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Berk Green Tara, 16 cm in detail
Green Tara standing
The Green Tara is a goddess who is worshipped as a protector against all dangers. Day and night, she stands ready to intervene to protect and help.
This model of Green Tara is made of brass and has an antique finish. It is 16 cm high and weighs 400 g.
The Green Tara embodies the female deity in her purest form. Her name means both "star" and "saviour". In Tibet, she is worshipped as "Dölma", which simply means mother. She is considered the mother of all Buddhas. Her right hand is directed downwards in the gesture of granting wishes, while her left hand shows the gesture of granting protection.
Target groups & application areas
- Private individuals
- Practices
- Gifts
Advantages & features
- 16 cm high Green Tara made of brass with antique finish
- Represents the female deity in pure form
- Stands ready as a protector against all dangers