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Komfort und Effizienz im Gesundheitswesen neu definiert: Der Teqler Pendelhocker

Redefining comfort and efficiency in the healthcare sector: The Teqler pendulum stool

In the dynamic world of healthcare, where every moment counts, the need for ergonomic and efficient solutions is paramount. The Teqler pendulum stool is a beacon of innovation, offering a unique blend of comfort, functionality and versatility. In this blog post, we look at the many benefits of this medical device, explore its user-friendly features and highlight the different professions that can benefit from its ergonomic design.

Advantages of the Teqler pendulum stool:

  • Dynamic ergonomics:
    The Teqler pendulum stool was developed with a focus on dynamic ergonomics to ensure optimal support for healthcare professionals during long working hours. Its ergonomic design promotes a natural and comfortable sitting posture and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and fatigue.
  • Height adjustment mechanism:
    One of the outstanding features of the Teqler pendulum stool is its simple height adjustment mechanism. This allows the user to adjust the stool to their preferred height to ensure it is suitable for healthcare professionals of varying stature. The seamless adjustment process promotes user comfort and adaptability.
  • 360-degree rotation:
    The stool's ability to rotate 360 degrees improves accessibility and flexibility in various medical settings. Whether in a clinic, hospital or laboratory, medical professionals can easily reach different areas without having to constantly reposition themselves. This feature significantly improves the efficiency of the workflow.
  • Stability and durability:
    The Teqler pendulum stool is designed to withstand the tough conditions in the healthcare sector. The robust construction and high-quality materials contribute to its stability and durability. This makes it a reliable and long-lasting investment for healthcare facilities looking for equipment that can withstand the demands of daily use.
  • Easy to clean:
    Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is crucial in healthcare facilities. The design of the Teqler pendulum stool takes this into account and offers easy-to-clean surfaces. This makes it a practical choice for environments where infection control is a priority.

How to use the Teqler pendulum stool and how to use it:

The operation of the Teqler pendulum stool is extremely simple and can be seamlessly integrated into the daily routine of medical staff.

  1. Adjusting the height:
    Locate the height adjustment lever under the seat.
    Raise or lower the lever to reach the desired height.
    Make sure that the stool is securely locked in place before use.
  2. Turn the stool:
    Use the 360-degree swivel function by carefully turning the stool in the desired direction.
    The smooth rotation allows easy access to different work areas without having to constantly reposition the stool.
  3. Cleaning and care:
    Wipe the stool regularly with a mild disinfectant to maintain a clean and hygienic surface.
    Check the moving parts regularly to ensure that they are in good condition.
    Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for any specific maintenance requirements.

Appropriate users:

The Teqler pendulum stool is a versatile solution that is suitable for a range of healthcare professionals, including:

  • Dentists and dental assistants:
    Ideal for use in dental clinics, where precise positioning and easy access to equipment are crucial.
  • Medical laboratory technicians:
    Well suited to laboratories where technicians need to move quickly between workstations.
  • Nurses and nursing assistants:
    Provides comfort and flexibility in nursing stations and patient areas.
  • Physicians:
    Improves the ergonomic set-up of doctors' surgeries and allows doctors to focus on patient care.
  • Pharmacists:
    Provides comfort for prolonged prescription filling and consultation.

In summary, it can be said that the Teqler pendulum stool is proof of the commitment to innovation in healthcare. Its benefits in terms of dynamic ergonomics, ease of use and suitability for different professional groups make it a valuable asset in modern healthcare facilities. As the demand for efficient and comfortable solutions continues to grow, the Teqler Pendulum Stool is becoming a key player in improving the well-being and productivity of medical staff.


Source: istockphoto PonyWang

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