Back pain often has different causes, which are usually muscle tension can be traced back to muscle tension. These tensions are often caused by incorrect posture or lack of exercise. Also stress also plays an important role, as it can also cause painful tensions of the back muscles muscles.
In rarer cases, acute back pain is the result of serious illnesses such as herniated discs, osteoarthritis of the vertebral joints or osteoporosis. For non-specific back painthat has no recognizable structural cause, examination methods such as X-ray or MRI typically show no abnormalities.
In addition, long-term lack of exercise and excessive strain during heavy physical work contribute to the development of back pain. back pain back pain. It is therefore important to maintain a balanced physical activity and a healthy posture in order to reduce the risk of back pain minimize the risk of back pain.
Nonspecific muscle tension are often the result of one-sided strain or poor posture caused by prolonged sitting and lack of exercise. These tensions often lead to painful muscle hardeningalso known as myogelosis, and can considerably restrict mobility.
Psychosocial stresses such as stress also contribute to an increase in muscle tension, especially in the neck and back. back area. Chronic tense muscles can cause physical changes in the long term and lead to premature wear and tear of bones and joints.
In addition, chronic pain due to muscle tension make the nervous system more sensitive, which makes the perception of pain can increase the perception of pain. It is important to take early measures for relief and prevention in order to minimize the risk of long-term physical discomfort and maintain quality of life.
Herniated discs
A herniated disc occurs when the gelatinous Kern of an intervertebral disc protrudes from its fibrous ring and presses on neighboring nerves. This can lead to intense back pain which is often accompanied by sensory disturbances in the arms or legs. In severe cases, urinary and fecal incontinence can occur.
Wear and tear on the intervertebral discs begins as early as the age of 20, causing them to lose water and become less elastic. Jerky movements or lifting heavy objects can trigger a prolapse, especially if the disc is porous and cracked due to the ageing process.
With strong back pain and paralysis in one leg, surgery may be necessary to relieve the nerves, although it is not always guaranteed that this measure will result in complete relief. freedom from pain leads to complete pain relief. Preventive care and a conscious approach to physical exertion are therefore crucial to minimize the risk of a herniated disc.
Rheumatism can be a significant cause of back pain and the associated symptoms are crucial in making a diagnosis. The rheumatic diseases that back pain include rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis (ankylosing spondylitis) and psoriatic arthritis.
These diseases often cause chronic pain in the middle and lower back often accompanied by other symptoms such as stiffness or swelling. Another aspect is joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis), which can also affect the vertebral joints and Back pain causes back pain.
The treatment of back paincaused by rheumatism requires an interdisciplinary approach. Doctors and therapists must take both the pain and treat the underlying rheumatic disease in order to achieve long-term improvement.
Other specific diseases
Other specific diseases that Back pain can cause back pain include inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism, which lead to chronic complaints. In addition, degenerative diseases of the spine, such as spondylosis, can also be a source of back pain. back pain can also be a source of back pain.
Infections, for example of an intervertebral disc or the vertebral body, are rarer but serious, as they can cause acute back pain. pain and inflammatory symptoms. Misalignments of the spine, such as scoliosis or lordosis, can also lead to chronic complaints.
Another special cause is the so-called "pregnancy-related back pain", which is caused by hormonal changes and additional strain on the back can occur during pregnancy.
Finally, psychological factors must be taken into account, as stress and emotional stress can perception of pain can intensify the sensation of pain, creating a vicious circle.
Back pain is a widespread problem and can cause various symptoms. Those affected describe the pain as pulling, burning or stabbing. The most common forms are low back painwhich occurs in the lower back and can start either suddenly or gradually.
These pain can affect not only the back but can also radiate to other parts of the body, such as the shoulders, arms, buttocks and legs. Such radiations can indicate muscular problems or diseases of the spine.
The exact diagnosis of back pain is often complicated, as many sufferers do not have a clear physical cause. Specialists often need extensive experience to correctly identify the causes. Possible causes for the symptoms are Muscle tensionhearing disorders or even inflammation of internal organs. The variety of symptoms and causes makes a differentiated approach necessary in order to find the right treatment.
