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Endlich gut schlafen: Hoggar Night für erholsame Nächte

Sleep well at last: Hoggar Night for restful nights

Sleep problems affect many people and impact both health and general well-being. A good night's sleep is crucial for regenerating the body and maintaining mental clarity. Here comes Hoggar Night comes into play - a product that aims to restore lost sleep and improve night-time recovery.

Hoggar Night contains several active ingredients that work together to promote quality sleep. Doxylamine is one of the main ingredients, which has a calming effect and helps you fall asleep. In addition, there are various dosage forms, including traditional tablets and a melting variationwhich allows a more flexible intake.

In this article, we take a detailed look at Hoggar Nightits use, dosage and possible side effects. We also look at consumer testimonials and expert opinions on this popular sleep aid to provide you with a comprehensive overview.

What is Hoggar Night?

Hoggar Night is a pharmacy-only sleep aid for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders, which is offered by STADA Consumer Health Germany. The active ingredient doxylamine, a sedative anti-histamine, has a calming effect on the central nervous system and thus promotes the onset of restful sleep. Doxylamine reduces the activity of histamine in the body, a substance that plays a role in regulating the sleep-wake rhythm.

The use of Hoggar Night is simple: one tablet should be taken with a glass of water about half an hour to an hour before going to bed. It is recommended to limit the dosage to one tablet daily, whereby the maximum daily dose of two tablets should not be exceeded. During the use of Hoggar Night alcohol consumption should be avoided, as this can impair the effect of the medication.

It is also not recommended to take the drug for more than two weeks. It should also not be taken in the case of certain pre-existing conditions, such as an acute asthma attack or glaucoma. If you have any questions about the intended use of Hoggar Night or the occurrence of adverse effects, the attending physician should be consulted.

Doxylamine: overview and function

Doxylamine succinate, a salt of the antihistamine doxylamine, is used in drug therapy for the short-term treatment of restlessness and acute sleep disorders due to its sedative properties. It is used to promote restful sleep by blocking the influence of histamine, an endogenous wakefulness substance, and thus supports the process of falling asleep.

Doxylamine is primarily used in adults and is particularly indicated for occasional, non-persistent sleep problems. As long-term sleep disorders can often be symptoms of other physical or mental illnesses, doxylamine is not suitable for the treatment of such persistent problems. Its use should be discussed with the attending physician in order to determine the exact cause of the sleep disorder.

Proper and intended use of the preparation is essential for the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Furthermore, it is important that caution is exercised when using doxylamine and that it should only be used for a short period of time in order to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Forms of Hoggar Night

HOGGAR® Night is one of the established medicines in Germany offered by STADA Consumer Health Germany for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders. The main component, doxylamine succinate, has sedative properties that are intended to help users have a restful night. Offered is HOGGAR® Night is available in various dosage forms to suit different application preferences. The recommended intake of HOGGAR® Night is 0.5 to 1 hour before going to bed, although this should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time in order to prevent possible habituation effects.

Traditional tablets

Sleep disorders can have a significant impact on quality of life and finding an effective solution is of great importance to many sufferers. Here we offer HOGGAR Night tablets offer helpful support.

HOGGAR Night is a medication for adults that has been specially developed for the symptomatic short-term treatment of occasional acute sleep disorders. The active ingredient doxylamine hydrogen succinate is intended to facilitate a restful night's sleep by making it easier to fall asleep.

Recommended dosage:

  • 1 to 2 tablets
  • Take approx. half an hour before going to bed

The tablets are available in packs of 10 or 20. One tablet contains 25 mg doxylamine hydrogen succinate. For optimum effect and tolerance, the tablets should be taken with a glass of water.

HOGGAR Night is designed for short-term treatment and is not intended for long-term use for persistent sleep disorders. The tablets are easier to handle as they are conventional and not water-soluble.

In general, this medication should be used in consultation with the attending physician to ensure that no adverse effects occur and that the sleep disorder is adequately treated.

Dosage guidelines

The correct dosage of HOGGAR® Night is crucial for effective and safe use. For adults aged 18 and over, it is recommended to take one tablet (equivalent to 25 mg doxylamine succinate). This should be taken approximately 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime to promote the onset of restful sleep.

For more severe sleep disorders, the dose can be increased to two tablets (corresponding to 50 mg doxylamine succinate) as required. However, caution is advised here, as higher doses may increase the likelihood of adverse effects.

It is also important, HOGGAR® Night for no longer than two weeks at a time in order to avoid habituation effects and the development of undesirable side effects. When using HOGGAR® Night, please note that older, weakened persons or patients with impaired liver or kidney function may require a lower dose, as they may react more sensitively to doxylamine.

