High blood pressureoften referred to as the "silent killer", affects millions of people worldwide without them realizing it. This disease occurs when the pressure in the blood vessels is chronically increased and can lead to serious health problems.
In most cases High blood pressure either primary, which means that no clear cause can be identified, or secondary, which is due to other diseases. Genetic predispositions, lifestyle and environmental factors play a decisive role here.
In this article we will discuss effective methods for treating High blood pressure including lifestyle changes, drug therapy and prevention strategies to improve your health. Health to protect and improve the environment.
The treatment of High blood pressure often combines lifestyle changes with medication to lower blood pressure and reduce risks. There are various antihypertensive Medicationwhich must be individually adapted. In addition to medication, the following measures can help:
Blood pressure monitoring is important. Regular measurements, both at home and in the long term at the doctor's, are necessary. These help to evaluate the success of the therapy.
In cases of secondary hypertension, such as narrowed renal arteries, treating the cause through surgery can mean that patients do not have to endure lifelong hypertension. Medication need.
High blood pressure effectively often requires a comprehensive and customized strategy.
High blood pressurealso known as arterial hypertension, is a disease in which the pressure in the arteries is increased. It affects around 30 million people in Germany. People over the age of 60 are particularly frequently affected, with a probability of 60 percent.
Symptoms and risks
High blood pressure often has no symptoms and is therefore referred to as "the silent death". Without treatment, it can cause serious health problems such as stroke or Heart failure occur.
The main causes are:
- Overweight
- Lack of exercise
- Rich in salt Nutrition
- Stress
A healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk.
High blood pressure is diagnosed by repeatedly measuring the blood pressure. The two measured values, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, help to determine the condition.
With the right treatment and a healthy lifestyle High blood pressure be brought under control.
High blood pressure can be divided into primary and secondary hypertension. Both have different causes and affect the body in different ways.
Primary hypertension
Primary hypertension, also known as essential hypertension, is the most common form. It occurs in around 85 percent of people with high blood pressure. The exact causes are often unknown, but various factors contribute to it:
Family tendencyGenetic factors play a role.
LifestyleLack of exercise and high salt consumption increase the risk.
Stress and ageStress exacerbates the problem; in women the risk increases after the menopause.
Primary hypertension often occurs together with obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood lipid levels. This multifactorial disease is caused by genes, Nutrition and lifestyle.
Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension is caused by organic disorders. Common causes are
Kidney diseasesOften due to arterial constriction.
Hormonal problemsTumors can increase hormone production.
Sleep apneaThis can increase blood pressure.
Treating the underlying disease can often lower blood pressure. Even after successful treatment, medication may be necessary to stabilize blood pressure. There are often no recognizable symptoms, which can make diagnosis more difficult.
High blood pressurealso known as arterial hypertension, is influenced by various factors. These factors can be divided into two main categories: genetic and lifestyle factors.
Genetic factors
Essential hypertension, which accounts for more than 90 percent of cases, often has a genetic component. A family tendency to high blood pressure is common. Genetic abnormalities can constrict the arterioles and thus increase blood pressure. In addition, genetic risks often occur together with obesity, type 2Diabetes and elevated blood lipid levels, which indicates a deeper genetic involvement. Women also have higher blood pressure levels after the menopause, which shows a genetic imprint at different stages of life.
Lifestyle-related factors
A healthy lifestyle is crucial for the prevention and treatment of High blood pressure. Regular exercise, such as daily walking or Sportcan lower blood pressure. A balanced Nutritionrich in vegetables, fruit and whole grains, is also important. Highly salted foods should also be avoided. Avoiding alcohol and nicotine can help considerably. Stress control and sufficient Sleep also help to regulate blood pressure.
Here are some measures to lower blood pressure:
- Reducing body weight: losing 10 kg can lower blood pressure by 5-20 mmHg.
- Limitation of alcohol: Recommended maximum amount is 14 units per week for men, 8 for women.
Smoking cessationAvoiding smoking helps to lower blood pressure and maintain vascular elasticity.
The combination of genetic and lifestyle factors significantly determines the risk and level of blood pressure. Adjusting your lifestyle is the first and most important measure to reduce blood pressure.
High blood pressurealso known as arterial hypertension, is often discovered late. Initially there are no typical symptoms. The possible signs include Headache, Dizziness, Nosebleed and ringing in the ears. Also Sleep disorders can occur. Severely elevated blood pressure can cause serious symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath and visual disturbances. These signs may indicate organ damage. A hypertensive emergency is indicated by Dizzinessvisual disturbances and signs of paralysis. Such emergencies are often associated with values above 230/130 mmHg. Some people also feel inner restlessness, tiredness and Hot flushes.
Asymptomatic courses
Many people have High blood pressurebut do not notice any symptoms. Older adults are particularly affected. This silent danger can lead to long-term damage. High blood pressure is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It is important to check your blood pressure regularly. Older people in particular should pay attention to this, even if they feel healthy. This allows the disease to be detected at an early stage.
