Product details & mandatory information
Nystatin acis mouth gel in detail
The total dose should not be exceeded without consulting a doctor or pharmacist.Mode of application?
Apply the medicine to the oral mucosa. Spread the medicine there for a few minutes and then swallow it. It is also advisable to swab the affected areas with a cotton bud previously dipped in the medicine.
Duration of use?
You should not use the medicine for longer than 28 days without medical advice. If symptoms persist or recur regularly, you should consult your doctor. Use should be continued for at least 2 days after the symptoms have disappeared.
No overdose symptoms are known. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
Have you forgotten to use it?
Continue the application at the next prescribed time as normal (i.e. not with double the amount).
As a general rule: Pay particular attention to conscientious dosing for infants, small children and older people. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautionary measures.
A dosage prescribed by a doctor may differ from the information in the package leaflet. Since the doctor will adjust it individually, you should therefore use the medicine according to his instructions.
Storage before opening
The medicine must be stored away from heat.
Storage after opening or preparation
The medicinal product may be used for a maximum of 4 weeks after opening/preparation!
The medicinal product must be stored at room temperature after opening/preparation.
- Hypersensitivity to the ingredients
What about pregnancy and breastfeeding?
- Pregnancy: According to current knowledge, the medicine has no harmful effects on the development of your child or the birth.
- Breastfeeding: According to current knowledge, there is no indication that the medicinal product should not be used during breastfeeding.
If you have been prescribed the medicine despite a contraindication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit may be greater than the risk associated with use in the case of a contraindication.what adverse effects may occur?
- Gastrointestinal complaints, such as
- nausea
- vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Hypersensitivity reactions of the skin, such as
- skin rash
- hives
If you notice any discomfort or change during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
The information provided here is based primarily on side effects that occur in at least one in 1,000 patients treated.
- Caution in case of allergy to fungicides (e.g. amphotericin B, nystatin)!
- Parabens (preservatives e.g. E 214 - E 219) can cause hypersensitivity reactions, even with a time delay.
- Take care if you are intolerant to sucrose. If you have to follow a diabetes diet, you should take the sugar content into account.
- Caution in case of allergy to Peru balsam and cinnamon.
How does the ingredient of the medicine work?
The active ingredient damages the outer shell, the so-called cell membrane of fungi. This envelope thus loses part of its function, cell components are released and the cell can disintegrate. Depending on the concentration of the active ingredient, the fungi are inhibited in their growth and reproduction or killed directly.
- Fungal infections with yeast fungi (Candida), such as:- Fungal infections in the oral cavity (thrush)There are various types of fungi that can cause a disease. Only the doctor can decide whether the medicine is effective against the infection in question.Dosage
1 g3-6 times dailyChildren from 2 years and adults after a mealIn infants from 4 months and toddlers up to 2 years, it is advisable to apply 0.5-1 g of gel to the oral cavity before and after meals.Maximum dose: In severe cases, it can be taken every 2 hours.Dosing aid: A measuring container is enclosed with the medicine to ensure correct dosing.Target groups & application areas
Advantages & features
- Oral gel for the treatment of fungal infections in the oral cavity
- For yeast fungi such as Candida
- Special dosage recommendations for children and infants
Important notes
For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
The seller reserves the right to carry out a pharmaceutical check by our pharmacists on the quantity of the medicine ordered. This may result in reductions in your order for this product. The invoice amount will then be adjusted automatically.
The reason for this is our pharmaceutical duty of care.
1 g gel contains: | |
Nystatin | 100000 International Units |
Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (HST) | 1.8 mg |
Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (HST) | 0.2 mg |
Glycerol 85% (HST) | + |
Sucrose (HST) | 466.89 mg |
Hyetellose (HST) | + |
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate (HST) | + |
disodium hydrogen phosphate (HST) | + |
Water, purified (HST) | + |
Raspberry flavour (HST) | + |
Cinnamaldehyde (HST) | + |
propylene glycol (HST) | 5.4 mg |
Geraniol (HST) | + |
citronellol (HST) | + |
linalool (HST) | + |
Ethanol (HST) | 0.0005 mg |