Recommended dosage

Hoggar® Night is a medication for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders that ensures a restful night's sleep in adults. The regular dose is one tablet (25 mg doxylamine succinate), which should be taken approximately 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime with a glass of water to ensure adequate sleep duration.

In cases of more severe sleep disorders, the dose can be increased to up to two tablets, which corresponds to 50 mg doxylamine succinate. However, it is important that treatment for acute sleep disorders is limited to single doses and is not continued for a prolonged period.

For certain groups of people, such as patients with impaired liver or kidney function, the elderly and weakened patients, it is necessary to adjust the dose, as they may react more sensitively to the effect of the drug.

Continuous use beyond two weeks should be avoided. After this time, it is advisable to reduce the dosage gradually or to discontinue the medication completely in order to check the need for continued therapy and to avoid sudden discontinuation. The attending physician should be consulted for individual advice on dosage and duration of therapy.

Administration tips

HOGGAR NIGHT is a medication recommended for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders and can contribute to an improved quality of sleep from the very first use. Here are some tips on how to take it properly:

Optimal time to take

  • Adults and adolescents aged 12 and over: 1-2 tablets or melting tablets approx. half an hour before going to bed.
  • Important: It should be taken at least 30 minutes before going to bed in order to achieve the best possible effect.


  • Tablets: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day
  • Melting tablets1-2 pieces about ½ hour before going to bed

Dealing with alcohol

  • During the use of HOGGAR NIGHT alcohol should be avoided as it can influence the effect of doxylamine.

Duration of use

  • HOGGAR NIGHT is designed for short-term use. It does not need to be taken over a longer period of time as it is effective after just one use.

When taking HOGGAR NIGHT it is important to observe the intended use and to consult your doctor if you have any questions or uncertainties.

Indications for use

HOGGAR® Night is a medicine specifically for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders in adults. It contains doxylamine succinate - a proven antihistamine that has demonstrated its effectiveness in achieving restful sleep.

Despite its effectiveness, this medication is not intended for long-term use for persistent sleep disorders. It offers a makeshift solution to bridge occasional sleep problems and can be taken as needed without the user having to worry about habituation effects or prolonged cycles of use.

There are certain health contraindications. In the case of existing conditions such as an acute asthma attack or glaucoma, colloquially known as glaucoma, the intake of HOGGAR® Night should be avoided.

Important notes:

  • Use: Symptomatic short-term treatment of occasional sleep disorders
  • Active substance: doxylamine succinate
  • Efficacy: As needed, without the need for prolonged administration
  • Contraindications: Acute asthma attack, glaucoma
  • Use: Not suitable for long-term treatment of prolonged sleep problems


HOGGAR® Night, a medicine for the short-term treatment of occasional sleep disorders, has certain restrictions regarding its use. Special care should be taken in patients with certain health conditions that make the use of HOGGAR® Night may preclude its use.

When to use Hoggar® Night should not be used

Hoggar® Night is a medication that is generally used for the short-term treatment of sleep disorders. Despite its effectiveness for restful sleep, there are situations and conditions where taking this medication is not advisable.

  • Acute asthma: Patients suffering from an acute asthma attack should refrain from taking Hoggar® Night refrain.
  • Glaucoma: In the presence of glaucoma Hoggar® Night is contraindicated and should not be used.
  • Interactions with other medicinal products: It is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking this product, especially if you are already taking other medicines.
  • Alcohol consumption: While taking Hoggar® Night the consumption of alcohol should be avoided, as alcohol can influence the effect of the medication.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should Hoggar® Night only on the express recommendation of a doctor, as the active ingredient can pass into breast milk.

In any case, it is advisable to evaluate the individual risks and benefits of using Hoggar® Night with a qualified specialist in order to avoid undesirable effects.

Possible side effects

When using HOGGAR® Night it is important to be aware of the potential side effects. The active ingredient doxylamine belongs to the group of antihistamines and is used for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders. However, taking this medication is not without risks, especially if certain illnesses are present or other substances are consumed at the same time.

The limitations and risks include the following HOGGAR® Night is not suitable for the long-term treatment of sleep disorders. If symptoms persist, a doctor should definitely be consulted. In addition, the simultaneous intake of monoamine oxidase inhibitors can lead to a drop in blood pressure and impair the function of the central nervous system. A medical consultation is therefore strongly recommended before use.

In the case of acute asthma or glaucoma HOGGAR® Night must not be used in cases of acute asthma or glaucoma, and people with hypersensitivity to the active ingredient doxylamine or other antihistamines should refrain from taking it. It is also contraindicated in cases of acute intoxication caused by alcohol or sleeping pills.

The combination of HOGGAR® Night and alcohol should be particularly avoided, as alcohol can alter the effect of doxylamine in unpredictable ways. This could lead to undesirable effects that could impair not only sleep but also the general safety of the user.