Complications and secondary diseases
High blood pressure can lead to Heart failure lead to a heart attack. The left ventricle enlarges due to the constant pressure. Also Arteriosclerosis is promoted. This increases the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Strokes are a frequent consequence. Up to 70 percent occur in people with hypertension. Further complications are Kidney failure and vascular dementia. Hypertensive retinopathy can also develop. Changes in the heart, such as thickened heart walls, are also possible. Cardiac arrhythmia are not excluded.
Overall, it is important, High blood pressure effectively. These include blood pressure-lowering Medication and a healthy lifestyle. Regular medical check-ups are crucial to keep the disease under control.
The diagnosis of High blood pressurealso known as hypertension, is determined by repeated blood pressure measurements. A value above 140/90 mmHg is considered elevated. In order to obtain an accurate picture, a 24-hourBlood pressure measurement can be helpful. This allows diurnal fluctuations to be recorded and "masked hypertension" can also be detected. It is important to check for possible causes such as secondary hypertension, especially in young patients or those with very high values. A comprehensive diagnosis can also include urine and hormone tests, as well as ultrasound examinations of the heart and the Kidneys include. A thorough medical history helps to identify previous illnesses that could be the cause.
With the Blood pressure measurement two values are recorded: the systolic and the diastolic value. The systolic value measures the highest pressure in the arteries, while the diastolic value indicates the lowest pressure. For self-measurement at home, blood pressure should be measured in the morning and evening after a rest period of five minutes. You should refrain from eating or smoking for 30 minutes before the measurement, Coffee or Sport to obtain accurate values. Several measurements at intervals of one to two minutes are important in order to obtain a reliable result. A measurement diary helps to systematically document the blood pressure values.
Further diagnostic procedures
Additional diagnostic procedures take into account risk factors such as smoking, obesity and lack of exercise. Blood tests, urinalysis and examination of the back of the eye are helpful. An electrocardiogram (ECG) can Cardiac arrhythmia recognize. Echocardiograms and kidney examinations are also useful for identifying structural changes. X-rays and hormone analyses provide further important information for the diagnosis of High blood pressure. These diverse examination methods help to obtain a comprehensive picture of the health situation.
Treatment approaches
The treatment of High blood pressure is usually a gradual process. Lifestyle changes come first, followed by medication if necessary. Successful therapy requires cooperation between patient and doctor. Treatment strategies and blood pressure targets are determined together. In this way, blood pressure can be permanently controlled.
Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes are often the first step to lowering blood pressure, especially if it is above 130/80 mmHg. Here are some helpful measures:
Healthy NutritionReduce salt and saturated fats.
Regular exerciseAt least 30 minutes on most days.
Stress management: Exercises like Yoga or Meditation.
Control of consumptionLess alcohol and no smoking.
A permanently healthy lifestyle can reduce the need for Medication reduce. But sometimes these changes alone are not enough.
Drug therapy
If blood pressure remains high despite lifestyle changes Medication come into play. Antihypertensives work in different ways. There are over six points of attack, which are based on Kidneysheart and blood vessels. Sometimes several Medication as the maximum effect is often only visible after 3 to 4 weeks. It is important to Medication regularly and consistently. Abrupt discontinuation can increase risks.
A common combination to start with is an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker with a calcium blocker or diuretic. Regular check-ups are crucial, as lifelong use may be necessary to prevent a relapse.
Set therapy target values
The main objective in the treatment of High blood pressure is to lower blood pressure permanently. The ideal target value is below 140/90 mmHg. A diastolic value of less than 80 mmHg should be aimed for in all patients, regardless of concomitant illnesses or the degree of risk. For patients with chronic kidney disease and proteinuria, a systolic value below 130 mmHg is recommended. Elderly patients aged 65 to 80 years should aim for a systolic blood pressure between 130-139 mmHg. Patients over 80 years of age should also maintain this range, provided they tolerate the therapy well.
The European Society of Cardiology recommends achieving individual target values between 120-129/70-79 mmHg if the therapy is well tolerated. Individual therapy adjustment is necessary to achieve the best results.
Individual customizations
Each treatment must be tailored to the individual patient in order to achieve the best possible result. There are many antihypertensive Medicationwhich have different mechanisms of action. This means that different treatment strategies can be implemented. A step-by-step approach is often followed, in which one medication is administered first and others are added as required.
Close cooperation between patient and doctor is crucial for the success of the therapy. To lower blood pressure effectively, both lifestyle changes and drug treatments should be considered. A healthy lifestyle can make a big difference:
- Less salt consumption
- Regular exercise
- Weight control
- Avoidance of stress
These changes can play an important role in blood pressure control.
Individual customizations
The treatment of High blood pressure must be individually adjusted to be optimally effective. There are many antihypertensive Medication which have different effects. This means that different treatment strategies can be used.
