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Aspekte des Kindeswohls. Grundlagen und Herausforderungen in der Erziehung

Aspects of child welfare. Fundamentals and challenges in parenting

In a world in which the well-being of the child is increasingly becoming the focus of attention, the challenges in parenting are diverse and complex. Parents and educators are faced with the important task of setting the right course for the child's physical, emotional, social and cognitive development.

The concept of child welfare goes far beyond immediate needs and also includes the promotion of children's rights and participation. Parental upbringing and its influence on development play a central role here, as they are decisive for the emergence of positive or negative developments.

This article sheds light on the fundamentals and challenges of child welfare in parenting, defines key terms, analyzes influencing factors and offers practical recommendations for supporting parents. Immerse yourself with us in the complex topic of child welfare and discover how sustainable parenting can succeed.

Child welfare and proper parenting

Child welfare is of central importance for healthy child development. A study found that in almost 40% of cases in which children were assessed in German family law proceedings, there was harm. This illustrates the importance of the topic.

Definition of the best interests of the child

  • Physical development: Supported by appropriate nutrition and exercise.
  • Mental developmentSupport through education and creative activities.
  • Mental development: Strong emotional support and security.

Role of caregivers

Positive personality development requires caregivers to recognize and meet children's basic needs. These include:

  • Protection of physical and emotional integrity
  • Appreciation and respect
  • A stable and continuous relationship

Parenting factors

Parents' parenting skills are crucial for the child's well-being. Legitimate professional action includes protection, stability and appreciation.


Aspect Description


Physical and mental integrity.


Stable relationships.


Positive reinforcement and respect.

Good parenting promotes physical as well as mental and emotional development. health of the children.


The education and support of children is crucial for their healthy and positive development. Empirical findings show that parental parenting behavior plays a central role in this. This behavior is made up of many components that are shaped by various influencing factors.

Important components of parenting:

  • Teaching rulesChildren need clear rules in order to find structure.
  • Teaching valuesValues give children a moral foundation.
  • Promotion: Support in the development of skills.

Parental nurturing is essential to characterize parenting skills, especially in the context of the concept of child welfare. Parenting and nurturing together are essential for the well-being of children.

Influencing factors:


Factor Description

Family situation

Stability and security

Socio-economic status

Access to educational resources

Relationships with caregivers

Emotional support

Child development depends heavily on these factors. According to Anne D. and other researchers, disruptions in parenting can have negative consequences for children. It is important that parents and other institutions work closely together to ensure the child's well-being.

Definition of the best interests of the child

The term "best interests of the child" is a central aspect of family law and youth welfare. It is an undefined legal concept that is based on the basic needs and fundamental rights of children. The aim is to ensure the overall well-being of a child or young person and to promote their healthy development.

Essential aspects of child welfare:

  • Physical well-beingProtection from physical abuse and health care.
  • Mental well-beingAccess to education and promotion of mental development.
  • Mental well-being: Emotional security and healthy relationships with caregivers.

A endangerment of the child's welfare is assumed when one or more of these aspects are at risk, whether due to family circumstances or within an institution. In principle, the best interests of the child are the guiding principle in all matters concerning underage children, such as parental separation. The General Civil Code firmly anchors this consideration in the legal system.

This understanding of the best interests of the child is crucial for making the right decisions in youth welfare proceedings. Decisions must always be made in the best interests of the child to ensure healthy development.

Importance of parental education

Parenting plays a crucial role in a child's development. It influences both the child's mental and psychomotor development. Parents make a significant contribution by supporting the child's individual growth.

Important factors in parenting:

  • Personality traits of the parentsThese can directly influence parenting behavior.
  • Health situation: A good physical and psychological health of parents has a positive effect on parenting.
  • Quality of the parental partnershipA harmonious relationship promotes a stable and supportive environment for the child.

Essential aspects of parental support:

  1. Direct supportActive participation in learning and development processes.
  2. Indirect supportCreating a positive environment that encourages the child.

Promoting the child's identity development is also essential. Parents should accompany their child as they come to terms with their identity. Learning opportunities and support with age-appropriate developmental tasks are also crucial.

Effective parenting requires a balanced interplay of these factors. In this way, the child's well-being is comprehensively promoted.

