Product details & mandatory information
10 litre oxygen cylinder - Detailed product description
We offer you a medical oxygen cylinder that complies with the provisions of the German Medicines Act thanks to its outstanding product properties. As the most important gas in anaesthesia and for enriching breathing air, medical oxygen is indispensable. To ensure increased safety, this cylinder has a residual pressure valve. This prevents impurities from entering the cylinder when it is empty. This means that when the cylinder empties, there is still sufficient residual pressure for protection. To ensure the safety of the cylinder, the pressurised cylinder must undergo a thorough technical inspection every 10 years. Delivery is carried out in accordance with current regulations for the transport of hazardous goods, as oxygen has a fire-accelerating effect. In addition to the oxygen cylinder, we recommend a pressure reducer and oxygen masks as accessories, which are also available from us. On request, we can automatically remind you to replace the oxygen filling every three years and can also arrange this for you.
Target groups & application areas
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Emergency services
- Nursing
- Hospital
- Home therapy
Advantages & features
- With residual pressure valve
- Reminder when replacement is due (if required)