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DATTELBÄR BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool dates, 2 kg box

Original price $75.00 - Original price $75.00
Original price
$75.00 ($0.04/g) no VAT included
$75.00 - $75.00
Current price $75.00 ($0.04/g) no VAT included
Current price $60.45 excl. VAT
  • BIO PREMIUM JUMBO Medjool dates, 2 kg box
  • Larger than ordinary king dates
  • Juicy, full-flavoured, mildly sweet
  • Perfect for salads, smoothies and desserts
  • Fresh natural product in raw food quality
  • Cool storage recommended
  • Origin: Israel
SKU 33007
Manufacturer part number: 12_PBM
Product description

BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool dates, 2 kg box in detail

Our 2 kg BIO PREMIUM J UMBO Medjool dates with stone are a wonderful option for date lovers. These dates are larger than ordinary king dates and have less skin separation due to their PREMIUM quality. The packaging size of 2 kg is also more practical than the 5 kg version of our BIO JUMBO Medjool dates.

The flesh of these dates, which are grown in Israel/Jordan, is juicy and full-bodied with a mild sweetness and a fine flavour. With a thickness of 3 cm, they are particularly thick and fleshy, making them the undisputed queens of desert fruits.

The cultivation, care and harvesting of this date variety is extremely labour-intensive. The "praline of nature" must be transported with particular care.

Interestingly, it takes 7 years for Medjool date palms to bear fruit. In addition to healthy snacking, Medjool dates are also perfect for salads, smoothies and desserts of all kinds. They can open up completely new flavour experiences, especially in the exciting contrast of sweet and salty.

Our BIO PREMIUM JUMBO Medjool dates are a real treat and can melt in the mouth.

DATTELBÄR's organic dates should be stored in the fridge or freezer to preserve their quality and enjoyment for a long time. Our dates are a fresh natural product in raw food quality and contain no additives or preservatives.

Variety: Medjool
Consistency: soft, crunchy, large
Flavour: mildly sweet, caramel
Possible uses: Baking, raw food, sugar substitute, smoothies, snacking, sweetening food, gift
Ingredients: Organic dates
Origin: Israel
Weight: 2kg

Nutritional values per 100g:
- 1160 kj calorific value
- 277 kcal calorific value
- 0.2 g fat
- 0 g saturated fatty acids
- 75 g carbohydrates
- 66 g of which sugar
- 1.8 g protein
- 0 g salt

- Brief overview of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a special variety of dates that are known for their unique sweet flavour. They are grown in various regions of the world, mainly in Morocco, Israel and the USA.

Medjool dates are carefully cultivated and cared for in these regions to develop their characteristic flavour. The trees on which the dates grow require plenty of sunlight and a warm climate in order to thrive. The fruits ripen slowly over the summer months before they are harvested.

The unique sweet flavour of Medjool dates is due to the high sugar content of the fruit. They are known for their natural sweetness and juicy, soft centre. The dates have a dark brown colour and a delicate texture that melts in the mouth when eaten.

Medjool dates are also known for their health benefits. They contain a lot of fibre, vitamins and minerals, which play an important role for the body. They also provide a quick source of energy due to their high sugar content.

Overall, Medjool dates are a delicious and healthy option for enjoying dried fruit. Their unique sweetness and texture make them a popular choice for desserts, snacks or as a natural alternative to refined sugar.

- Mention of their soft texture, high sugar content and caramel flavour

Medjool dates are known for their soft texture, high sugar content and intense caramel flavour. Their delicate texture is a delight for the palate and adds a special flavour to any dish. The high sugar content provides a natural sweetness that perfectly rounds off the flavour of oriental dishes.

Medjool dates are used in a variety of ways, particularly in oriental cuisine. They are ideal as a topping for yoghurt, salads or desserts and give them a special flavour thanks to their sweetness and caramel taste. They can also be used as the main ingredient in dishes such as tajines or sweet couscous to create a unique flavour combination.

To preserve the freshness of Medjool dates, they should be stored in a cool, dry place. It is best to keep them in an airtight container in the fridge. This will keep them juicy for longer and retain their soft texture.

Overall, Medjool dates are a real delicacy with their soft texture, high sugar content and intense caramel flavour. They add the ultimate flavour to oriental dishes and can be used as a topping as well as a main ingredient. However, make sure you store them correctly to preserve their freshness.

