详细介绍 Erler Zimmer 妇科实践模型
- Normal cervix and uterus for insertion and removal of intrauterine devices (IUD)
- Normal paracervix
- Cervix with polyp in the cervical canal
- Cervix with inversion features
- Cervix with neoplasia (carcinoma)
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy
- Cervix at 10 weeks of pregnancy.
- 怀孕 10 周时的宫颈
- 怀孕 10 周时的宫颈
- 怀孕 10 周时的宫颈
- 怀孕 10 周时的宫颈
- 怀孕 10 周时的宫颈尺寸为 33 x 33 x 30 厘米,重 3 千克。
- 医院
- 保健中心
- 培训设施
- 研究设施
- 用于检查的妇科训练模型
- 逼真、无压力的训练
- 柔软的塑料,易于清洁