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Medical blog

Author: Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck, DESA
Specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine

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  • Tipps zur Pflege von trockener Haut im Winter

    Tips for caring for dry skin in winter

    The cold winter air can be a challenge for our skin and often leads to dry, stressed skin. At this time of year, it is not only external conditions but also internal factors such as diet and hydration that are...

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  • Hochwertiger Bio-Kaffee von Sonnentor online bestellen

    High-quality organic coffee from Sonnentor order online

    Coffee is not only a popular indulgence, but also a ritual that connects people all over the world. At a time when sustainability and quality are paramount, coffee is becoming increasingly important. High-quality organic coffee is increasingly becoming the focus...

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  • Premium Kondome: Sicher und komfortabel online bestellen

    Premium condoms: order safely and conveniently online

    Safe sexual practices are crucial for maintaining health and well-being. In a world where sexual education and prevention are becoming increasingly important condoms are an indispensable tool. They not only offer protection against sexually transmitted infections, but are also an...

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  • Impotenz erfolgreich behandeln

    Successfully treating impotence

    Impotence is an issue that affects many men, but is often not addressed openly. The causes of erectile dysfunction are manifoldand understanding this problem is crucial for successful treatment. In a world where sexuality plays a central role in life,...

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  • Wie kann man Herzkrankheiten vorbeugen? Ein Arzt klärt auf

    How can you prevent heart disease? A doctor explains

    1. A healthy diet A balanced diet is a key factor in the prevention of heart disease. This is particularly important: Lots of fruit and vegetables: They provide important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the heart. Healthy fats: Unsaturated...

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  • Risikogruppen: Wer braucht Supplements wirklich?

    Risk groups: Who really needs supplements?

    In recent years, the market for dietary supplements has grown explosively. In 2020, around 2.3 billion euros were spent on food supplements in Germany alone. supplements and there seems to be no end in sight to this trend. But despite...

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Author Dr. med. univ. Daniel Pehböck

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