Saturated fat content

The saturated fat content of Medjool dates is relatively low. Medjool dates are a popular variety of dates known for their sweet flavour and soft texture. They are a natural source of carbohydrates, fibre and other important nutrients.

Background knowledge shows that dates generally have a very low saturated fat content. Instead, they contain predominantly unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered healthy. The background knowledge suggests that Medjool dates are a nutrient-rich food due to their composition and can be a good alternative to saturated fats.

Saturated fats are known to raise blood cholesterol levels and can increase the risk of heart disease. It is therefore important to limit the consumption of foods high in saturated fats. Medjool dates offer a healthy alternative as they are both tasty and nutritious while being low in saturated fat.

Overall, the background information shows that Medjool dates are low in saturated fat and can therefore be a good choice for a healthy diet.

- Explanation of the saturated fat content of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a delicious natural sweet and a popular ingredient in many dishes. They are rich in nutrients such as fibre, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. The saturated fat content of Medjool dates is relatively low. In 100 grams of Medjool dates, the saturated fat content is around 0.4 grams. This low content poses no risk to health.

Saturated fatty acids are found in many animal and plant foods and can have an impact on health. A high consumption of saturated fatty acids is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of foods with a high saturated fat content.

Medjool dates contain only a small amount of saturated fat compared to other foods. They are therefore a healthy option for a balanced diet. However, it is important to keep an eye on the total fat content in the diet and moderate the consumption of saturated fat overall.

To summarise, Medjool dates are relatively low in saturated fat, making them a healthy choice. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that is rich in various nutrients and limits the consumption of saturated fat.

High sugar content

Medjool dates are known for their high sugar content and therefore offer a natural sweetness. This is relevant as the sugar content of a diet is important for our health. Medjool dates contain around 66 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Therefore, due to their high sugar content, they are not suitable for people with diabetes or other health problems who need to limit their sugar intake.

Nevertheless, Medjool dates can be a healthy alternative to conventional snacks made with added refined sugar. While they are high in sugar, they also provide fibre, vitamins and minerals that are important for a balanced diet. In addition, they provide natural energy and can serve as a quick energy boost before physical activity.

The top 5 relevant keywords for this section are: Sugar content, Medjool dates, snacks, natural sweetness, healthy diet.

- Discussion about the high natural sugar content of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are characterised by their high natural sugar content. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Medjool dates grow in hot climates, such as the desert. This extreme climate promotes the photosynthesis processes in the plants, which leads to a higher sugar concentration.

Secondly, Medjool dates have a thick skin that minimises water loss. As a result, more moisture is retained inside the fruit and the sugar is more concentrated. The dates absorb the water from the soil and store it for long dry periods.

The high sugar content in Medjool dates provides our body with a quick and effective source of energy. The sugar molecules are quickly converted into glucose, which raises blood sugar levels and gives us instant energy. This is particularly helpful for athletes or people who engage in intense physical activity.

The high sugar content also affects the flavour of Medjool dates. The natural sweetness makes them a delicious and popular snack option. They can be used as a natural substitute for refined sugar in recipes without compromising on flavour.

Overall, the high natural sugar content in Medjool dates is a result of their adaptation to extreme climatic conditions and provides us with a tasty source of energy. It is important to keep sugar consumption in moderation, even if it is natural sugar.

Health benefits

of eating Medjool dates and why they are particularly popular in oriental dishes and as a dessert topping. Medjool dates are not only delicious, but also have impressive health benefits. They are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for good health. This natural sweetness contains a lot of potassium, for example, which can lower blood pressure and protect the heart.

Medjool dates are often used in oriental dishes to add a unique sweet flavour. They are particularly suitable for savoury dishes such as lamb or poultry, as they perfectly complement the flavour of the meat. Medjool dates are also very popular in the preparation of desserts. They can be used as a sweet topping for ice cream, yoghurt or pudding and give these dishes a natural sweetness and a pleasant texture.

In addition to their use in oriental dishes and as a dessert topping, Medjool dates are also an ideal snack. They are a healthy alternative to sweets or savoury snacks as they are naturally sweet and contain no added sugar or additives. Medjool dates provide a quick source of energy and keep you feeling full for longer. They are also easy to digest and provide important nutrients such as fibre, which can aid digestion and lower cholesterol levels.

