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Tropenkrankheiten im Überblick. Symptome, Diagnostik und Therapie

Tropical diseases at a glance. Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

Tropical diseases are a largely unknown but important issue that affects millions of people worldwide. These diseases, often found in tropical and subtropical regions, pose a significant challenge to public health. Health represent. With the increase in travel and climate change, there is a growing likelihood that people in temperate zones will also be affected.

The World Health Organization classifies many tropical diseases as neglected diseases, which are often overlooked even though they can have serious health consequences. Among the best known are the "big five" neglected diseases, all of which require urgent targeted attention. Symptoms vary widely and are often non-specific, making diagnosis even more difficult.

In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of tropical diseases, their symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. We also highlight the latest research findings, innovative approaches to combating these diseases and the challenges associated with them. Immerse yourself in a topic that is not only important for tropical regions, but also for the global community. Health is of growing relevance.

Tropical diseases

Tropical diseases are diseases that occur primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. These diseases are favored by the climate and socio-economic conditions.

Pathogens of tropical diseases:

  • Unicellular organisms: Malaria
  • Bacteria: Typhoid fever
  • Viruses: Dengue fever

Poverty, poor hygiene and a lack of sanitary facilities promote the spread of the disease. Limited access to clean drinking water is particularly problematic.

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs):

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified 20 of these diseases, which often occur in poor countries.


  • Vaccinations
  • Prophylactic medication
  • Behavioral prevention

These methods help to prevent the diseases and stop their spread. Simple hygiene measures and access to clean water Water are also crucial. Tropical diseases often affect the poorest regions of the world and require targeted medical care. Particular caution is required in affected areas.


Introduction to tropical diseases

Tropical diseases are infectious diseases that occur in tropical and subtropical regions. They are caused by various pathogens such as protozoa, bacteria, Viruses and worms. Common tropical diseases are malaria, typhoid, schistosomiasis and dengue fever. These diseases spread particularly in areas with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions.

Poor hygiene is a major factor in the spread of tropical diseases. A lack of sanitary facilities and inadequate access to clean drinking water also contribute to this. Such conditions are often associated with poverty and a weak health infrastructure in developing countries.

In order to reduce the risk of infection, vaccinations and preventive Medication helpful. Appropriate behavior, such as refraining from eating contaminated Wateralso reduces the risk. Simple measures can improve the health situation in affected regions.

Common tropical diseases:

  • Malaria
  • Typhoid fever
  • Schistosomiasis
  • Dengue fever

This list shows some typical examples of tropical diseases that people in tropical regions are often confronted with.

Characteristics and classification of neglected diseases (NTDs)

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are infectious diseases associated with poverty. They affect over 1 billion people worldwide, with Children make up a significant proportion. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined 21 diseases as NTDs. These include worm diseases, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. NTDs often occur in the poorest regions of the world. There, access to clean Watersanitary facilities and health services are often severely restricted.

The London Declaration of 2012 was an important step in the fight against NTDs. This agreement has launched significant initiatives to improve healthcare. Combating NTDs requires a comprehensive strategy. This must take into account both medical care and the improvement of living conditions.

The "Big Five" among the NTDs

The WHO lists several important NTDs, including some of the "Big Five":

  1. Buruli ulcer
  2. Trachoma
  3. Leprosy
  4. Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm)
  5. Schistosomiasis

These diseases are particularly prevalent in poor, neglected population groups. They are one of the most common causes of disease in many affected countries. Around 1 billion people worldwide suffer from these diseases, with around half Children are. Worm diseases and unicellular parasites are widespread among NTDs.

Since 2011, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has also been funding neglected diseases. It is now the largest German sponsor in this area. This Support is crucial in order to reduce the high burden of these diseases and ensure targeted help for those affected.

Risk areas for tropical diseases

Tropical diseases occur primarily in tropical regions around the equator. These include countries such as Brazil, Thailand, Kenya and Uganda. Certain diseases are particularly widespread in these areas.

AfricaMalaria, yellow fever and African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, are common here.

South and Central AmericaTravelers should pay particular attention to dengue fever, Zika and malaria.

Southeast AsiaThis region has a high incidence of dengue fever, malaria and chikungunya fever.

OceaniaDengue fever and the Zika virus are also widespread here.

Important tips for travelers:

  • Information: Find out in advance about the infection risks at your destination.
  • Protection: Use Insect repellent and impregnated clothing.
  • HealthConsult a doctor for preventive care.

Careful preparation can help to minimize the risk of illness. This way, travelers in affected regions stay healthy and safe.

Typical symptoms of tropical diseases

Typical symptoms of tropical diseases are varied and often appear suddenly. A common sign is high Fever. This is accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as headaches and aching limbs.

