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Roche Antigen-Schnelltest – Schritt für Schritt Anleitung

Roche Rapid antigen test - step by step instructions

You have just taken a Roche rapid antigen test and want to test your loved ones for the coronavirus? To make the testing process as clear and simple as possible, we have summarized what you need to pay attention to in the following blog article.

What do you need for a successful rapid antigen test?

In the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Rapid Test from Roche contains ALL the utensils you need for a successful test run. Only use the sterile medical products from the test kit intended for the test. Before you start, it is important to get an overview and lay out all the products you need on the table in front of you. Check the expiration date on the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test. If the test kit has expired, it can no longer be used.
In addition to the sterile packaged antigen test itself, the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen test kit also contains extraction buffer tubes, nozzle caps, nasopharyngeal swabs and a protective film for the test run.

Yes, I want a Roche buy a rapid antigen test - 25 pieces per pack!

Step by step instructions Roche Rapid antigen test

Info: The Roche rapid antigen test may only be carried out by qualified medical personnel. Ensure your safety and wear the correct protective equipment when taking the test!


Step 1: After checking the expiration date on the antigen test, carefully open the packaging on the side provided. Inside you will find the test cassette and a "desiccant status indicator". This indicator shows you whether the test cassette was properly sealed. There should be a yellow dot on the indicator. If the dot is green, this indicates that the test packaging is not sterile and the antigen test should be discarded.

Step 2: Have the test person blow their nose. In the meantime, you can remove the nasopharyngeal swab from the packaging. Now instruct your patient to hold their head straight so that you can see both nostrils clearly. Now explain your next steps so that your patient can adjust to them.
"I am now going to perform a nasal throat swab on you. I need to reach the back wall of the throat with the test stick to get a meaningful test result. It may tickle and scratch your nose and you may feel a slight nausea. However, please try to keep your head as still as possible - the whole thing only takes a few seconds to pass. When you're ready, I'll start the smear test on 3." Now that your patient knows what to expect, you can start the actual smear test.


Step 3: Carefully insert the test swab into one nostril. As soon as the absorbent cotton in the nose has disappeared, carefully but quickly push the test stick horizontally backwards until you feel a slight resistance. Twist the stick briefly between your fingers and pull it out of your nose again quickly.
Offer your patient a handkerchief again to remove the itching in the nose. Then continue with step 4.

Step 4: Now dip the swab stick into the "Extraction Buffer Tube", i.e. the Eppendorf tube with the buffer solution. Squeeze the Eppendorf tube lightly with your thumb and index finger while inserting the test swab all the way in and turning it at least 5 times. This is important to transfer as many viral antigens as possible into the buffer solution. Remove the swab, still applying slight pressure to the Eppendorf tube. Then close the buffer solution tightly with a nozzle cap.


Step 5: Apply 3 drops from the Eppenndorf tube to the test portion intended for the sample. This is located at the bottom of the test cassette. Now stick the enclosed protective film onto the reading window of the test cassette to prevent possible contamination. You can read the test result after 15-30 minutes. Observe this time window exactly in order to obtain a sensitive result.

Step 6: To interpret the results, first check whether the control line "C" is visible. This is evaluated as present, and therefore positive, as soon as it can be recognized in any form. Pale or discontinuous control lines are also evaluated as positive. This line indicates that the test has been carried out correctly. If it is not visible, the test must be repeated. In this case, do not use any of the products already used again! The test line "T" is now located above the control line. This is also evaluated as positive as soon as it is recognizable in any way. It now tells you whether your patient carries virus antigens or not. A positive test line is therefore to be considered a positive corona rapid test!


You want to get the Roche SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test for your doctor's office? Then click hereto see our current offers.

Yes, I want a Roche buy a rapid antigen test - 25 pieces per pack!

Attention: The Roche rapid antigen test may only be carried out by qualified medical personnel.


Click here to go directly to the Roche rapid antigen test!

Previous article CLUNGENE Corona rapid test - 25 pack | High reliability


Ahmed. I - June 19, 2023


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