All in all, Medjool dates are a versatile and healthy addition to our diet. Their health benefits, delicious flavour and usability in oriental dishes, desserts and as a snack make them an essential ingredient in the kitchen.

Organic dates

Organic dates are a delicious fruit that originate from Israel. They are characterised by their high quality and offer a unique taste experience. Their soft bite and sweet flavour make them a popular choice for many people.

There are several varieties of organic dates, including Medjool, Ajwa, Sukkari, Khudri and Mabroom. Each variety has its own unique characteristics and flavours. Medjool dates, for example, are harvested in the Jericho area of Palestine. They impress with their delicious, juicy flesh with a unique caramel flavour.

The origin of the organic dates plays an important role in their quality. Israel stands for high-quality products and this also applies to organic dates. The special cultivation methods and careful processing ensure that the dates retain their excellent quality.

Overall, organic dates are a healthy and tasty choice for people who appreciate natural products. They are rich in fibre and contain many important nutrients. The different varieties offer something for every taste and the origin from Palestine gives Medjool dates a very special flavour. Try one of the different varieties for yourself and be inspired by organic dates from Israel.

- Advantages of choosing organic Medjool dates

Organic Medjool dates are an excellent choice due to their numerous advantages. The country of origin, Morocco, plays an important role, as the climate and soil conditions there are ideal for growing these exquisite fruits.

A major advantage of organic Medjool dates lies in their cultivation. Here, particular emphasis is placed on organic farming, in which no chemical fertilisers or pesticides are used. This makes the dates particularly well tolerated not only by humans but also by nature.

Another advantage is that the dates are harvested by hand. As the fruit is very delicate, harvesting it requires special care and experience. The farmers in Morocco know the secret techniques and ensure that the dates are harvested as gently as possible. This preserves all the valuable nutrients and full flavour.

To summarise, organic Medjool dates from Morocco are an excellent choice. Their organic cultivation, hand-harvesting and outstanding flavour make them a healthy and sustainable alternative to conventional dates. Convince yourself of this unique flavour!

Raw quality dates

Raw quality dates: The benefits and uses of high-quality Medjool dates

The high-quality Medjool dates are true treasures of nature and offer numerous benefits for our health. Thanks to their careful selection and emphasis on high quality standards, these dates guarantee an exceptional flavour experience.

The selection criteria for the best Medjool dates are strict. Particular attention is paid to perfect ripeness, juicy flesh and an ideal sugar content. This is the only way to guarantee the unique sweetness and tenderness of these dates. Quality plays an important role here, as only high-quality Medjool dates develop their original flavours.

Raw quality dates offer various uses beyond the classic snack. They are perfect for cooking and baking and add a natural sweetness to dishes. For example, they can be added to salads, smoothies or desserts. They are also ideal as an ingredient for energy balls or as a filling for savoury dishes.

Why not try our delicious recipes with high-quality Medjool dates? Whether it's date walnut brownies, date oat cookies or a date smoothie - the possibilities are endless and the results truly delicious. Discover the endless world of uses for raw quality dates and enjoy healthy and delicious dishes.

- Explanation of the benefits of eating raw Medjool dates

Explanation of the benefits of eating raw Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a delicious and nutritious fruit that is becoming increasingly popular in both Arabic and Western cuisine. There are a number of benefits to eating raw Medjool dates.

Firstly, Medjool dates are naturally high in fibre, which helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation. They also help to keep blood sugar levels stable and can therefore have a positive impact on metabolism.

Secondly, Medjool dates are a good source of important vitamins and minerals. For example, they contain vitamin A, which is good for eye health, and potassium, which can lower blood pressure. This fruit is also a natural source of energy due to its high carbohydrate content.

Another benefit of eating raw medjool dates is their high antioxidant content. These protect the cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals and can therefore have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Overall, raw Medjool dates offer a variety of health benefits while providing a sweet and delicious addition to the diet.

BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg box

The "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg Box" offer first-class quality for all lovers of organic dates. These dates are characterised by their nutrient-rich raw food quality, which is guaranteed by organic cultivation. This means that all essential nutrients are retained and the dates offer a natural and healthy addition to a balanced diet.