Skin rashes are another symptom. These can look different depending on the tropical disease. Gastrointestinal complaints are also characteristic and are a burden for many of those affected.

Here is a short list of typical symptoms:

Recognizing these symptoms is crucial. It helps to minimize the risk of infection. Medical care should be provided quickly.

Tabular overview of the symptoms:



High Fever

Sudden appearance

Headaches and aching limbs

Flu-like symptoms

Skin rashes

Common in various tropical diseases

Gastrointestinal complaints

Stressful and typical

Early diagnosis is crucial. It reduces the severity of the disease and enables targeted treatment. This is particularly important in affected regions in order to reduce the burden of disease.

Vaccinations against tropical diseases

Vaccinations are an important Protection against tropical diseases. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends specific vaccinations depending on the destination. These help to make travel safer.

However, there are diseases such as dengueFever and the Zika virus, for which there are no vaccines. In these cases, mosquito protection is particularly important.

Before traveling to tropical regions, it is important to talk to a doctor. They will advise you on which vaccinations are necessary. Timely vaccination can protect against many diseases.

You should also avoid mosquito bites. This can be achieved by Insect repellent and mosquito nets.

Precautions for travelers:

  • Vaccination according to STIKO recommendation
  • Protection from mosquito bites
  • Personal advice before the trip

If you follow these steps, you can effectively protect yourself against tropical diseases.

Preventive measures to minimize the spread

Preventive measures against tropical diseases are of great importance, especially in malaria regions. Many people take prophylactic Medication in. This helps to prevent the disease or mitigate its effects.

Access to clean drinking water is crucial. This allows neglected tropical diseases to be better controlled. Adequate medical care is equally important to minimize the spread.

The development of effective Medication is often hampered by a lack of incentives. Limited research resources in the affected regions also play a role.

Early detection through improved diagnostics can prevent considerable damage. This also reduces the spread of the disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has included these diseases in the global Health goals included. The aim is to achieve progress in prevention and control by 2030.

Important factors for prevention:

  • Clean drinking water
  • Medical care
  • Early detection through diagnostics

The combination of these measures can significantly limit the spread of tropical diseases. It not only protects the individual, but also the community in affected regions.

Effects of climate change on the spread in Germany

Effects of climate change on the spread of tropical diseases in Germany

As global warming progresses, the risk of tropical diseases is also increasing in Germany. One of the main concerns is the spread of leishmaniasis. This disease could be increasingly spread by sand flies, which are currently spreading further north.

Dengue infections are also already occurring sporadically in Europe. This is an indication of the spread of the Asian tiger mosquito, favored by the warmer climate.

Important facts:

  • 3.9 billion People in 128 countries are potentially at risk of contracting the dengue virus.
  • 128 countries including regions in southern Europe are affected.
  • Climate change increases health risks and favors tropical diseases.

These health risks could be exacerbated by climate change. In addition to tropical diseases, other health problems could also increase. It will be important to improve medical care and preventive measures in affected regions. Particular care must be taken to recognize and treat the high fevers associated with tropical diseases at an early stage.

Innovative approaches to combating tropical diseases

The fight against tropical diseases is of great importance, especially those associated with poverty. The London Declaration of 2012 helped to unite efforts worldwide. Since then, major pharmaceutical companies, governments and organizations have been working together to advance the fight against these diseases.

Control programs for poverty-related diseases

By 2020, ten of these tropical diseases Regional eliminated or greatly reduced. These efforts continue in order to achieve lasting improvements. The record of more than 1.5 billion medicines donated in 2015 shows the progress that has been made possible through such collaborations.

The WIPO Re:Search initiative makes an important contribution to research. Founded in 2011, it promotes the exchange of knowledge and technologies. In this way, new treatment methods and effective strategies are developed.

Another example is the fight against schistosomiasis, supported by the WHO and generous drug donations from Merck since 2007.

Further approaches to combating tropical diseases

Effective mosquito control is a promising approach to preventing the spread of tropical diseases. In Germany in particular, work is being done to contain mosquito infestations. This could be an important step towards preventing the spread of tropical diseases in Europe.

All these measures raise hopes of better controlling tropical diseases, which still pose major challenges in affected regions, and reducing the health burden in the affected areas.

Current research findings on tropical diseases

The German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) has launched a new research consortium. The aim is to meet the urgent need for research into neglected tropical diseases. These diseases primarily affect the poorest people and lead to much suffering and economic problems. More than one billion people worldwide suffer from these diseases. Since 2016, international efforts have managed to reach around one billion people annually. Despite this, only one billion were actually treated in the same year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified 21 diseases as neglected tropical diseases. These mostly include worm diseases as well as diseases caused by single-celled parasites and bacterial or viral pathogens. The WHO plans to significantly reduce the burden of these diseases by 2030. However, effective diagnostics are often lacking, Medication and vaccines.