Pain in the lower lower back are a common complaint and often associated with muscle tension which can restrict mobility. A sudden painknown as lumbago, often occurs after a specific movement and can occur unexpectedly without any previous symptoms. When the pain from the back radiates from the back into the legs, this is known as lumbo-ischialgia, which is often caused by irritation of the nerve roots in the lumbar spine.
A study conducted in Germany in 2007 found that 85% of those surveyed had suffered from lumbo-ischialgia at least once. back pain at least once, with 31% of these people experiencing chronic complaints. Back pain can be caused by muscle tensiondegenerative changes to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs as well as inflammatory diseases. A comprehensive diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important to alleviate the symptoms and prevent long-term damage.
Concomitant symptoms
Back pain can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, both physical and psychological. Frequently occur muscle tension and movement restrictions often occur, which significantly impair the mobility and quality of life of those affected. In addition, chronic back pain can lead to reduced performance, which can have a negative impact on the workplace.
Psychological side effects are also widespread. Stress and anxiety often intensify the Pain and lead to a vicious circle of tension and discomfort. This is reflected in the fact that more than 70 percent of back pain patients suffer from psychological problems.
In addition sleep disorders a frequent consequence of back painas those affected often find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Overall, it is important to recognize both the physical and psychological side effects of back pain. back pain to enable holistic treatment.
The diagnosis of back pain begins with a detailed medical history, in which the doctor carefully asks the patient's medical history. For non-specific back pain often improves within the first six weeks without the need for specific treatment. However, important warning signs, such as fever, signs of paralysis or bladder and bowel dysfunction, require immediate medical examinations to rule out serious illnesses.
Imaging procedures such as X-ray, CT or MRI are not recommended for non-specific symptoms. back pain and can be harmful in some cases. Therefore, a clinical examination of the symptoms, the assessment of muscle reflexes and the measurement of nerve conduction velocity are of central importance for a well-founded diagnostic assessment. This ensures that the causes of the back pain are correctly identified and treated.
Medical history and physical examination
During the medical history, the doctor conducts a detailed interview with the patient in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the back pain picture of the back pain. In particular, the duration and origin of the pain and any accidents. Important information about triggers and risk factors is collected in order to identify the possible cause.
The physical examination includes palpation of the muscles for painful or tense areas. In addition, reflexes and mobility are tested to provide further indications of the cause of the pain to obtain further indications of the cause of the pain. Medical societies recommend that in the case of non-specific back pain only carry out imaging examinations if serious causes are suspected.
By combining a medical history and physical examination, many serious health problems can usually already be ruled out, meaning that further, cost-intensive examinations are often not necessary. This approach enables targeted treatment and support for the patient without unnecessary stress.
Imaging procedures (X-ray, MRI)
Imaging procedures such as X-ray, MRI and CT are crucial for the diagnosis of back painespecially if it is prolonged. In most cases of general back pain however, such procedures are not necessary unless the symptoms persist for four to six weeks or there is a suspicion of a serious illness. For chronic back painthat persists for more than twelve weeks, the use of imaging is recommended to narrow down the cause. These procedures help to differentiate between various structural problems such as herniated discs or wear and tear, even if they are not directly related to the back pain. back pain directly related to the back pain. If chronic back pain If no improvement is achieved through conservative therapy, a discography of the affected intervertebral discs may be necessary in order to painful tears to identify painful cracks. Imaging procedures therefore play an important role in determining the exact cause of back pain and initiate suitable therapeutic measures.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for back pain involves a structured clinical examination to identify various causes. In addition to taking a medical history, the doctor checks local muscle tensionmobility and differences in leg length. Functional deficits in terms of blood circulation, motor skills and sensitivity are also assessed.
Important indications that are considered "red flags", such as new signs of paralysis or disorders of bladder and rectal function, require more comprehensive imaging diagnostics, such as X-ray, CT or MRI. These procedures are crucial for detecting structural changes in the skeletal system.