Another important advantage of these premium dates is the absence of additives. They are pure and unadulterated, without any artificial flavour enhancers or preservatives. This emphasises their naturalness and purity.

The thick and fleshy texture of these dates is also particularly striking. They are juicy and offer an intense flavour experience. Their natural sweetness makes them ideal as a healthy snack between meals or as a natural sweetener in various dishes.

Another plus point is that these dates do not shed much of their skin. During processing, the dates remain firm and the skin hardly peels off. This makes them easier to enjoy and gives the dates an extra "bite".

For those who attach great importance to sustainability, the organic bulk pack of "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates" is the ideal choice. The 2 kg box ensures that you are supplied with organic dates for a long time and reduces waste at the same time.

All in all, the "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg Box" are a high-quality and natural choice for lovers of organic dates. Their raw food quality, the absence of additives, their thick and fleshy texture, the low skin shedding and the organic bulk packaging make them a healthy and environmentally conscious treat.

The Medjool date - a true queen among dates

The Medjool date is a unique fruit that stands out for its many special properties. Its softness is unrivalled and literally melts in the mouth. Its size is also impressive, as it is larger than other date varieties. But that's not all. The caramel-like flavour of the Medjool date makes it a truly royal treat.

For good reason, it is regarded as the king's date and is prized worldwide. Its high quality and exquisite taste have made it a favourite all over the world. Whether as a snack between meals or as an ingredient in delicious desserts, the Medjool date is loved and appreciated everywhere.

You could say that the Medjool date is the queen of dates. With its special softness, impressive size and irresistible caramel-like flavour, it stands out from other date varieties. When you taste it, you feel like a king experiencing a royal treat.

Overall, the Medjool date is a true delicacy that is appreciated worldwide for its unique characteristics. Its softness, size and caramel-like flavour make it the queen of dates and a real culinary highlight.


  • BIO PREMIUM JUMBO Medjool dates, 2 kg box
  • Larger than ordinary king dates
  • Juicy, full-flavoured, mildly sweet

Scope of delivery

  • 1 x BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool dates, 2 kg box, possibly different quantities depending on the variant

Original price $75.00 - Original price $75.00
Original price
$75.00 ($0.04/g) no VAT included
$75.00 - $75.00
Current price $75.00 ($0.04/g) no VAT included
Current price $60.45 excl. VAT
Volume discount
Amount Discount Price
2+ 3% $72.75
4+ 5% $71.25

Delivery: 1-2 working days

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BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool dates, 2 kg box in detail

Our 2 kg BIO PREMIUM J UMBO Medjool dates with stone are a wonderful option for date lovers. These dates are larger than ordinary king dates and have less skin separation due to their PREMIUM quality. The packaging size of 2 kg is also more practical than the 5 kg version of our BIO JUMBO Medjool dates.

The flesh of these dates, which are grown in Israel/Jordan, is juicy and full-bodied with a mild sweetness and a fine flavour. With a thickness of 3 cm, they are particularly thick and fleshy, making them the undisputed queens of desert fruits.

The cultivation, care and harvesting of this date variety is extremely labour-intensive. The "praline of nature" must be transported with particular care.

Interestingly, it takes 7 years for Medjool date palms to bear fruit. In addition to healthy snacking, Medjool dates are also perfect for salads, smoothies and desserts of all kinds. They can open up completely new flavour experiences, especially in the exciting contrast of sweet and salty.

Our BIO PREMIUM JUMBO Medjool dates are a real treat and can melt in the mouth.

DATTELBÄR's organic dates should be stored in the fridge or freezer to preserve their quality and enjoyment for a long time. Our dates are a fresh natural product in raw food quality and contain no additives or preservatives.

Variety: Medjool
Consistency: soft, crunchy, large
Flavour: mildly sweet, caramel
Possible uses: Baking, raw food, sugar substitute, smoothies, snacking, sweetening food, gift
Ingredients: Organic dates
Origin: Israel
Weight: 2kg

Nutritional values per 100g:
- 1160 kj calorific value
- 277 kcal calorific value
- 0.2 g fat
- 0 g saturated fatty acids
- 75 g carbohydrates
- 66 g of which sugar
- 1.8 g protein
- 0 g salt

- Brief overview of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a special variety of dates that are known for their unique sweet flavour. They are grown in various regions of the world, mainly in Morocco, Israel and the USA.