Areas of child development

A child's development encompasses many areas. Influencing factors such as financial problems or parenting practices have different effects. For example, one child may react aggressively, while another may become anxious or depressed. This complexity makes it difficult to link specific symptoms directly to specific conditions. However, unfavorable parenting practices often have a direct negative impact on child development.

Physical development

Physical contact is crucial for the physical development of children. In many cultures, children are carried close to the body. This promotes their physical regulation. The intensive skin contact supports physical well-being. However, modern slings can impair this contact. Astrid Lindgren emphasizes the importance of free development for a healthy upbringing. A non-violent upbringing strengthens both physical and psychological development. health.

Emotional development

A secure bond between parents and child is crucial for emotional development. Unstable attachments can lead to personality disorders later in life. Children need stable relationships and a supportive environment. This helps to strengthen their emotional security and identity development. Independence is important, but must be combined with boundaries and structure to ensure healthy emotional development.

Social development

An authoritative parenting style promotes social skills and academic success. Parental behavior that is too strict, on the other hand, can reinforce problem behavior. Parenting that supports participation and independence reduces behavioral problems and strengthens social-emotional skills. Children need stable relationships and a supportive environment in order to develop well.

Cognitive development

Early encouragement and stimulation are important for cognitive development. If these are lacking, developmental delays can occur. Social isolation and conflict can lead to cognitive difficulties later on. The influence of genetic predispositions and the environment is complicated, but plays a significant role. The mental well-being of children is often neglected, but is crucial for cognitive development.

The biopsychosocial explanation model

The biopsychosocial explanatory model is an important approach to analyzing the emergence of developmental deviations and mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. In contrast to research in developmental psychology, this model focuses on the negative consequences that developmental deviations can have on a child's development.

The risk factors identified include child maltreatment, neglect and abuse. These factors can have significant negative effects on child development and are therefore of central interest in developmental psychopathology research.

The research findings help to understand the following points:

  • Risks of child endangerment
  • Possible consequences of these risks

The model examines the relationship between three main aspects of child development:

  1. Environmental factors - External influences that affect the child.
  2. Biological conditions - Genetic and physical conditions.
  3. Psychological aspects - Emotional and cognitive processes.

By combining these elements, the model offers comprehensive insights into the challenges of child development and opportunities for intervention.

Emergence of developmental deviations

The emergence of developmental deviations is explained by the biopsychosocial model. This model considers neurobiological, genetic and psychosocial influences as interlinked factors. Developmental deviations are not only signs of illness. They can also be adaptation strategies to specific developmental requirements in an individual context. For example, aggressive behavior in children can be seen as a survival strategy. This strategy is often learned in a problematic family environment. The exact roles of disposition and environment in developmental delays and cognitive deficits are often difficult to determine. This makes the diagnosis of these deviations complicated. A lack of parental support, especially in the first years of life, can have a serious impact on a child's development.

Factors for developmental deviations

Child maltreatment, neglect and abuse are clearly identified risk factors. These usually have a negative impact on a child's development. Developmental deviations and conspicuous behavior are frequent results of such risk factors. The biopsychosocial model explains the development through the interaction of a large number of influencing factors. It describes complex interactions between neurobiological, genetic and psychosocial factors. According to this model, psychopathological symptoms are adaptive reactions to developmental challenges in a specific context.

Mental disorders in childhood and adolescence

Mental disorders in childhood and adolescence often manifest themselves as temporal deviations. These deviations can lead the child down a path of maladaptation. Risk factors such as neglect or abuse increase the likelihood that a child will develop mental disorders. Children who start out on different paths may nevertheless exhibit similar mental health problems, demonstrating the diversity of risk constellations. In pedagogy, a prognosis can be made about the future development of a child. Risky behavior by caregivers that is not professionally justified represents a danger. Neglect seriously jeopardizes the child's well-being. In the long term, this can lead to chronic physical, mental or emotional deficits that increase the risk of mental disorders.

Influence of parental measures on the child's welfare

Parental upbringing has a decisive influence on a child's well-being and development. Teaching rules and values can have a positive influence on a child's well-being. However, if parents neglect their duties, this can endanger the child's welfare. When making custody decisions, the best interests of the child are the most important criterion. It takes into account the child's current situation and future development. The term "best interests of the child" encompasses the entire well-being of a child and is influenced by the behavior of the parents. The will of the child also plays an important role as long as it is in line with the best interests of the child.