It should be noted that the actual problems are often rooted in muscles and fascia that are not visible in the usual imaging procedures. Degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs are common in adulthood, but they are often not the sole cause of acute back pain. back painwhich can have a variety of origins.
Therapy options for back pain
For back pain various treatment options are available. Pain medication such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can often be used effectively to alleviate symptoms, but should be taken regularly. If drug treatment is not sufficient, forms of therapy such as physiotherapy, osteopathy and manual therapy can help, Tension and blockages in the spine.
For chronic back pain interdisciplinary treatment programs that focus on the causes of the pain are recommended. pain and combine different modules. A combination of passive and active measures, such as heat treatments and targeted physiotherapy, can promote mobility and reduce pain. pain relieve pain.
Acupuncture is also recommended by experts as an effective treatment option. Studies suggest that the therapy is more successful than a six-month standard therapy with medication and physiotherapy. Individual adaptation of the treatment is crucial for the success of the therapy.

Non-drug treatments
Non-drug treatments for non-specific back pain include various methods aimed at this, pain and improve mobility. These include manual therapy, mobilization and heat treatments. The latter, such as heating pads or heat plasterscan be effective in the short term in combination with movement exercises.
Physiotherapy, including manual therapy and chirotherapy, helps, muscle tension and joint blockages, particularly in the middle and upper backand upper back. A sensible combination of active measures such as physiotherapy and passive measures such as massages promotes the mobility of the back. back and contributes to pain relief with.
For chronic back pain without a specific cause, experts recommend an integrative approach that pain therapypsychotherapy and movement therapy are combined. These combined approaches aim to sustainably improve the quality of life of those affected.

Drug therapy
For non-specific back pain drug therapy is often a temporary solution to relieve symptoms and promote physical activity. Commonly used medications include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and diclofenacwhich are both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is important to avoid taking painkillers with a doctor to avoid unwanted side effects.
In the course of therapy, patients should reduce the dose of pain medication gradually, as an improvement in the training condition typically means less need for pain medication. painkillers with it. In the long term, however, the focus should be on treating the cause of the pain. back pain should be the focus. Exclusive reliance on drug therapies can be risky, as they often only treat the symptoms and do not solve the underlying problems. It is therefore crucial to take comprehensive measures to improve the back health health.

Physiotherapeutic approaches
Physiotherapy approaches such as manual therapy, chiropractic and osteopathy are effective in relieving upper and middle back pain. back. These methods aim to, muscle tension and joint blockages. Orthopaedists can issue a referral to a physiotherapy practice, where the mobility and function of the spine are checked.
Targeted mobilization and stabilization techniques are used in physiotherapy treatment. Studies have proven the effectiveness of manual therapy, which achieves results comparable to painkillers painkillers.
In addition, the physiotherapy focuses on active exercises that the patient performs independently to improve mobility and muscle strength. Physiotherapists integrate targeted stretching movements and massages into the therapy and offer patients exercises that strengthen the muscular corset of the spine. These procedures not only contribute to pain relief but also promote better body awareness and the long-term health of the spine.
The prevention of back pain requires regular exerciseespecially through targeted strengthening and stability exercises for the core muscles. Studies show that such Training the frequency of back pain attacks significantly, with a reduction of up to 50 %. It is important to training several times a week to achieve optimum results.
In addition to exercise, restrictions such as avoiding heavy lifting and careful bending should be observed to avoid acute pain. back pain prevent acute back pain. A coordinated exercise therapy can not only Pain in the back but can also promote general physical health and tensions and relieve tension.
By following an active lifestyle and paying attention to body mechanics, you can back problems effectively counteract back problems. Regular exercise is therefore a key to a pain-free back and a better sense of well-being.
Physical activity and sport
Regular physical activity plays a decisive role in the prevention of back problems and strengthening the muscles. Exercises to strengthen the deep muscles in the torso area are particularly important. Types of sport such as yoga, Nordic walking, light jogging, swimming and aqua gymnastics have proven to be particularly effective in strengthening the core muscles. back pain positively influence back pain.