Medjool dates are carefully cultivated and cared for in these regions to develop their characteristic flavour. The trees on which the dates grow require plenty of sunlight and a warm climate in order to thrive. The fruits ripen slowly over the summer months before they are harvested.

The unique sweet flavour of Medjool dates is due to the high sugar content of the fruit. They are known for their natural sweetness and juicy, soft centre. The dates have a dark brown colour and a delicate texture that melts in the mouth when eaten.

Medjool dates are also known for their health benefits. They contain a lot of fibre, vitamins and minerals, which play an important role for the body. They also provide a quick source of energy due to their high sugar content.

Overall, Medjool dates are a delicious and healthy option for enjoying dried fruit. Their unique sweetness and texture make them a popular choice for desserts, snacks or as a natural alternative to refined sugar.

- Mention of their soft texture, high sugar content and caramel flavour

Medjool dates are known for their soft texture, high sugar content and intense caramel flavour. Their delicate texture is a delight for the palate and adds a special flavour to any dish. The high sugar content provides a natural sweetness that perfectly rounds off the flavour of oriental dishes.

Medjool dates are used in a variety of ways, particularly in oriental cuisine. They are ideal as a topping for yoghurt, salads or desserts and give them a special flavour thanks to their sweetness and caramel taste. They can also be used as the main ingredient in dishes such as tajines or sweet couscous to create a unique flavour combination.

To preserve the freshness of Medjool dates, they should be stored in a cool, dry place. It is best to keep them in an airtight container in the fridge. This will keep them juicy for longer and retain their soft texture.

Overall, Medjool dates are a real delicacy with their soft texture, high sugar content and intense caramel flavour. They add the ultimate flavour to oriental dishes and can be used as a topping as well as a main ingredient. However, make sure you store them correctly to preserve their freshness.

Saturated fat content

The saturated fat content of Medjool dates is relatively low. Medjool dates are a popular variety of dates known for their sweet flavour and soft texture. They are a natural source of carbohydrates, fibre and other important nutrients.

Background knowledge shows that dates generally have a very low saturated fat content. Instead, they contain predominantly unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered healthy. The background knowledge suggests that Medjool dates are a nutrient-rich food due to their composition and can be a good alternative to saturated fats.

Saturated fats are known to raise blood cholesterol levels and can increase the risk of heart disease. It is therefore important to limit the consumption of foods high in saturated fats. Medjool dates offer a healthy alternative as they are both tasty and nutritious while being low in saturated fat.

Overall, the background information shows that Medjool dates are low in saturated fat and can therefore be a good choice for a healthy diet.

- Explanation of the saturated fat content of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a delicious natural sweet and a popular ingredient in many dishes. They are rich in nutrients such as fibre, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. The saturated fat content of Medjool dates is relatively low. In 100 grams of Medjool dates, the saturated fat content is around 0.4 grams. This low content poses no risk to health.

Saturated fatty acids are found in many animal and plant foods and can have an impact on health. A high consumption of saturated fatty acids is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of foods with a high saturated fat content.

Medjool dates contain only a small amount of saturated fat compared to other foods. They are therefore a healthy option for a balanced diet. However, it is important to keep an eye on the total fat content in the diet and moderate the consumption of saturated fat overall.

To summarise, Medjool dates are relatively low in saturated fat, making them a healthy choice. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that is rich in various nutrients and limits the consumption of saturated fat.

High sugar content

Medjool dates are known for their high sugar content and therefore offer a natural sweetness. This is relevant as the sugar content of a diet is important for our health. Medjool dates contain around 66 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Therefore, due to their high sugar content, they are not suitable for people with diabetes or other health problems who need to limit their sugar intake.

Nevertheless, Medjool dates can be a healthy alternative to conventional snacks made with added refined sugar. While they are high in sugar, they also provide fibre, vitamins and minerals that are important for a balanced diet. In addition, they provide natural energy and can serve as a quick energy boost before physical activity.

The top 5 relevant keywords for this section are: Sugar content, Medjool dates, snacks, natural sweetness, healthy diet.