Positive measures to promote

Child welfare means that the physical, mental and emotional well-being of a child is safeguarded. A pedagogically sound upbringing is important in order to develop the child into an independent and socially competent personality. Parents should ensure that children's basic developmental needs are met. Children should be involved in important decisions in order to respect their will and well-being. A careful pedagogical approach by parents is crucial to ensure the child's well-being.

  • Involvement in decisionsChildren should have a say in important issues.
  • Basic security: Parents must lay the foundations for healthy development.

Negative effects of parenting mistakes

Unfavorable parenting practices such as excessive strictness can have a negative impact on children's behavior. An authoritative parenting style, on the other hand, can reduce behavioral problems and promote social skills. Studies show that this parenting style is associated with academic success and fewer behavioral problems. Parents' financial problems can increase emotional stress and have a negative impact on parenting behavior. Children who grow up under authoritarian practices are more likely to develop aggressive or anxious behavior.

  • Proximate risk factorsDirect influence of parental parenting errors on child development.
  • Distal risk factorsIndirect stresses such as financial problems influence family life and parenting.

Ethical guidelines in parenting

Ethical guidelines in education are decisive for the promotion of an independent and socially competent personality. These guidelines are in line with the rights of children. The best interests of the child include the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the child.

Endangerment of the child's welfare occurs when there is a significant risk to the life or health of the child. The development of an independent personality can also be endangered by incorrect behavior.

Signs that a child's welfare is at risk:

  • Danger to life or significant health risks
  • Endangerment of the development of an independent personality
  • Neglect due to inadequate care

If a child's basic needs are not met, this can lead to chronic neglect. The violation of children's rights occurs when the behavior of the caregiver does not promote the child's personal development.

The following table summarizes the most important aspects:

Aspect Significance

Child welfare

Physical, mental and emotional well-being of the child

Endangerment of the child's welfare

Significant danger to the child or endangerment of personality development


Inadequate care leading to chronic underprovision

Compliance with these ethical guidelines is essential to ensure the welfare of children.

Tension between the educational mandate and children's rights

The tension between the educational mandate and children's rights is a central issue in education. The undefined legal term "best interests of the child" forms the basis for lawful upbringing and requires legitimate professional action. The will of the child is an important factor here, but is not always synonymous with the best interests of the child.

Educators bear a great deal of responsibility. They are often the first to recognize signs of violence and must react in order to protect the welfare of the children. This task requires sensitivity and professionalism.

Coercive circles pose a considerable threat to the welfare of children. Recurrent escalations in family conflicts can have a negative impact on the social behavior and psychological well-being of children. health of the children.

Important elements for healthy development:

  • Stable relationships: Trust and security are essential.
  • Professional attention: Mindfulness and support promote well-being.
  • Protection of physical and emotional integrity: A safe environment is crucial.

The best interests of the child and the educational mission must be in harmony. This is the only way to ensure healthy development and a life full of potential.


The internalization of values and rules by children is crucial for their development into independent personalities. A strong bond with trusted persons, such as parents, is important here. Inadequate care, e.g. insufficient nutritioncan have a negative impact on this development.

Children need different rules depending on their age. For toddlers, safety rules are paramount. Cultural differences influence when educational content, such as cleanliness education, is introduced.

A child's welfare encompasses their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Pedagogically, this must be ensured through competent behavior in education. The following aspects are crucial:

  • CareAdequate nutrition, Hygiene, Protection
  • Values & RulesAdaptation to age group and culture
  • AttachmentStable relationships with positive role models

Healthy development enables children to better accept parental values and rules. This ensures their well-being and their ability to act in communities. The educational environment plays a central role in this.

Recommendations for parents

Parents play a central role in promoting children's development. They should actively contribute to strengthening their children's personal and social skills (§ 1 Para. 1 SGB VIII). A supportive environment enables children to grow independently. This is an essential responsibility of parents.

Important steps:

  • Ensure basic needs are metEnsure sufficient care and a careful upbringing to safeguard the child's well-being.
  • Respectful upbringingAppreciate the opinions and feelings of the children. Adapt to their understanding and ability to form opinions.
  • Protection of integrityTake care to protect the psychological and physical integrity of the children. This helps to avoid possible threats to the child's well-being.