A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise are significant risk factors for the development of back pain. back problems. For acute non-specific back pain it is still advisable to exercise and continue everyday activities in order to prevent the pain from becoming chronic.
Targeted and regular strength training can help to strengthen the muscles and promote the stability of the spine. The combination of movement and special exercises, the health of the back can be sustainably improved.
Psychological factors for back pain
Psychological factors play a significant role in back pain. Persistent stress and mental overload can lead to constant muscle tension, which back pain strengthened. Studies show that over 70 percent of people with back pain also suffer from stress suffer. In many cases Pain in the back can occur as a psychosomatic illness or somatoform disorder if no organic cause can be identified.
A permanent psychological discomfort can be the perception of pain intensify; those affected pain often perceived more intensely. In addition, psychosocial risk factors such as excessive demands at work and insufficient job satisfaction are often associated with pain. back pain that are diagnosed without organic causes. These correlations make it clear that a holistic approach to the treatment of back pain is necessary in order to take both physical and psychological aspects into account.
Back pain can be promoted by various risk factors. The most common causes include lifting and carrying heavy loads as well as unfavorable postures that strain the spine and muscles. Vibration at the workplace also plays a role. Psychosocial aspects, such as dissatisfaction at work and social conflicts, increase the risk of back pain additionally. Being overweight is a significant risk factor, as it increases the strain on the spine and thus leads to back pain. pain can lead to pain.
Lack of exercise is another important risk factor. An inactive lifestyle can impair the strength of muscles and bones and lead to weaker support of the spine. In addition, an unhealthy diet, often combined with obesity and lack of exercise, contributes to the development of back pain contributes to the development of back pain. It is therefore important to pay attention to your own lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of back pain reduce the risk of back pain.
Obesity is one of the main risk factors for back pain. The additional weight puts a lot of strain on the spine and can pain trigger pain. Lack of exercise and unfavorable posture, which often go hand in hand with being overweight, exacerbate the problem. Overloading the sacroiliac joint and the vertebral bodies increases the likelihood of back pain increased.
A targeted weight loss can help, back pain or reduce its intensity. In addition, a balanced diet is crucial for promoting general health and mobility. People who are overweight should regularly sport to strengthen their muscles and minimize the risk of poor posture.
Overall, it is important to understand the links between obesity and back pain in order to take preventative measures. A healthy lifestyle can not only reduce reduce weightbut also promote well-being and significantly improve the quality of life.
Age and genetic predisposition
Age plays a decisive role in the development of back painespecially between the ages of 50 and 70, where the incidence increases significantly. This connection is part of a natural ageing process in which the spine loses elasticity and the intervertebral discs and vertebral joints wear out. These changes can Pain cause pain and discomfort. In addition, genetic predispositions should not be neglected, as a family history can increase the risk of spinal problems. Statistically speaking, around 80% of the population will report spinal problems in the course of their lives. back painand this tends to increase with age. In addition to the physical aspects, lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and poor posture also contribute to the development of back pain. back pain which occur more frequently in old age. Furthermore, psychological factors such as stress and depression, which also increase with age, can have an additional influence on the perception of pain pain. Both age and genetic factors are therefore important aspects in the context of back pain.
Back pain is a significant health problem that affects many people and is considered a disease of civilization. Almost everyone comes into contact with this ailment at least once during their lifetime, which illustrates the widespread nature of the complaint. Women in all age groups are particularly susceptible to back painand this pattern is also reflected in other types of pain reflected.
The classification of back pain varies according to location and duration, which can be acute, subacute or chronic. Statistics show that 27-40% of Germans suffer from back pain with around 70% being affected at least once a year.
These figures make it clear that back pain is one of the most common causes of visits to the doctor and is only surpassed by respiratory infections. In order to improve the quality of life of those affected, it is important to take preventative measures and deal responsibly with this widespread problem. An early visit to the doctor and targeted therapies can help to alleviate the symptoms and improve back health.
Source: istockphoto AsiaVision
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