore throat, runny nose and hoarsenessbut also general symptoms such as tiredness and occasionally fever.
The symptoms usually start to improve after three to seven days, and generally the symptoms of a simple cold remit. cold remit on their own within one to two weeks. Common cold is the predominant sign of a flu-like infection and occurs in around 80% of cases. However, the symptoms can vary depending on the number of cold viruses vary in intensity.
A superinfection can also occur, in which additional bacterial infections develop. Such complications can lead to serious health problems and require prompt medical treatment to avoid further consequences.
Preventive measures
The prevention of colds requires simple but essential measures, especially during the cold season.
Hand hygiene Regular hand washing is considered one of the most important preventative measures. Particular attention should be paid to thorough cleaning after arriving home or using public transport.
Ventilation in closed rooms In the fall and winter, when many people come together in closed rooms, regular ventilation is crucial for reducing the risk of catching a cold.
Consideration for cold People with a cold should stay at home if possible. If leaving the house is unavoidable, wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk of infecting others.
Protection from the cold To minimize the risk of cold should be kept to a minimum by avoiding freezing, soaking and cold feet.
Spending time in the fresh air Regular time spent outdoors strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on general health, which in turn prevents colds colds.
These simple preventative measures can reduce the risk of catching a cold. cold can be significantly reduced.

Wash your hands regularly
Regular hand washing is a simple but extremely effective measure to prevent colds. Especially during the cold season, you should wash your hands thoroughly after using public transport or shopping. This significantly reduces the risk of catching cold viruses via your hands.
Careful hand hygiene, carried out several times a day, is a proven method of containing the spread of these viruses. To minimize infection, it is advisable to wash your hands, especially after direct contact with other people.
For optimum effectiveness, you should also make sure to cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm instead of into your hands. This reduces the risk of passing on pathogens via the hands.
Proper hand hygiene:
- Wet your hands under running water.
- Apply soap and rub hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Carefully clean between the fingers and under the nails.
- Rinse with running water.
- Dry hands with a clean towel or paper towel.
These simple but effective steps help to reduce the spread of cold pathogens and thus reduce your own risk of infection and that of others.
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose as much as possible
A simple but crucial measure to protect against cold viruses is to touch your face less often. Unintentionally and often unnoticed, we touch our eyes, mouth and nose up to 30 times an hour, which is how viruses are transmitted.
Viruses that are on our hands can easily enter the body as soon as we touch our facial areas. Hands also often come into contact with surfaces that have previously been touched by people with a virus. cold have previously touched.
To reduce the risk of infection, we should actively remind ourselves to refrain from this common habit. Consciously avoiding this touching is a simple step with a significant impact on our health.
Here are a few tips to achieve this goal:
- Regularly washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
- Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
- When sneezing or coughing into the crook of your arm or a handkerchief, not into your hands.
- Use cleaning wipes to disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
By following these simple guidelines, we can reduce the risk of contracting a catching a cold significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold.
Colds are an omnipresent challenge, especially in the cold season. Caused by an infection with viruses, specifically over 200 different types of virus, they are highly contagious and occur more frequently. Adults are affected on average two to four times a year, children even up to six times. The immune system plays a central role in the defense against these frequent infections.
To prevent infection, it makes sense to avoid contact with people who are suffering from a cold or the real flu should be avoided. Particularly in closed rooms, where the transmission of viruses is facilitated by droplet infection, you should keep your distance. Symptoms such as coughing increase the risk of the virus spreading quickly, as pathogens can get into the air you breathe.
Keeping an appropriate distance and avoiding direct contact with people who have a cold not only protects your own health, but also helps to contain the spread of the virus. In practice, regular hand washing and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces can be an effective way of minimizing the risk of infection.
Minimize stress
Stress is a known risk factor for health - it affects both mental and physical well-being and can often lead to colds colds. Fortunately, there are various ways to minimize stress and thus strengthen the immune system.
A healthy and balanced diet plays a central role. By choosing the right foods that are rich in vitamins and phytochemicals, the body can be supported in coping with stress and defending the immune system. Conscious nutrition not only helps the immune system, but also contributes to general well-being.
Exercise is also an effective way to reduce stress. Regular exercise, be it a walk in the fresh air or a targeted fitness program, promotes the release of endorphins, the so-called "happiness hormones", which reduce stress levels.
Another crucial factor is getting enough sleep. A good night's sleep is essential to regenerate body and mind and strengthen the immune system.
Finally, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or targeted breaks in everyday life can help to effectively reduce stress levels. By consciously taking periods of rest and practising relaxation exercises, stress levels are controlled and health is promoted.
By combining these measures, the risk of stress-related illnesses can be reduced. colds can be reduced. A strengthened immune system and an improved general state of health are the reward for a consciously stress-reduced life.
What to do if you do catch a cold?
If you do get caught out and the first signs of cold like Colds, coughs and sore throats There are a number of measures that can help to alleviate the symptoms:
Adequate fluid intakeAt least two liters a day, ideally water or unsweetened herbal tea, help to keep the mucous membranes moist.
InhalationsThe use of chamomile or peppermint oil in the form of steam inhalations can soothe the upper respiratory tract and provide relief.
Foot bathsA soothing foot bath with mustard seed flour or thyme stimulates the circulation and can support the immune system.
Natural preparationsEchinacea, pelargonium and water azalea preparations can activate the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses.
Rest and sleepRest and sleep : Allowing yourself the necessary rest and ensuring sufficient sleep is crucial to support the body's self-healing powers.
These simple methods can help to promote recovery and reduce the discomfort of an illness. cold alleviate the discomfort of a cold.
Source: istockphoto Martinns
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