Development of new vaccines

Parasitic helminths can weaken the immune response of their hosts. This poses a challenge for the development of new vaccines. Research, such as that on Strongyloides ratti, shows that immune modulation by helminths must be taken into account.

In order to improve the effectiveness of vaccinations, it is important to better understand the effects of helminth infections. New vaccine developments must take these simultaneous infections into account in order to optimize the protective effect.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) advises getting specific vaccinations depending on the destination. However, for some tropical diseases, such as dengue fever, there are no vaccines yet. This increases the need for research in this area.

Challenges in dealing with tropical diseases

Tropical diseases affect around one billion people worldwide. Those affected are often in regions with high levels of poverty and poor hygiene. These diseases often lead to serious health consequences such as blindness or disabilities. The German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) has therefore founded a research consortium. The aim is to support urgently needed research.

The biggest challenges in dealing with tropical diseases are:

  1. Lack of hygiene: Without clean sanitary facilities, diseases spread more easily.
  2. Insufficient access to clean water Water: Contaminated Water is a major vector of disease.
  3. Poverty: Many of those affected cannot afford medical care.
  4. Lack of health services: Basic health services are often lacking in remote areas.

Strategies for combating:

  • Comprehensive preventive measures
  • Targeted therapies for patients

Effective control requires access to clean Water and better medical care. This is the only way to break the cycle of the disease and improve the quality of life of those affected.

Conclusion and outlook

Tropical diseases are a serious health risk, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Factors such as poor hygiene and malnutrition favor the spread of diseases such as dengue fever and malaria. Typical symptoms include high fever, muscle and Joint pain and Nausea.

Prevention measures:

  • VaccinationsImportant precautionary measure, depending on the destination.
  • Clean Water: Prevents contact with contaminated Water.
  • Fast diagnosisAfter the return is crucial.

Some tropical diseases do not manifest themselves until weeks later, making early diagnosis difficult. A medical examination is therefore recommended after traveling to affected regions.

In the future, cooperation with African partner institutions and research into treatments and vaccinations could reduce the disease burden. Special care and targeted measures can help to control the spread.


Africa is heavily affected by tropical diseases, which are often spread by poverty, poor hygiene and limited access to health services. The most common diseases include malaria, yellow fever and African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness. Schistosomiasis is also widespread in many freshwater areas of Africa. The WHO has identified 20 diseases as neglected tropical diseases, many of which are widespread in Africa. With the mobility of people, including migration, there is also a risk that these diseases will spread beyond Africa.

South and Central America

Tropical diseases are widespread in South and Central America. DengueFeverZika virus and malaria pose considerable health risks here. The Zika virus is usually transmitted by the mosquito species Aedes aegypti. In some cases, the virus has also been passed on through sexual intercourse, which is particularly risky for pregnant women. These diseases frequently affect the poorest sections of the population, who often have no access to adequate medical care.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is one of the main areas where dengue fever spreads. This disease is considered to be the fastest-spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. Typical symptoms are high fever and chills. In addition, diseases such as chikungunya fever and malaria are also common in the region. The Asian tiger mosquito, a main vector of dengue, is increasingly spreading, which also leads to local infections in southern Europe. Climate change could extend the occurrence of these diseases to previously unaffected areas in Southeast Asia.

Certain parts of Oceania

Dengue fever and Zika virus infections are significant in some parts of Oceania. Poor hygienic conditions and limited access to clean drinking water exacerbate the problem. In cooperation with international programs, the German government has supported various initiatives to combat neglected tropical diseases. Over 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from such diseases, which are often among the main causes of illness in affected countries. The World Health Organization has identified a total of 20 neglected tropical diseases that require urgent attention.

What exactly is a tropical disease?

Tropical diseases are infectious diseases that mainly occur in tropical and subtropical regions. Their pathogens can be bacteria, Virusessingle-celled organisms or worms. Well-known examples are malaria, typhoid fever, dengue fever and schistosomiasis.

Causes and distribution

The spread of these diseases is encouraged by climatic conditions, a lack of hygiene and poverty. Limited access to medical care also plays a role. Tropical diseases are often transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes.

Prevention and Protection

Preventive measures are crucial. These include

  • Vaccinations: Protection from certain diseases.
  • Preventive MedicationEspecially when traveling to affected regions.
  • Behavioral adjustmentsE.G. Protection from mosquito bites using nets or repellents.

Typical symptoms

Common symptoms include high fever and febrile conditions. Severe courses can severely damage the organs.

Today, tropical diseases are a major global health problem. Combating them requires international cooperation, for example with African partner institutions. Particular caution is required when traveling to affected areas.

What tropical diseases are there?

Tropical diseases are diseases that mainly occur in tropical and subtropical regions. There are over 200 known tropical diseases. They are caused by parasites, Viruses and bacteria.