- Discussion about the high natural sugar content of Medjool dates

Medjool dates are characterised by their high natural sugar content. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Medjool dates grow in hot climates, such as the desert. This extreme climate promotes the photosynthesis processes in the plants, which leads to a higher sugar concentration.

Secondly, Medjool dates have a thick skin that minimises water loss. As a result, more moisture is retained inside the fruit and the sugar is more concentrated. The dates absorb the water from the soil and store it for long dry periods.

The high sugar content in Medjool dates provides our body with a quick and effective source of energy. The sugar molecules are quickly converted into glucose, which raises blood sugar levels and gives us instant energy. This is particularly helpful for athletes or people who engage in intense physical activity.

The high sugar content also affects the flavour of Medjool dates. The natural sweetness makes them a delicious and popular snack option. They can be used as a natural substitute for refined sugar in recipes without compromising on flavour.

Overall, the high natural sugar content in Medjool dates is a result of their adaptation to extreme climatic conditions and provides us with a tasty source of energy. It is important to keep sugar consumption in moderation, even if it is natural sugar.

Health benefits

of eating Medjool dates and why they are particularly popular in oriental dishes and as a dessert topping. Medjool dates are not only delicious, but also have impressive health benefits. They are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for good health. This natural sweetness contains a lot of potassium, for example, which can lower blood pressure and protect the heart.

Medjool dates are often used in oriental dishes to add a unique sweet flavour. They are particularly suitable for savoury dishes such as lamb or poultry, as they perfectly complement the flavour of the meat. Medjool dates are also very popular in the preparation of desserts. They can be used as a sweet topping for ice cream, yoghurt or pudding and give these dishes a natural sweetness and a pleasant texture.

In addition to their use in oriental dishes and as a dessert topping, Medjool dates are also an ideal snack. They are a healthy alternative to sweets or savoury snacks as they are naturally sweet and contain no added sugar or additives. Medjool dates provide a quick source of energy and keep you feeling full for longer. They are also easy to digest and provide important nutrients such as fibre, which can aid digestion and lower cholesterol levels.

All in all, Medjool dates are a versatile and healthy addition to our diet. Their health benefits, delicious flavour and usability in oriental dishes, desserts and as a snack make them an essential ingredient in the kitchen.

Organic dates

Organic dates are a delicious fruit that originate from Israel. They are characterised by their high quality and offer a unique taste experience. Their soft bite and sweet flavour make them a popular choice for many people.

There are several varieties of organic dates, including Medjool, Ajwa, Sukkari, Khudri and Mabroom. Each variety has its own unique characteristics and flavours. Medjool dates, for example, are harvested in the Jericho area of Palestine. They impress with their delicious, juicy flesh with a unique caramel flavour.

The origin of the organic dates plays an important role in their quality. Israel stands for high-quality products and this also applies to organic dates. The special cultivation methods and careful processing ensure that the dates retain their excellent quality.

Overall, organic dates are a healthy and tasty choice for people who appreciate natural products. They are rich in fibre and contain many important nutrients. The different varieties offer something for every taste and the origin from Palestine gives Medjool dates a very special flavour. Try one of the different varieties for yourself and be inspired by organic dates from Israel.

- Advantages of choosing organic Medjool dates

Organic Medjool dates are an excellent choice due to their numerous advantages. The country of origin, Morocco, plays an important role, as the climate and soil conditions there are ideal for growing these exquisite fruits.

A major advantage of organic Medjool dates lies in their cultivation. Here, particular emphasis is placed on organic farming, in which no chemical fertilisers or pesticides are used. This makes the dates particularly well tolerated not only by humans but also by nature.

Another advantage is that the dates are harvested by hand. As the fruit is very delicate, harvesting it requires special care and experience. The farmers in Morocco know the secret techniques and ensure that the dates are harvested as gently as possible. This preserves all the valuable nutrients and full flavour.

To summarise, organic Medjool dates from Morocco are an excellent choice. Their organic cultivation, hand-harvesting and outstanding flavour make them a healthy and sustainable alternative to conventional dates. Convince yourself of this unique flavour!

Raw quality dates

Raw quality dates: The benefits and uses of high-quality Medjool dates

The high-quality Medjool dates are true treasures of nature and offer numerous benefits for our health. Thanks to their careful selection and emphasis on high quality standards, these dates guarantee an exceptional flavour experience.