It should also be noted that taking tablets without water is generally not recommended, therefore HOGGAR® Night should always be taken with a glass of water. A detailed consultation with a doctor or pharmacist can help to minimize the risk of side effects.

Common side effects

HOGGAR® Nightoffered by STADA Consumer Health Germany, is a medication used to relieve acute sleep disorders. The active ingredient doxylamine succinate (25 mg per tablet) has a sedative effect and can therefore help to promote restful sleep. When used as directed Hoggar® Night is designed for the short-term treatment of sleep disorders. However, it is important to know that any medication can have undesirable side effects in addition to the intended effects.

Undesirable effects of HOGGAR® Night

Common side effects:

  • Tiredness the next day
  • Dry mouth
  • Stuffy nose

Less common side effects:

  • Nausea
  • indigestion
  • headaches

Rarer side effects:

  • Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness or nervousness
  • Allergic reactions such as skin rashes or itching

Long-term use or higher doses may cause stronger anticholinergic effects such as

  • Visual disturbances
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Confusion, especially in older people

It is important that the intake of HOGGAR® Night should not be discontinued suddenly without consulting your doctor. If adverse effects occur, medical advice should be sought immediately. HOGGAR® Night should only be used if the sleep disorders are so severe that they interfere with everyday life and a sufficient amount of sleep cannot be achieved without medication.

Serious side effects

HOGGAR Night contains the active ingredient doxylamine, an antihistamine that is often used for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders is often used for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders. It is important to know that HOGGAR Night is not without risks and must not be taken in the presence of certain diseases.

Potential serious side effects:

  • ContraindicationsDo not take in case of acute asthma attack, glaucoma or in combination with monoamine oxidase inhibitors for the treatment of depressive disorders.
  • Interactions: Concomitant use with monoamine oxidase inhibitors can lead to severe functional impairment of the central nervous system.
  • AlcoholMay have an unpredictable effect on the action of doxylamine and should therefore be avoided.
  • Reaction with epinephrine: An unlikely but possible interaction with epinephrine may result in vasodilation, hypotension and increased heart rate.

To minimize the risk of side effects, it is recommended that before taking HOGGAR Night it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist, especially if other medicines are already being used. It is crucial to be aware of any interactions and their potential risk.


It is important to identify underlying causes of persistent sleep disorders and, following drug therapy, to address psychological or lifestyle factors where appropriate.

Interactions with food and other substances

When taking HOGGAR® Night caution is advised, especially when it comes to the consumption of alcohol or the combination with other medications. Alcohol should be avoided as it can have an unpredictable effect on the active ingredient doxylamine. The additional intake of other medicines could also lead to undesirable interactions. It is therefore important before using HOGGAR® Night it is therefore important to inform your doctor or pharmacist about your current medication.

Special care should be taken with:

  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: Concomitant use with doxylamine can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure and functional impairment of the central nervous system.
  • Epinephrine: A combination with doxylamine should be avoided, as it can lead to a drop in blood pressure and increased heart rate, among other things.
  • Skin tests: Doxylamine can affect the results of skin tests and lead to false negative results.

Consultation with a specialist is essential to minimize risks and ensure safe use.

Testimonials from consumers

The effectiveness and tolerability of HOGGAR® Night are illuminated by the experiences of customers who share their subjective reports and ratings online.

Positive feedback

HOGGAR NIGHT has proven to be a recommended and cost-effective sleep aid that helps many users overcome sleep problems. It is known for its rapid effectiveness, which is often noticeable after the first dose. A key benefit of doxylamine, the active ingredient in HOGGAR NIGHTis that it has no addictive potential. This makes it a safe option for the short-term treatment of acute sleep disorders.

Customer satisfaction is reflected in the reviews: over half of the customer reviews are positive. Users report a noticeable improvement in sleep quality and recommend HOGGAR NIGHT without reservation. Taking the product enables many people to start the new day refreshed and without impairment. The prerequisite for this is a sufficient sleep duration of 7 to 8 hours to ensure the optimal effect of the sleeping pill.

Summary of the positive feedback:

  • Rapid effectiveness after initial intake
  • No addictive potential with doxylamine
  • High customer satisfaction and positive reviews
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Enables a refreshed start to the day
  • Optimal effect with 7-8 hours of sleep

These positive experiences HOGGAR NIGHT a reliable choice for many people who suffer from sudden or severe sleep disorders.

Negative experiences with the use of doxylamine

In the treatment of sleep disorders with doxylamine, the active ingredient in HOGGAR NIGHTthere are some side effects that, although rare, can be potentially dangerous.