A frequently used approach is the step-by-step plan. This involves starting with one medication and adding others as required. Cooperation between patient and doctor is important here. Only then can the therapy be successful.
In addition to drug treatment, lifestyle changes are also crucial. Measures to lower blood pressure could include
- Leading a healthy lifestyle
- Reduce salt consumption
- Regular exercise
- Balanced Nutrition
Individual adjustment of treatment is essential to keep your blood pressure under control in the long term. Together with your doctor, you will find the best steps to improve your Health find.
Review of the treatment
The treatment of High blood pressure often requires a combination of lifestyle changes and antihypertensive medication. One aim is to reduce blood pressure to below 140/90 mmHg. With confirmed High blood pressure patients should start medication immediately and adjust their lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle can be helpful. This includes regular exercise, a healthy Nutrition and the reduction of high salt consumption. An ultrasound examination of the Kidneys can distinguish between primary and secondary High blood pressure differentiate.
The therapy must be individually tailored to the patient. Close cooperation between doctor and patient is crucial. Particularly in older patients, it is important to adjust the therapy at systolic values of 130-139 mmHg if the therapy is well tolerated.
Checklist for high blood pressure treatment:
- Regular blood pressure monitoring
- Healthy Nutrition comply
- Integrating exercise into everyday life
Medication Take regularly
- Keeping doctor's appointments
This approach supports effective treatment and better blood pressure control.
Prevention options
High blood pressure can often be avoided by making lifestyle changes. These are the key to Prevention. A balanced Nutritionregular exercise and avoiding harmful substances help to control blood pressure. These measures are also important for people with high normal blood pressure values in order to prevent the possible development of hypertension.
A healthy Nutrition can lower blood pressure by 8 to 14 mmHg. Fruit, vegetables and fish are particularly recommended. Potassium-rich foods such as fruit and nuts should be eaten regularly. Reduce your salt intake, as there is too much salt in ready meals and bread. Certain foods such as green Tea and beet have blood pressure-lowering properties. A balanced Nutrition also protects against cardiovascular diseases.
Physical activity
Regular physical activity can lower blood pressure by 4 to 9 mmHg. Endurance sports such as Nordic walking, Cycling or Swimming are ideal. They should be done five to seven days a week for 30 minutes. Exercise is also important in old age. It helps to lower blood pressure, reduce weight and increase well-being. An active lifestyle is crucial for people with primary hypertension.
Stress can increase blood pressure in the short term. However, when the stress subsides, blood pressure returns to normal. Several measurements are therefore necessary to High blood pressure to diagnose. Relaxation methods such as forest walks and mental techniques such as Yoga help to reduce stress. Regular exercise and Relaxation reduce inner tension and support the effect of drug treatment. A healthy Balance between tension and Relaxation is crucial for blood pressure.
Table: Foods and activities that lower high blood pressure
These preventive measures contribute to a permanently lower blood pressure.
High blood pressureknown medically as arterial hypertension, is often treated with medication. These Medication help to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The main groups of Pharmaceuticals include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (sartans), Diuretics, Calcium-antagonists and beta-blockers. These improve blood pressure permanently.
If regular treatment does not sufficiently reduce high blood pressure, doctors may prescribe additional antihypertensive drugs such as Spironolactone prescribe. The important thing is, Medication to take regularly. In addition to medication, a healthy lifestyle, a low-salt diet and a healthy diet also help. Nutrition and more movement.
Blood pressure lowering Medication often have to be taken for life. They are useful if the blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or higher. Risk factors such as Diabetes mellitus or coronary heart disease increase the need for drug therapy.
Sometimes lifestyle changes are enough to keep blood pressure under control. These include weight loss, less salt and more exercise. If these measures do not help and the blood pressure remains too high despite therapy, surgery may be considered.
ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
ACE inhibitors block the enzyme that produces angiotensin II. This lowers blood pressure. Typical Medication end in "-pril", like Ramipril or Lisinopril.
Side effects may include a dry, irritating cough or, in rare cases, angioedema, which can cause facial swelling. During the Pregnancy these Medication should be avoided, as they can harm the unborn child.
Sartans (angiotensin antagonists)
Sartans cancel out the effect of angiotensin II and thus lower blood pressure. They are an alternative to ACE inhibitors and are less likely to cause coughing. However, they are not recommended during pregnancy.
Sartans can be used as a single therapy or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. They act directly on the angiotensin II receptor and prevent its blood pressure-increasing effect.
Diuretics are draining Medicationwhich increase the amount of urine and thus reduce the pressure in the blood vessels. ThiazideDiuretics are often the first choice for the treatment of High blood pressure.
Side effects include an increased urge to urinate and loss of minerals. A potassium-rich Nutrition or potassium supplements can counteract a deficiency. Diuretics are best taken in the morning to avoid having to go to the toilet at night.
Source: istockphoto Wavebreakmedia
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