The selection criteria for the best Medjool dates are strict. Particular attention is paid to perfect ripeness, juicy flesh and an ideal sugar content. This is the only way to guarantee the unique sweetness and tenderness of these dates. Quality plays an important role here, as only high-quality Medjool dates develop their original flavours.

Raw quality dates offer various uses beyond the classic snack. They are perfect for cooking and baking and add a natural sweetness to dishes. For example, they can be added to salads, smoothies or desserts. They are also ideal as an ingredient for energy balls or as a filling for savoury dishes.

Why not try our delicious recipes with high-quality Medjool dates? Whether it's date walnut brownies, date oat cookies or a date smoothie - the possibilities are endless and the results truly delicious. Discover the endless world of uses for raw quality dates and enjoy healthy and delicious dishes.

- Explanation of the benefits of eating raw Medjool dates

Explanation of the benefits of eating raw Medjool dates

Medjool dates are a delicious and nutritious fruit that is becoming increasingly popular in both Arabic and Western cuisine. There are a number of benefits to eating raw Medjool dates.

Firstly, Medjool dates are naturally high in fibre, which helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation. They also help to keep blood sugar levels stable and can therefore have a positive impact on metabolism.

Secondly, Medjool dates are a good source of important vitamins and minerals. For example, they contain vitamin A, which is good for eye health, and potassium, which can lower blood pressure. This fruit is also a natural source of energy due to its high carbohydrate content.

Another benefit of eating raw medjool dates is their high antioxidant content. These protect the cells in the body from damage caused by free radicals and can therefore have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Overall, raw Medjool dates offer a variety of health benefits while providing a sweet and delicious addition to the diet.

BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg box

The "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg Box" offer first-class quality for all lovers of organic dates. These dates are characterised by their nutrient-rich raw food quality, which is guaranteed by organic cultivation. This means that all essential nutrients are retained and the dates offer a natural and healthy addition to a balanced diet.

Another important advantage of these premium dates is the absence of additives. They are pure and unadulterated, without any artificial flavour enhancers or preservatives. This emphasises their naturalness and purity.

The thick and fleshy texture of these dates is also particularly striking. They are juicy and offer an intense flavour experience. Their natural sweetness makes them ideal as a healthy snack between meals or as a natural sweetener in various dishes.

Another plus point is that these dates do not shed much of their skin. During processing, the dates remain firm and the skin hardly peels off. This makes them easier to enjoy and gives the dates an extra "bite".

For those who attach great importance to sustainability, the organic bulk pack of "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates" is the ideal choice. The 2 kg box ensures that you are supplied with organic dates for a long time and reduces waste at the same time.

All in all, the "BIO PREMIUM Jumbo Medjool Dates, 2 kg Box" are a high-quality and natural choice for lovers of organic dates. Their raw food quality, the absence of additives, their thick and fleshy texture, the low skin shedding and the organic bulk packaging make them a healthy and environmentally conscious treat.

The Medjool date - a true queen among dates

The Medjool date is a unique fruit that stands out for its many special properties. Its softness is unrivalled and literally melts in the mouth. Its size is also impressive, as it is larger than other date varieties. But that's not all. The caramel-like flavour of the Medjool date makes it a truly royal treat.

For good reason, it is regarded as the king's date and is prized worldwide. Its high quality and exquisite taste have made it a favourite all over the world. Whether as a snack between meals or as an ingredient in delicious desserts, the Medjool date is loved and appreciated everywhere.

You could say that the Medjool date is the queen of dates. With its special softness, impressive size and irresistible caramel-like flavour, it stands out from other date varieties. When you taste it, you feel like a king experiencing a royal treat.

Overall, the Medjool date is a true delicacy that is appreciated worldwide for its unique characteristics. Its softness, size and caramel-like flavour make it the queen of dates and a real culinary highlight.


  • BIO PREMIUM JUMBO Medjool dates, 2 kg box
  • Larger than ordinary king dates
  • Juicy, full-flavoured, mildly sweet

Ideally suited for

  • Health-conscious people
  • Athletes & active people
  • Vegetarians & vegans
  • Pregnant women
  • Elderly people

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