Possible side effects:

  • SeizuresAlthough rare, seizures of the brain may occur in up to 1 in 1,000 people treated.
  • Blood count changesVery rare side effects such as leukopenia may occur in up to 1 in 10,000 people.
  • Cardiovascular complaintsIn people with adrenal tumors, doxylamine may have increased effects on the cardiovascular system, the frequency of which is unknown.

Other adverse effects such as fatigue, dizziness and digestive problems are also possible. Paradoxical reactions that are contrary to the expected effect, such as insomnia and hallucinations, may also occur.

ImportantSudden discontinuation after prolonged daily use of doxylamine can lead to a relapse of sleep problems, which is why careful discontinuation of therapy is necessary.

Please note:

  • Rare side effects can be serious.
  • It is essential to consult a doctor before use and if side effects occur.
  • Gradual discontinuation is recommended to prevent relapses.

If you have any doubts or complaints, you should always consult your doctor.

Expert insights

Hoggar Nighta product from STADA Consumer Health Germany, contains the active ingredient doxylamine succinate in a dosage of 25 mg per tablet. This active ingredient is known for its support in acute sleep disorders and its relatively short duration of action of 3 to 6 hours. A major advantage of Hoggar Night is that when used as directed, it typically does not leave you feeling "hangovery" the next morning.

It is usually taken 30 minutes before bedtime, which gives the active ingredient time to affect the central nervous system and facilitate sleep. A special feature of the Hoggar Night orodispersible tablets is that they can be taken without water, which makes them much easier to use, especially in the event of sudden sleep problems, and allows them to take effect even more quickly.

Observations of use show that patients are able to sleep better by taking Hoggar Night reported a significant improvement in their sleep quality, for example by increasing the duration of sleep from an average of 5.5 hours to 7.2 hours. In addition, the time it took to fall asleep was significantly reduced to only around 16 minutes.

However, in the case of persistent sleep disorders, it is crucial not to regard the product as a permanent solution, but to seek professional medical advice in order to find out the underlying cause of the sleep problems and treat them accordingly.

Recommendations for use

To achieve the optimum effect of Hoggar Night should be taken about 30 minutes before going to bed. The suggested dosage for adults is one tablet daily, although a maximum dose of two tablets per day should not be exceeded. Treatment with Hoggar Night should be limited to two weeks to prevent possible side effects.

It is important to get enough sleep after taking Hoggar Night so that your ability to react is not impaired the following day. For people with acute sleep disorders Hoggar Night is an occasional solution without the need for prolonged medication. It can be taken without water and is therefore quick and easy to use.

As part of the acute treatment of sleep problems Hoggar Night can be an effective option. However, it is essential to use the medication in accordance with the recommendations and to seek specialist medical help if the problems persist.

Use in special population groups

HOGGAR® NIGHT is intended for adults over 18 years of age. During pregnancy, it should only be used after careful medical consultation. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to HOGGAR® NIGHT to avoid risks to the child.

The dosage should not exceed the maximum of two tablets per day. Caution should be exercised in the treatment of persistent sleep disorders that may be associated with more serious health problems. In such cases HOGGAR® NIGHT is not recommended for long-term treatment.

The use of this sleep aid is contraindicated in the above-mentioned and other specific conditions and should be avoided.

Storage and handling

HOGGAR® NIGHT should be stored in a cool and dry place to preserve the effectiveness of the medicine. It is important that the product is stored out of the reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion. It is also advisable to HOGGAR® NIGHT from light and moisture, as these factors can affect the quality of the medicine.

Always check the expiry date on the packaging and ensure that the product is not used beyond this date. Correct storage not only contributes to safety, but also helps to avoid side effects by ensuring that the medicine is optimally protected.

Storage and handling instructions for Hoggar® Night

The proper storage of Hoggar® Night is crucial to maintain the quality and efficacy of the medication and to minimize the risk of side effects. There are some important points to consider:

  1. Cool and dry storage: Place Hoggar® Night in a place that is protected from heat and moisture. This ensures that the tablets retain their optimum effect.
  2. Ensure safety for children: Keep the product out of the reach of children to avoid accidental ingestion.
  3. Protection from light and moisture: Light and moisture can reduce the effectiveness of Hoggar® Night Therefore, the product should be stored in a dark and dry place.
  4. Check the expiry date: Make sure you use the product before the expiry date and do not use it after this date.

By following these instructions, you will help to ensure that your Hoggar® Night remains safe and effective, and support a restful night's sleep without the discomfort caused by acute or persistent sleep disturbances.

Storage condition

Avoid undesirable influences

Cool and dry

Heat and humidity


Accidental ingestion


Exposure to light

Best before date

Outdated medication

If you have any questions regarding the storage or handling of Hoggar® Night consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Source: istockphoto Liudmila Chernetska

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