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Was man über Erste-Hilfe wissen muss - ein Übersichtsartikel

What you need to know about first aid - an overview article

Accidents of any kind can happen anytime and anywhere - in everyday life, at work or during leisure time. They often leave behind not only physical damage, but can also result in psychological stress. It is therefore crucial that each of us has a basic knowledge of first aid knowledge.

First aid is the immediate action taken in a medical emergency to save a patient's life and stabilize their health until professional help arrives. These measures can make the difference between life and death and are therefore of great importance for safety in emergencies.

In this article you will learn what you need to know about first aid in everyday life - from basic emergency techniques and the legal framework to training courses for first aiders. Be prepared to act decisively in an emergency.

First aide

First aid is vital in order to react correctly in emergency situations. The recovery position helps with an unconscious person who is still breathing. It keeps the airways clear and monitors breathing.

Basic first aid measures:

  • Checking breathing
  • Cardiac massage
  • Ventilation
  • External defibrillator for respiratory-circulatory arrest

It is important to make the emergency call immediately. Stay calm with the affected person to reassure them. If gasping is noticed, proceed as if there were no breathing.



Unconscious person

Stable lateral position

Person not breathing

Cardiac massage, Ventilation, defibrillator

Rapid breathing

How to proceed in the event of no breathing

In Austria, first aid training is offered by non-profit rescue services such as the Red Cross. This training is crucial in order to be able to provide safe and effective help. Company first aiders should be available in sufficient numbers and have formal training.

What is first aid?

First Aid includes basic measures that are taken quickly at an emergency scene to save lives and stabilize the situation. It is a crucial part of the rescue chain, which includes securing the accident site, providing first aid and making an emergency call.

In Austria, first aid courses are clearly structured. These courses cover essential topics such as:

  • Emergency call procedures
  • First aid measures for various emergencies
  • Correct behavior in case of injuries

Effective intervention can significantly increase the chances of survival in critical situations, such as cardiac arrest. Immediate measures such as the recovery position can save lives.

The training in first aid is offered by non-profit organizations. It is accessible to both citizens and schoolchildren and imparts important knowledge and skills. The Red Cross plays a central role in this.

External defibrillators are often available on site to assist with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A sufficient number of company helpers are trained to be able to act quickly in the event of accidents.

In emergencies, it is crucial that all appropriate precautions are taken to stabilize unconscious persons and to care for unresponsive persons.

Importance of first aid in emergencies

First Aid is a vital part of the rescue chain. However, many people in Germany feel unsure of how to help in an emergency. Almost half of the population has not attended a first aid course for ten years.

Important measures from First aid:

  • Resuscitation
  • Correct positioning of the injured person
  • Maintaining warmth

Despite a first aid course, only 62.5% of the measures are carried out correctly. This shows that the training concepts are often inadequate.

Reasons for unsafe rescuers:

  1. Lack of practice and refresher training
  2. Fear of making mistakes

According to §323c of the German Criminal Code, it is a punishable offense not to help if this is possible without danger.

It is crucial to regularly refresh first aid skills. Companies should provide company first-aiders with suitable provisions to enable them to act correctly in an emergency. External defibrillators and formal training must be available in sufficient numbers to ensure the safety of those affected.

Immediate life-saving measures

Immediate lifesaving measures are crucial for acting quickly in emergencies. These techniques drastically increase the chances of survival. An effective first aid course provides knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), recovery position and airway management. First of all, potential dangers at the accident site should be eliminated. Defibrillators are essential in the event of cardiac arrest, as they greatly improve the chances of rescue. In Austria, such training is often mandatory for certain driver's license categories and lasts at least six hours.

Basic emergency techniques

Every first aid measure begins with securing the emergency site. This protects both the rescuer and the injured person from further danger. An emergency check should be carried out immediately. Talk to the person concerned and shake them gently if there is no reaction. If there is no consciousness or breathing, start resuscitation immediately. Defibrillators significantly increase the chances of success. Always think of your safety first and attach professional helpif necessary. Training courses are offered by the Red Cross and other certified organizations.

Stable lateral position and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

The recovery position is important if the person is unconscious but breathing. This keeps the airways clear. You should always talk to the person to show care, such as stroking their head. Cradle injured limbs to reduce blood loss. During CPR, restart the heart and lungs. Learn to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) to maximize chances. Important measures also include airway management and the Heimlich maneuver for choking.

Mental first aid

Mental First aid includes both medical and psychological measures to stabilize the affected person after an accident. The 4 S rules are central to this:

  1. Approach: Get in touch with the person affected.
  2. Shield: Offer protection from curious onlookers.
  3. Physical contactCarefully and reassuringly seek contact.
  4. Active listeningShow understanding and listen attentively.

A seminar on "first aid for the soul" provides practical knowledge on how to help others with psychological problems. first aid for others. The seminar is divided into four blocks and lasts a total of twelve hours. It teaches practical knowledge about supporting people in mental health crises.

Upon successful completion, you qualify as a "certified first aider for mental health". This enables you to provide competent support in difficult situations. help and support people in crisis. In this way, suitable precautions can be taken at an early stage. It is important to have a sufficient number of people with formal training in first aid to act quickly and effectively.

Legal framework

In Germany, there is a legal obligation to provide first aid services. However, this obligation does not apply if the helper puts themselves in danger or neglects important duties. First aiders are protected by law. They are not liable for damage to the injured person or their clothing as long as they do not act with gross negligence or intent.

There is no duty to provide assistance if a person help or if there are clear signs of death. First aiders are also not legally entitled to psychological support after providing assistance. This distinguishes them from professional emergency services.

