Product details & mandatory information
General information: Coenzyme Compositum ad us. vet. is a registered homeopathic medicinal product used without a specific therapeutic indication. A veterinary examination is recommended before use to ensure the appropriate dosage and application.
Indications for use:
This preparation is suitable for dogs and cats and is used without a therapeutic indication. It should only be used under veterinary supervision and after consultation in special circumstances.
Dosage and application:
The dosage depends on the type of animal and is:
- Large dog: 3-4 ml daily
- Medium dog: 2 ml daily
- Small dog, cat: 1-2 ml daily
- Puppies: 0.5-1 ml daily
In the case of acute symptoms, the dose can be repeated after 24 hours. In the case of recurrences or chronic illnesses, use at intervals of 4 days. Prolonged use should only be carried out after consultation with a vet.
Important information:
- Contraindications: None known.
- Use during pregnancy and lactation: Only use after consulting a vet.
- Interactions: None known. If used concurrently with other medicines, the vet should be consulted.
- Side effects: None known. If the symptoms worsen for the first time, the medicine should be discontinued and a vet consulted.
Special instructions for use:
- The medicine should only be used by specialists such as veterinarians.
- In the event of persistent or newly occurring complaints, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.
- When using, observe the expiry date and use up opened ampoules immediately.
Keep medicine out of the reach of children. No special storage conditions are required. Use immediately after opening.
Target groups & application areas
- Veterinary clinics
- Veterinary practices
- Mobile veterinary clinics
Advantages & features
- Suitable for dogs and cats, with individual dosage depending on the animal species
- Can be repeated after 24 hours for acute symptoms
- No known contraindications, interactions or side effects
Important notes
For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
The seller reserves the right to carry out a pharmaceutical check by our pharmacists on the quantity of the medicine ordered. This may result in reductions in your order for this product. The invoice amount will then be adjusted automatically.
The reason for this is our pharmaceutical duty of care.