Table: Aspects of proper parenting




Ensuring basic needs are met

Personal responsibility

Promoting independence in a social context

Communication culture

Consideration of children's opinions and feelings

Protective measures

Prevention of psychological and physical hazards

By implementing these recommendations for action, parents fulfill their central role in the healthy development of their children.

Resources to support parental education

Children's welfare is at risk if they do not receive sufficient support in their early years. Developmental delays and cognitive deficits can be difficult to make up for without professional support.

Resources to support parenting:

  1. Family intensive care: Intensive support for the whole family.
  2. Outpatient care: Regular counseling appointments for parents and children.
  3. Subsidies for care: Financial support for kindergarten and after-school care.
  4. Therapeutic measures: Treatment and support for special developmental needs.

Educational support is funded by the province of Carinthia. Payments are made to service providers from which the child or young person benefits. The prerequisites for this support are that the child's welfare is at risk and that the chosen facilities are suitable.

A professionally implemented upbringing that is adapted to the individual needs of the child is central to the child's welfare. In this way, children can be optimally supported and protected, increasing their chances of healthy development.

What is child welfare? - Definition of pedagogy

Child welfare is an undefined legal concept that is based on the basic needs and fundamental rights of children and young people. The focus is on the physical, mental and emotional integrity of the child. A child's welfare is at risk if it is not guaranteed or is endangered, particularly in family or institutional contexts. This is often relevant in family law and youth welfare proceedings.

The definition encompasses a child's overall well-being and healthy development. The assessment of a child's welfare takes the following criteria into account:

  • Adequate care
  • Protection of physical and mental integrity
  • Consideration of the child's opinions

Current statistics and case numbers on child welfare

On average, three children die every week in Germany due to violence or neglect. Stressful situations for families significantly increase the risk to child welfare. During the coronavirus pandemic, the number of cases relating to child welfare has risen.

Here are some of the important criteria for assessing child welfare:

  • Adequate care and protection of integrity
  • Appreciation by the parents
  • Consideration of the child's opinion

In all matters concerning the minor child, the best interests of the child are the guiding consideration to ensure that children grow up in safe and nurturing environments.

Current statistics and case numbers on child welfare

In Germany, an average of three children die every week as a result of violence or neglect. Particularly in stressful situations, such as those that occurred more frequently during the coronavirus pandemic, there was a noticeable increase in threats to child welfare. The number of cases relating to child welfare has risen significantly during this time.

The best interests of the child are a guiding consideration in all matters concerning children. The following criteria are used to assess the best interests of the child:

  • Adequate careEnsuring food and medical care
  • Protection of integrity: Safety from physical and psychological violence
  • Appreciation by parents: Emotional support and recognition
  • Consideration of the child's opinionInvolvement in decisions that affect the child

The fulfillment of these criteria is essential for the healthy development and well-being of children. Parents, institutions and all key caregivers must work together to safeguard and promote the child's welfare.

The best interests of the child as a legal concept - the will of the child and the best interests of the child

The best interests of the child is a central concept in German family law. It plays an important role in legal decisions, for example in separations or divorces. However, the will of the child is not the only decisive factor. Even if the will of the child is an important criterion, it does not always correspond to the best interests of the child.

Experts must professionally assess the best interests of the child. This determines, for example, whether educational measures, such as the withdrawal of a cell phone, are beneficial. Clear guidelines support this assessment. This prevents subjective decisions from being made.

It is also important that parenting does not create situations that endanger the child or others. The parenting responsibility lies in ensuring the safety and well-being of the child.

Best interests of the child according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the best interests of the child take precedence over other interests. This convention includes the right to life, development and health of the child. No child may be discriminated against on the grounds of race, origin, religion or genetic make-up.

Children also have the right to physical, mental and emotional integrity. The ban on discrimination strengthens this right. Another important aspect is the right of children to participate. Depending on their age and capacity for understanding, children should be involved in decisions.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of a total of 54 articles. It defines the fundamental rights of children. This convention has been in force since September 2, 1990.

Source: istockphoto AleksandarNakic

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