For workplaces, a decision is made after workplace evaluation as to whether several small first-aid boxes or a central first-aid box should be used. first aid kit is more advantageous.

Important points:

  • Liability: No liability claim in case of non-negligence.
  • Duty to provide assistance: Not applicable in the event of danger or refusal of assistance.
  • Psychological support: No legal entitlement for first aiders.
  • Workplace: Decision on first aid equipment after evaluation.

These framework conditions ensure clear structures and protect first aiders as well as affected and injured persons.

Quality of first aider training

The quality of first aider training is crucial for the safety in companies. In principle, first aid training requires basic training in first aid. first aid with at least 9 teaching units.

A further 16 hours of training are required to become a company first aider. This training covers basic emergency measures, wound care and accident prevention.

Around 95 teaching units are required for company paramedics. This comprehensive training builds on the first aid course and includes advanced knowledge in first aid and medical assistance.

It is important that companies have a sufficient number of first aiders. This depends on the size of the company. First aiders must be available at all times during working hours in order to be able to respond immediately if necessary. help be able to provide assistance immediately.

Important points for training first aiders:

  • 9 teaching units for basic first aid.
  • 16 hours for company first aiders.
  • 95 teaching units for company paramedics.

These precautions ensure that competent help is always available in emergencies.

Equipped with First aid materials

Workplaces and construction sites must be equipped with first aid-materials that comply with ÖNORM Z 1020. The requirements relate to the contents of the kits and their regular inspection. The number of required First-aid-kits depends on the number of employees, the potential hazards and how quickly they can be reached.

Workplaces with more than 250 employees must have a first-aid room. On construction sites, such a room is required if more than 50 people work there. These facilities enable effective first aid provision.

Important points:

  • At workplaces with more than 250 employees: First aid room required.
  • On construction sites with more than 50 employees: first-aid room required.
  • First aid kits must be checked regularly.

Emergency kits and medical technology

The first aid kits in workplaces must be set up in accordance with ÖNORM Z 1020. This concerns the requirements, contents and regular inspection. The number of boxes required depends on the number of employees, the hazard potential and the accessibility of help.

A first-aid room is mandatory in large workplaces or where there is a particular risk of accidents. A comparable facility is also required on construction sites with more than 50 employees. For external workplaces, the necessary first aid equipment must be provided if none are available there.

First aid equipment:


Minimum measure

Over 250 employees

First-aid room in workplaces

Over 50 employees

First-aid room on construction sites

External work sites

Taking along first aid supplies

These measures ensure that help can be provided quickly and effectively in an emergency.

Training programs to increase competence

The training programs for first aid training programs are comprehensive. They cover the basics of first aid and show how to wounds and prevent accidents. At least 16 hours of training are required for company first aiders. These courses follow the curricula of the Austrian Red Cross or similar training. Psychological training is also important: seminars on "first aid for the soul" teach how to support people in crisis. This involves recognizing problems and offering support. help. The message is clear: in an emergency, it is wrong to do nothing. Immediate and correct action can increase the chances of recovery significantly.

Refresher courses and continuous training

Continuous training is crucial for first aiders. Refresher courses are mandatory every four years with eight hours, or every two years with four hours. This strengthens knowledge and has been required for all first aiders as part of the driving license law since January 1, 2015. Company first aiders in companies with up to four employees must complete at least eight hours of training. This training is designed according to the guidelines of the Austrian Red Cross. The aim is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their previous knowledge, can easily understand and apply the content.

Refresher courses and continuous training

Refresher courses and continuous training in first aid are crucial for company first aiders. Since January 1, 2015, regular refresher courses have been mandatory in order to meet the requirements of the German Driver's License Act.

Requirements for company first aiders:

  • Basic training: At least 16 hours according to the guidelines of the Austrian Red Cross.
  • Refresher courses:
    • Every four years: 8 hours
    • Every two years: 4 hours

For companies with up to four employees, a minimum eight-hour first aid training is necessary.

This training is designed to be understandable for everyone, regardless of their background knowledge. The aim is to ensure that every volunteer can respond effectively in an emergency.

Benefits of regular training:

  • Up-to-date knowledge in first aid
  • Ability to act quickly and safely in emergencies
  • Compliance with legal requirements

Take advantage of these training opportunities to ensure that sufficient suitable precautions and an external defibrillator are available when conscious or unconscious people need to be rescued. assistance need help.

First aid in different countries

In many countries there are clear regulations on first aid. People are often legally obliged to help in accidents, regardless of whether they are experts in first aid or not. This duty is designed to ensure that injured people are helped immediately in an emergency. Some states legally protect first responders from liability claims as long as they act in good faith. The failure to provide assistance is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions, and there may also be civil liability if damage occurs.

Conclusion on the importance of first aid

First aid is of crucial importance. It can save lives and significantly improve the recovery of injured people. It is therefore important that we acquire and regularly refresh the necessary knowledge.

Many countries require first aid courses, for example for driving licenses or the training of company first aiders. This shows how relevant First aid is in everyday life.

Technology plays a major role. Apps can alert random helpers on site. This means that in an emergency help more accessible.

In companies first aid kits and first-aid rooms must be clearly visible and easily accessible. This is the only way to react quickly in an emergency.

A list of measures:

The Red Cross and other organizations offer this training. Remember that even the recovery position can be crucial in an emergency.

In summary, it is essential that people who are conscious or unresponsive are quickly resuscitated. help get help quickly. It is therefore worthwhile, First aid and practicing it regularly.

Source: istockphoto  Jan-Otto

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