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Medical blog

Author: Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck, DESA
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine

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  • Überblick über CDL Wasseraufbereitung

    Overview of CDL water treatment

    What is Chlorine dioxide solution? Chlorine dioxide solution is a liquid that consists of chlorine dioxide and water. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is a gaseous substance known for its disinfectant properties. It is produced by the reaction of sodium chlorite (NaClO2)...

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  • Eisenmangelanämie behandeln

    Treating iron deficiency anemia

    Overview of Ferrum Hausmann Ferrum Hausmann is a well-known preparation used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is used to treat iron deficiency anemia. This form of anemia occurs when there is a deficiency of the vital mineral iron...

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  • Nikotinsucht überwinden - Ein Arzt klärt auf

    Overcoming nicotine addiction - a doctor explains

    Definition of smoking cessation Smoking cessation refers to the process by which people stop using tobacco and overcome their nicotine addiction. This form of cessation can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including the use of medications, behavioral changes...

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  • So kannst du deine Gedächtnisfunktion verbessern

    How you can improve your memory function

    Definition of memory enhancers  Memory enhancers are substances or measures that are used to improve mental performance and support memory function. They can help to improve attention, concentration, learning ability and retention. This is particularly important as a good memory...

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Author Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck

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