Here are some common tropical diseases:

  1. MalariaTransmitted by mosquitoes, it causes high fever, Headache and Muscle pain.
  2. African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)This disease is transmitted by the tsetse fly.
  3. LeishmaniasisSpread by sand flies, it damages the skin and Skin and organs.
  4. Onchocerciasis (river blindness)Often leads to loss of vision and is spread by the black fly.
  5. Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis)Causes extreme swelling of the limbs.
  6. Schistosomiasis (bilharzia): This parasite penetrates through contaminated Water into the human body.

Some tropical diseases, such as the plague and cholera, were also widespread in Europe. Today, they are mainly found in affected areas in tropical regions. Clean Water and medical care can help to contain the disease epidemics. Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a tropical disease that can have serious health consequences. It is caused by parasitic worms. Co-infection of Schistosoma haematobium with HIV or HPV is a major focus of research. Such multiple infections often occur in sub-Saharan Africa in particular.

Typical symptoms of schistosomiasis are chronic inflammation in organs such as the liver and kidneys. These inflammations can lead to serious long-term consequences such as liver fibrosis or Bladder cancer can lead to a disease. Female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) is also common and requires special medical care.

Mass treatment with praziquantel is currently the most important control measure. However, pregnant women and small children may only be treated after a diagnosis has been made.

Comprehensive diagnostics are crucial, as the current methods are considered unreliable. New testing methods could bring an improvement here. Particular caution is also required in regions with a high disease burden, where clean Water is often missing.

Control measures:

  • Mass treatment with praziquantel
  • Comprehensive diagnostics
  • Caution in affected regions

These points underline the need for targeted measures to contain the tropical disease worldwide. Snakebite envenomations are a serious health problem. Every year, around 5.4 million people worldwide are bitten by snakes. Poisoning occurs in 2.7 million cases. Effective treatment requires rapid action and medical care.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Tissue damage
  • Kidney failure

Children are particularly at risk. Due to their small body mass, they often suffer severe poisoning. A quick response can save lives. An effective antidote and trained personnel are crucial.



Number per year

People bitten

5.4 million

Cases of poisoning

2.7 million


up to 140,000

People with permanent damage

three times the number of deaths

Timely treatment in affected areas can reduce the severity of snakebite poisoning. Special care and good contact with medical facilities are important for the Health of those affected. The monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia) is a species of snake found mainly in Southeast Asia. It is known for its striking hood and the characteristic "monocle" pattern on its neck. This cobra can grow very long and has a strong build.


  • RegionsThailand, India, Laos, Cambodia
  • SurroundingsForests, fields, urbanized areas

Special features:

  • ColorVaries from brown to grayish to black
  • Sample: "Monocle" drawing on the hood


  • Hunts small animals such as rodents and small birds


  • Active during the day
  • Defends itself by raising its hood and spitting poison


  • Effect: Neurotoxic properties
  • Treatment: Antivenin necessary for bites

The monocled cobra is often seen in human settlements due to its adaptability and requires special care. In the event of an encounter, rapid medical intervention is important to treat the potentially severe course of a bite. Leishmaniasis is a tropical disease transmitted by sandflies through bites. This parasitic disease affects both humans and other mammals. There are different forms of leishmaniasis, which can cause different symptoms.

Forms of leishmaniasis:

  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis: Leads to skin lesions, also known as oriental bumps.
  • Visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar): Affects internal organs and is almost always fatal if left untreated.

Over 1 million people are newly infected every year and more than 12 million are affected worldwide. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is particularly common in regions such as North Africa and the Middle East. Visceral leishmaniasis, on the other hand, often affects dogs in Europe and occurs mainly in immunocompromised people.

Important facts about leishmaniasis:

  • Transmission occurs through sand fly bites
  • Untreated visceral form is life-threatening
  • High infection rate in certain regions

Medical care is crucial for treatment in order to prevent severe courses. Special care and the Protection from mosquito bites are essential in affected regions. Worm diseases are among the most common causes of illness in many countries affected by tropical diseases. According to Professor Achim Hörauf from Bonn University Hospital, they are among the neglected tropical diseases classified as such by the WHO.

Main causes and symptoms:

It is estimated that around 880 million people worldwide are affected by intestinal worms. Especially Children suffer from the consequences, as the worms can significantly impair their development and growth.

Effects on women:

  • Blood loss
  • Iron deficiency
  • Increased riskMaternal and infant mortality

The Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine is developing rapid tests for worm diseases such as schistosomiasis. This enables more targeted treatment of those affected. For effective help, clean Water and better medical care are needed.

Targeted measures could reduce the burden of disease in the affected areas and significantly improve people's quality of life.

Source: istockphoto nechaev-con

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